More People Paying for Groceries in Installments

So then it's easy. DO NoT HiRE. It's a win win. Do the work yourself. It's easy. No other workers needed.
I spent about 75 bucks a week at the grocery 2 years ago and I came home with 4 to 5 plastic bags.

Last weekend I spent 130 and came home with 3.

All food stuff.
I used to spend 130.00 and could bring home almost 2 weeks worth of food ( including pet food). Not any more. That 130.00 barely covers pet food and maybe 2/3 days of meals ( if I skimp).
And when that happens, a sector of the populace, entry-level employees don't work and become a burden on society down the road because they never get their foot in the employment door. That creates other problems -- homelessness, poverty, people stuck on the dole for generations. Democrats haven't got a clue--knee jerk morons.

Right, Elite leftist don't realize that many entry level employees don't know how to work yet... and actually have to learn. Like you say, they can be a burden instead of a help for quite a while until they build their skills and this seriously makes it difficult for some business types.
Yeah fast food workers here In California are making about 17.50 to start here where I live, its great for them but I don't think that raise really means anything anymore.
Nope. It is a never ending cascade. Pay the employees more, prices get raised everywhere, not just at McDonalds and then you are right back where you started from.
Oh, got it people become a burden. Effort is tied to wages. Less wages less effort. More effort more wages. Capitalism101.
Close but wages are tied to value of the employee. If the employee doesn't add value (more skills, more productive) wages stagnate. As the employee becomes more valuable to the employer, their wages usually follow. When they don't, another employer gets the valuable employee. Capitalism 101
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Ya thunked the doubling of food prices was no big deal?

Klarna and other BNPL services are increasingly being tapped for groceries — usage surged 40 percent in the first two months of 2023, according to data from Adobe Analytics.

The Supply Side: More consumers use buy-now-pay-later for essentials - Talk Business & Politics

Chris Christie and Stacey Abrams were probably already doing that.
Ya thunked the doubling of food prices was no big deal?

Klarna and other BNPL services are increasingly being tapped for groceries — usage surged 40 percent in the first two months of 2023, according to data from Adobe Analytics.

The Supply Side: More consumers use buy-now-pay-later for essentials - Talk Business & Politics

Sure why not, conservative pols fight for the payday loan sharks all the time.

Just remember who fights the Consumer Protection Bureau.

Here ya go. You want good effort pay more. Want less effort pay less. That's as american as it gets.
Or don't perform to the level the employer (man with the money) expects to make a profit and don't have a job or the benefits that come with it. You remind me of someone who would open up a fast food outlet that sells shit sandwiches and wonders why he is going broke.

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