Your daily "I hate Hillary" thread.
And your daily "I can't bring myself to accept the reality about Hitlery Clinton" post.

I accept the reality that she lost the election and is no longer a factor in US politics. I accepted that on November 9th.

The question is why do you constantly go on and on and on about her? Why are you so obsessed with her and why can't YOU move on?

Can you imagine if the liberals on this forum had been starting a dozen threads a day bashing Mitt Romney for a year AFTER the 2012 election?

How stupid would that have looked? Well, that's how stupid this looks.
Barry Hussein Obama may get to realize his muslim dreams before his death? Nukes will rain down on Tel Aviv someway somehow someday ASAP. Hence the last minutes rush to funnel cash in secret, but got discovered. Trump if you read me.......sic em'
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Your daily "I hate Hillary" thread.
And your daily "I can't bring myself to accept the reality about Hitlery Clinton" post.

I accept the reality that she lost the election and is no longer a factor in US politics. I accepted that on November 9th.

The question is why do you constantly go on and on and on about her? Why are you so obsessed with her and why can't YOU move on?

Can you imagine if the liberals on this forum had been starting a dozen threads a day bashing Mitt Romney for a year AFTER the 2012 election?

How stupid would that have looked? Well, that's how stupid this looks.
It is all they have besides admitting tRump is a fraud and they got screwed!
It's easy to debunk. The number of voters who prioritized uranium in their decision who to vote for is such a small number it never even shows up in any survey of voter priorities.
You should probably start from the beginning of the thread and read everything carefully and slowly. It would appear you're struggling to follow along.

(Hint: Dragonlady is claiming it never happened - not that it happened and cost Hitlery the presidency).
Using Breitbart as a source you rehash all of the lies Trump has been telling about the uranium deal.
My dear Canadian friend...this scandal broke long before Donald Trump was ever elected President. :lmao:

Yes and it's been thoroughly debunked, time and time again. Do the question is why are you rehashing yet again?

Why are the Russians pushing this story at this time, because it is the Russians who are pushing it.
By the lying media? LMAO!
and can not be exported.
Seriously C4A - that is the lamest left-wing excuse of all of them around this issue. For starters, cocaine can't be imported in the U.S., but is by the billions every single day.

Second - even if that were true (and logical people know otherwise), it still deprives the U.S. of a precious resource for national security. And if we buy it back from them for our nuclear arsenal, we are making our enemy filthy rich. It's a special kind of stupid that only the left could even attempt to deny or defend.
Breitbart is the biggest scandal in political history.

I think we all know the Clintons pretty well have that title wrapped up.

Obama the most incompetent and destructive, Clintons most corrupt.

The Clintons, who have never been charged with a crime, who have been subjected to 25 years of Republican witch hunts paid for with $100 million of taxpayers' money, which have turned up NOTHING, are either the smartest criminals the world has ever seen, or there was nothing to find in the first place.

There are no witnesses, no evidence and no charges after 25 years of Republican lead investigations, Congressional hearings and even a special prosecutor.

And even with admissions after every investigation that the Clintons haven't committed or covered up any crimes, you still claim they're criminals.

There truly is no cure for stupid.
Trump publically says he doesn't care that 4 soldiers got killed as he says "they knew what they signed up for" but let 4 get killed in benghazi and Hillary is at fault.
The lack of mental acuity shown by the reich in this thread is a prime example of why Clinton lost, ,or lack thereof, washing on the reich.
Using Breitbart as a source you rehash all of the lies Trump has been telling about the uranium deal.
My dear Canadian friend...this scandal broke long before Donald Trump was ever elected President. :lmao:

Yes and it's been thoroughly debunked, time and time again. Do the question is why are you rehashing yet again?

Why are the Russians pushing this story at this time, because it is the Russians who are pushing it.

The question is, if it was debunked and not an issue, why do you care?

Let the FBI determine if this is an issue or not. Judging by the number of agents in New York who were going to go rogue if Comey didn't speak the truth about the Clinton investigation, my guess is there are plenty of good men and women in the FBI willing to speak if asked (and if immune from harm for their co-operation).

This is not political. I said from day one, if someone in Trumps camp was colluding with the Russians they need to be outed, investigated and prosecuted. American security and International influence is at risk, so politics do not bear any weight in this. If Clintons are involved, then go after them.
Breitbart is the biggest scandal in political history.

There is no amount of corruption that you won't accept, as long as the corrupt politician has a "D" by their name. You'll believe any allegation against a Republican, but happily look the other way at PROOF of Democratic malfeasance. Guys like you are why we have massive corruption against the American people in Washington. Thanks and congratulations.
Breitbart is the biggest scandal in political history.

There is no amount of corruption that you won't accept, as long as the corrupt politician has a "D" by their name. You'll believe any allegation against a Republican, but happily look the other way at PROOF of Democratic malfeasance. Guys like you are why we have massive corruption against the American people in Washington. Thanks and congratulations.

What proof? What is it? Where is it? All you have is rumours posted by Russian trolls and picked up by the alt-right blogs.

