More men are single than women?

As someone said upthread, young women marrying older men likely accounts for most of this.

As usual, there’s a logical, boring, common sense answer.

But sit back and watch people here put on their tinfoil hats and speculate wildly about how it’s political or the result of some conspiracy or another.
But hasn't women marrying older men always been the case, so this 60% figure on single young men is higher than normal in their age range?

What I've been reading on it is that social media, and social media manipulative skill lacking, and less one on one contact hurt worse by COVID restrictions, is failing both young males and younger teen females, leading to higher suicides in girls.... It's a mess alright!

When I was younger, before social media on the internet, they...whomever "they" are... were saying that Video gaming, was the problem....

I think less contact with females, equals less chance of sparks being fired, and Cupid to shoot his arrow....
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No, we boomers had nothing handed down to us because most of our parents didn't have much to hand down. We worked more hours than most people do today.
Society handed you a highly functional economy with good infrastructure, cheap education, significant economic opportunity and practically no debt.

You cashed all that in and took it for yourselves leaving the next generation with none of it.

Crumbling infrastructure
Massive debt
Expensive education

And now you expect us to pay your social security and Medicare because you’re entitled to my paycheck.
I think a lot of women just don't understand that us men are very simple beings. They make sht too darned difficult. It's like they have you running an obstacle course or something. Completely unnecessary...

People my age tend to check out of that whole scene by choice.

The younger generation, I think it's more by necessity. The worst thing you can do as a young person is get into a relationship with someone just to make ends meet.

Of course, you have that whole cultural Marxism thing going, too, given that single white males particularly are considered the devil. That's certainly something that drives the younger generation of males to check out and sit around playing video games and whatnot all day.
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What is with you leftists and your extremely terrible comprehension skills anyway? Does it have something to do with public education or something?

I never said a reduction in social programs will make more people, I said a reduction in social programs will make more people have to find a job and work.
And I said that reducing social programs won’t be enough because population is going to be shrinking.

Even if you got your way, we still have a huge labor crisis. Probably worse because those social programs benefit working families and would make it even harder to have kids.
Also single men are to be blamed in a large capacity for being single. If a man is single and Unhappy about it they need to act on it and stop complaining like a little shit….. Be a Man about it rise above the filth around you like so many great man of history have. There’s a lot of wonderful women out there ready to meet a man.

The reason why this is happening is because too many guys rely on social dating sites like tinder or And that is a disaster at least it is for many men.. A lot of people on social media are not the same as in their pictures and there’s all sorts of issues with Internet dating. Now Internet dating has worked for a small percentage of people but studies are showing that it has its problems.

The much better way is the cold approach. Just get off the computer and meet a woman at the mall at the grocery store, at a bar. It’s much much better that way.
Young people are choosing work over families so that's exactly how you want things. The 50s are over.....thankfully.
Exactly how I "want things" is people to take responsibility for themselves.
I am a conservative. As such it works like this...
The responsibility of a person...
#1 - Yourself
#2 - A Spouse
#3 - Family & Friends
#4 - Charitable Organizations
#5 - Society
That is how it should work. The Government should be the last resort for anyone to get help.
My Generation (Gen X) screwed up a lot of things. We are the ones that built the "Debt as income" mentality where people borrowed $10,000s on credit cards, houses they couldn't possibly afford and work 80 hours a week to try and keep it all afloat. Millennials are doing better. They had a rough start, but as they are now in their 30s they are doing a better job of work/life balance than my generation.
But Gen Z... holy shit. They want to live like teenagers for the rest of their lives and have everyone else take care of them. They are the center of their own universe and think they are so important that the world should adjust for them.
i don't know how Gen Z is going to play out - but right now.. absolutely looking to be the worst generation in U.S. history. Generally speaking.
What is with you leftists and your extremely terrible comprehension skills anyway? Does it have some thing to do with public education or something?

I never said a reduction in social programs will make more people, I said a reduction in social programs will make more people have to find a job and work.
And if they still don't come back then what?
Exactly how I "want things" is people to take responsibility for themselves.
I am a conservative. As such it works like this...
The responsibility of a person...
#1 - Yourself
#2 - A Spouse
#3 - Family & Friends
#4 - Charitable Organizations
#5 - Society
That is how it should work. The Government should be the last resort for anyone to get help.
My Generation (Gen X) screwed up a lot of things. We are the ones that built the "Debt as income" mentality where people borrowed $10,000s on credit cards, houses they couldn't possibly afford and work 80 hours a week to try and keep it all afloat. Millennials are doing better. They had a rough start, but as they are now in their 30s they are doing a better job of work/life balance than my generation.
But Gen Z... holy shit. They want to live like teenagers for the rest of their lives and have everyone else take care of them. They are the center of their own universe and think they are so important that the world should adjust for them.
i don't know how Gen Z is going to play out - but right now.. absolutely looking to be the worst generation in U.S. history. Generally speaking.
That's a broad generalization. If there's less people having kids there's less people who need assistance. So that's works out the way you want it. Not buying a house, not getting married, working and saving are what the nation needs.
I stayed single all of my life. I'm out of the dating thing at this age. When I was younger people warned me I would regret my decision never to marry or have children. Now that I'm older, it was the best decision I ever made.

