More NY voters view Trump favorably than Ocasio-Cortez: Poll

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

Straight from the horse's mouth!!!!!

You go girl!


Washington Examiner ^ | 3/19/19

More registered voters in the state of New York view President Trump favorably than outspoken left-wing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., according to the latest poll numbers from the Siena College Research Institute.

While neither politician crossed the 40 favorability percent threshold, Trump had the backing of 36 percent of people surveyed, compared to Ocasio-Cortez's 31 percent. Trump, though, triggered a larger group of people who viewed him unfavorably, 60 percent, compared to Ocasio-Cortez's 44 percent. Large portions of those surveyed said they were unfamiliar with the first-term lawmaker representing Queens and the Bronx.

Ocasio-Cortez receives the majority of her support from New York City, while upstate voters and voters from the downstate suburbs view her unfavorably at nearly 50 percent each. The majority of voters in all three regions view Trump unfavorably.

One of the major topics of the poll was Amazon's recently scrapped plans to construct a new headquarters in Queens after facing opposition by local activists, and Ocasio-Cortez, for what they viewed was an unfair deal that served Amazon more than helping neighboring New Yorkers. Amazon pulled out of the deal shortly thereafter, leading some New York leaders to decry the opposition's efforts.

More than two-thirds of polled voters viewed the failure of the Amazon deal as bad for New York and a large majority of voters, 61 percent, would be open to Amazon reconsidering its decision and returning to the area. When asked the roles many local politicians had in the failure of the Amazon deal, Ocasio-Cortez, more than any other person associated with the deal's collapse, was viewed as a villain. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who sought to persuade Amazon to reverse its decision, was viewed as more of a hero.

The poll measured responses from 700 registered voters in New York, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.

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