More obama Mystery and Deception...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004

Filmmaker claims black man removed from 2012 campaign Facebook image

Does a family photograph of a young Barack Obama posted on the president’s Facebook campaign page offer a clue to the identity of his real father?

A professional graphic artist who examined the 1973 photo believes the image of Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, was airbrushed into the scene to cover up an African-American man who was standing next to Obama at the Honolulu airport.

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, who commissioned the analysis, told WND there’s substantial evidence that the man in the original photograph was Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist Party member, pro-Soviet propagandist and pornographer who played a fatherly role in Obama’s teen years.

In his full-length documentary “Dreams from My Real Father,” Gilbert presents a compelling case that Davis was Obama’s biological father as well as his ideological mentor. He believes the Dunham family recruited the Kenyan student Barack Hussein Obama to act as the father, to cover up an illicit affair with a subversive political activist.

Gilbert posted a page on his website at the time this article was published with details of his find.


[ame=]Dreams from My Real Father: The Hand of Frank Marshall Davis - YouTube[/ame]

Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery
Huh....that does look pretty strange!!
Can't wait for the crap to fly with the lefties on this one!!! Lol!
Huh....that does look pretty strange!!
Can't wait for the crap to fly with the lefties on this one!!! Lol!

It'll no doubt be the same old name calling and complete denials of anything wrong. I can hear it already. The truth is the last thing they're interested in.
i think reuters is/are the photoshop switcheroo experts.

i love when the pictures come around. remember "manhands" from seinfeld.

obama will say "it was meant to be sillyness... you know, a gag for the people"...

but it really is on facebook:

how come you can see the arm and the wall on the right side ? very strange indeed. what's with the white flag ?
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