I love women. I like talking with them on the phone, learning about their ambitions and life experiences, but once I do, I'm bored with them. I lived with a woman (with children) twice in my life. When it was time to move on, we parted ways and they just packed their stuff and left. No lawyers, no property arguments, no courts or judges.

I love my single lonely life. I have no dining room table in my dining room. I have this computer setup, a dartboard setup, and my electric keyboard. In my small living room I have an 80" HD television. If I want to drink beer all night, I just do it. If I want to come here and debate politics for hours on end, I just do it. I don't like anybody telling me what to do, where I'm going to have to go, or complaining on how I spend my time. If I want to stay up until 3:00 in the morning, that's what I do and not worry about how another person feels about my decisions in life.

I think that's what's happening around our country. I like to watch HGTV when there's no global warming. The top concern for married men is a space they want to call their Man Cave. More and more I think we men need our own space to do what we want. For me, my entire apartment is my man cave.
That's a broad generalization. If there's less people having kids there's less people who need assistance. So that's works out the way you want it. Not buying a house, not getting married, working and saving are what the nation needs.
yeah... no
This generation is not interested in any of those things, work being the last thing on earth they want to do.
Hospitals everywhere are in critical need of staff. The young coming in all want to be PRN (in the medical world PRN is what they call part-timers) They don't want to work weekends, nights, holidays and will literally quit and go somewhere else if they are scheduled otherwise.
My daughter is a charge RT. She is responsible for scheduling tasks for about 24 RTs when she is on duty (major metro hospital) in the past couple years everyday she has to constantly put up with young staff. She has been doing this for 9 years... only had this problem in the last couple years.
My son is a Respiratory Specialist at one of the Midwest largest Childrens Hospitals, ranked #9 out of 250 childrens hospitals nationwide. Same thing. They simply cannot find enough young staff to replace retirees etc. Same thing... all the new staff are only interested in PRN and working when they want to... most living at home still. They entered the health industry, but don't give a rats ass about patients. Only themselves. Some of the staff that have been there for decades say it has never been like this before, most new staff are anxious to get all the experience they can = not GenZs they just want to earn enough money for play time. Still living at home.

I love my single lonely life. I have no dining room table in my dining room. I have this computer setup, a dartboard setup, and my electric keyboard. In my small living room I have an 80" HD television. If I want to drink beer all night, I just do it. If I want to come here and debate politics for hours on end, I just do it. I don't like anybody telling me what to do, where I'm going to have to go, or complaining on how I spend my time. If I want to stay up until 3:00 in the morning, that's what I do and not worry about how another person feels about my decisions in life.
^^^^^ Classic example of a little boy who never grew up to be a MAN. Pathetic.
It said more _young_ men are single than _young_ women.

That's because women marrying older men is much more common than the reverse.
It may also be how men and women define relationship terms.

A woman who is engaged is in a relationship. A man who is engaged is single.
yeah... no
This generation is not interested in any of those things, work being the last thing on earth they want to do.
Hospitals everywhere are in critical need of staff. The young coming in all want to be PRN (in the medical world PRN is what they call part-timers) They don't want to work weekends, nights, holidays and will literally quit and go somewhere else if they are scheduled otherwise.
My daughter is a charge RT. She is responsible for scheduling tasks for about 24 RTs when she is on duty (major metro hospital) in the past couple years everyday she has to constantly put up with young staff. She has been doing this for 9 years... only had this problem in the last couple years.
My son is a Respiratory Specialist at one of the Midwest largest Childrens Hospitals, ranked #9 out of 250 childrens hospitals nationwide. Same thing. They simply cannot find enough young staff to replace retirees etc. Same thing... all the new staff are only interested in PRN and working when they want to... most living at home still. They entered the health industry, but don't give a rats ass about patients. Only themselves. Some of the staff that have been there for decades say it has never been like this before, most new staff are anxious to get all the experience they can = not GenZs they just want to earn enough money for play time. Still living at home.

Adults living at home is a huge problem today because the parents welcome it. They want their adult children to live at home for as long as possible.

In my day we had what was called the generation gap. We loved our parents and they loved us, but on many issues we didn't see eye to eye. Today parents are friends more than parents. They won't kick your ass out of the house because you want to play video games in the basement all day smoking pot. When I was young, if a kid was doing that, the parents threw them right out; not because of anger, but because they knew that was the only way to force them to grow up already.
To me, it is more like a classic example of a little boy who grew up to be his own man. :thup:
The lack of significant social relationships is bad for people’s health.

Substance abuse
Premature death.

We should never prioritize playing with toys over being part of society.
And I said that reducing social programs won’t be enough because population is going to be shrinking.

Even if you got your way, we still have a huge labor crisis. Probably worse because those social programs benefit working families and would make it even harder to have kids.

Social programs only influence people to work many less hours. I worked with industry, I seen what's going on. States that increased their minimum wage got people to work less hours because too much money meant a reduction in benefits.

If you want kids, fine, but support them yourself. Don't depend on your neighbor supporting your kids because you weren't responsible enough to learn a trade or career to make enough money to support them.

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