That's not "proof" of anything other than the gullibility of Mind Wars, Breitbart and Daily Pundit readers.
A Canadian company out of Toronto run by comrades halfway across the world, potentially helped create one of the largest national security threats to America, especially if this material finds it's way into the hands of terrorists.

Go figure...

There's no export license for the uranium. It can only be sold to American companies.

Although it HAS BEEN exported.. As a fact. And can be with permits. But the LARGER issue that the left fails to grasp is giving foreign ownership to any market critical to national security is a problem. The Russians were in the process of tying up the WORLD resources of uranium. With deals all over the world. And when THAT happens, one country can dictate AVAILABILITY AND PRICE.. They can drag feet producing in one country to boost the price in all the others. Or neglect to invest in the markets that they control all over the world.

If the Left spent more time ANALYZING and learning how stuff actually works, they wouldn't spend so much time parroting the talking points. And they MIGHT see issues completely differently..
Billy-boy, already working for Vlad's KGB buddies, met with Vlad before the Uranium One deal.

Had Trump done so it would be all over CNN / the major media...

Instead, the libtard media continues to try to protect the Clintons, as CNN's Cuomo declared publicly during the election they were doing be refusing to air any of Hillary's scandals.

Emails Reveal Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin Just Before Uranium One Deal

If President Trump or anyone even remotely close to his presidency, including his best friend from 2nd grade that he hadn't seen in 40 years, sought to meet with key Russian nuclear officials, in Moscow, just months before the federal government approved a very controversial deal handing Vladimir Putin 20% of U.S. uranium reserves, despite an ongoing investigation into Russian fraud, bribery, extortion and money laundering, it would be the only story played on a 24 x 7 loop on CNN and MSNBC.

Ironically, that is exactly what new emails dug up byThe Hill show that Bill Clinton did in June 2010, just months before the Uranium One deal was approved by a committee on which his wife, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, sat. Oh, and did we mention that Bill's Clinton Foundation just happened to collect millions of dollars in bribes donations from Russian sources and Uranium One shareholders shortly after his Moscow meetings?
The article reveals itself as completely fake news in the first paragraph, when it claims that Putin was given 20% of U.S. uranium reserves. Also, Zero Hedge is 100% fake news, and the article writers on the site post anonymously so as to never have to be held accountable.
Putin did get 20%, where have you been?
No he didnt, dummy.
I know you have to be blind to be a democrat, but come on. This has been reported on for years. Just because a Democrat did it. Doesn't make it not true.
What proof? What is it? Where is it?

It's indisputable that Hillary ILLEGALLY transmitted classified material on her private server. She skated and you were ecstatic about it. Don't believe me? Just watch James Comey's testimony to congress. You don't have to watch it all, just the first 14 seconds. You won't, of course.

A Canadian company out of Toronto run by comrades halfway across the world, potentially helped create one of the largest national security threats to America, especially if this material finds it's way into the hands of terrorists.

Go figure...

There's no export license for the uranium. It can only be sold to American companies.

Although it HAS BEEN exported.. As a fact. And can be with permits. But the LARGER issue that the left fails to grasp is giving foreign ownership to any market critical to national security is a problem. The Russians were in the process of tying up the WORLD resources of uranium. With deals all over the world. And when THAT happens, one country can dictate AVAILABILITY AND PRICE.. They can drag feet producing in one country to boost the price in all the others. Or neglect to invest in the markets that they control all over the world.

If the Left spent more time ANALYZING and learning how stuff actually works, they wouldn't spend so much time parroting the talking points. And they MIGHT see issues completely differently..

We know how stuff actually works and then right wingers say that we're manipulating markets and that unfettered capitalism is the way to go.

You had no problem when China was cornering the market on rare metals used in the electronics industry.

So which is it: Capitalism or well regulated markets? Because you can't suck and blow at the same time.
A Canadian company out of Toronto run by comrades halfway across the world, potentially helped create one of the largest national security threats to America, especially if this material finds it's way into the hands of terrorists.

Go figure...

There's no export license for the uranium. It can only be sold to American companies.

Although it HAS BEEN exported.. As a fact. And can be with permits. But the LARGER issue that the left fails to grasp is giving foreign ownership to any market critical to national security is a problem. The Russians were in the process of tying up the WORLD resources of uranium. With deals all over the world. And when THAT happens, one country can dictate AVAILABILITY AND PRICE.. They can drag feet producing in one country to boost the price in all the others. Or neglect to invest in the markets that they control all over the world.

If the Left spent more time ANALYZING and learning how stuff actually works, they wouldn't spend so much time parroting the talking points. And they MIGHT see issues completely differently..

We know how stuff actually works and then right wingers say that we're manipulating markets and that unfettered capitalism is the way to go.

You had no problem when China was cornering the market on rare metals used in the electronics industry.

So which is it: Capitalism or well regulated markets? Because you can't suck and blow at the same time.

I WOULD have a problem if China got rights to control a large of DOMESTIC supply of rare metals. It's the one-worlders wanting to make markets a competition between national governments.

And it's unacceptable to help Russia corner a global market such as uranium...

Capitalism is UNDOUBTABLY the way to go. Because there's actually less greed in a market controlled by Civil courts than there is when a market is controlled and manipulated by power hungry politicians.

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