More people are delaying paying up front

And using credit to buy food.

There's your Biden economy, there's your worst President of our and many lifetimes. An administration that is clueless and rotting from the head down while America slowly descends economically, and societally.

An increasing number of shoppers are leaning on buy now, pay later services as inflation continues to erode household budgets, according to Adobe Analytics' latest retail report.​
A hefty number of them — are using it to foot the bill for groceries.​
Within the first two months of 2023, the share of online purchases using such services, which help consumers pay over time, grew 10% year over year, according to Adobe Analytics.​
The number of grocery shoppers using buy now, pay later services grew 40%. Home furnishings, another popular category in which consumers have been delaying payments, grew 38% during the same period.​
However, usage for apparel only grew 8% and usage for electronics fell by 14%, according to the data.​

Now they have got us to the point of having to choose between economic banking collapse/recession or high inflation. Then they will explain to us how we should thank them for choosing high inflation instead of the other.
Is it me, or has desperation descended upon our land?? :dunno:
It's you! And other individuals, but the hubby and I are not feeling it.... Even though his employer/company went bankrupt in 2020, he lost his job, then a few months later he tore his rotator cuff and bicep, during covid, it took 8 months to get him in to diagnose it, and major surgery to repair, and during a period of which we had zero money coming in other than his small VA disability check, and 4 more months of recovery and physical therapy.... He's a disabled Vet so his VA health coverage paid every dime, thank God, then just two months after recovery we discovered he had prostate cancer, then we had to set up 9 weeks of radiation every weekday, so he still didn't work but I finally went on early SS retirement so we now had some extra money coming in....and didn't have to hit retirement savings anymore, and Matt driving 30 miles each way to work stopped so gasoline bill came to nil, during covid

All that, and we still are doing ok on finance... because we are older, and already owned everything, our home, our cars, our gadgets...though all used well at this point...we could wait for new.

But most importantly, we had and still do, food in storage, so we've only needed to buy the fresh stuff... All our neighbors and town likely, had food stored up in freezers and through canning...that they can pull from in these hard times too.

The hubby will find out in a month with new testing, if the radiation worked.... we pray it did!

I think this facing cancer thing, has changed my perspective on struggles we went through with covid lock downs and inflation woes... We are just happy, to be alive.
It's you! And other individuals, but the hubby and I are not feeling it.... Even though his employer/company went bankrupt in 2020, he lost his job, then a few months later he tore his rotator cuff and bicep, during covid, it took 8 months to get him in to diagnose it, and major surgery to repair, and during a period of which we had zero money coming in other than his small VA disability check, and 4 more months of recovery and physical therapy.... He's a disabled Vet so his VA health coverage paid every dime, thank God, then just two months after recovery we discovered he had prostate cancer, then we had to set up 9 weeks of radiation every weekday, so he still didn't work but I finally went on early SS retirement so we now had some extra money coming in....and didn't have to hit retirement savings anymore, and Matt driving 30 miles each way to work stopped so gasoline bill came to nil, during covid

All that, and we still are doing ok on finance... because we are older, and already owned everything, our home, our cars, our gadgets...though all used well at this point...we could wait for new.

But most importantly, we had and still do, food in storage, so we've only needed to buy the fresh stuff... All our neighbors and town likely, had food stored up in freezers and through canning...that they can pull from in these hard times too.

The hubby will find out in a month with new testing, if the radiation worked.... we pray it did!

I think this facing cancer thing, has changed my perspective on struggles we went through with covid lock downs and inflation woes... We are just happy, to be alive.
Best of luck. Hope your husband is on the mend. Hang in there.
It's you! And other individuals, but the hubby and I are not feeling it.... Even though his employer/company went bankrupt in 2020, he lost his job, then a few months later he tore his rotator cuff and bicep, during covid, it took 8 months to get him in to diagnose it, and major surgery to repair, and during a period of which we had zero money coming in other than his small VA disability check, and 4 more months of recovery and physical therapy.... He's a disabled Vet so his VA health coverage paid every dime, thank God, then just two months after recovery we discovered he had prostate cancer, then we had to set up 9 weeks of radiation every weekday, so he still didn't work but I finally went on early SS retirement so we now had some extra money coming in....and didn't have to hit retirement savings anymore, and Matt driving 30 miles each way to work stopped so gasoline bill came to nil, during covid

All that, and we still are doing ok on finance... because we are older, and already owned everything, our home, our cars, our gadgets...though all used well at this point...we could wait for new.

But most importantly, we had and still do, food in storage, so we've only needed to buy the fresh stuff... All our neighbors and town likely, had food stored up in freezers and through canning...that they can pull from in these hard times too.

The hubby will find out in a month with new testing, if the radiation worked.... we pray it did!

I think this facing cancer thing, has changed my perspective on struggles we went through with covid lock downs and inflation woes... We are just happy, to be alive.

Whose the idiot who called older age the Golden Years??
Our market used to buy up alot of Russian Snow and King Crab before sanctions.
Our market:

Trump's China tariffs, rerouted much of the Maine Lobster business to Canada, crippling one of Maine's largest industries...
Yeah, I know you are... I was just giving my two cents about what govt can do at any time, unexpectedly, to an entire industry!
Yeah, like the fossil fuel industry? Domestic manufacturing? Inflation? Homelessness? Illegal Immigration? Illegal drugs? Lack of funding for our schools? But we can find $120B to send to a country that we have no mutual defense treaties with. Yeah, gov't can create quite a train wreck in just two short years.
It's you! And other individuals, but the hubby and I are not feeling it.... Even though his employer/company went bankrupt in 2020, he lost his job, then a few months later he tore his rotator cuff and bicep, during covid, it took 8 months to get him in to diagnose it, and major surgery to repair, and during a period of which we had zero money coming in other than his small VA disability check, and 4 more months of recovery and physical therapy.... He's a disabled Vet so his VA health coverage paid every dime, thank God, then just two months after recovery we discovered he had prostate cancer, then we had to set up 9 weeks of radiation every weekday, so he still didn't work but I finally went on early SS retirement so we now had some extra money coming in....and didn't have to hit retirement savings anymore, and Matt driving 30 miles each way to work stopped so gasoline bill came to nil, during covid

All that, and we still are doing ok on finance... because we are older, and already owned everything, our home, our cars, our gadgets...though all used well at this point...we could wait for new.

But most importantly, we had and still do, food in storage, so we've only needed to buy the fresh stuff... All our neighbors and town likely, had food stored up in freezers and through canning...that they can pull from in these hard times too.

The hubby will find out in a month with new testing, if the radiation worked.... we pray it did!

I think this facing cancer thing, has changed my perspective on struggles we went through with covid lock downs and inflation woes... We are just happy, to be alive.

As a cancer patient myself I feel for you. I hope all works out for you and yours.
Yeah, like the fossil fuel industry? Domestic manufacturing? Inflation? Homelessness? Illegal Immigration? Illegal drugs? Lack of funding for our schools? But we can find $120B to send to a country that we have no mutual defense treaties with. Yeah, gov't can create quite a train wreck in just two short years.
I think that is short sighted C A....

First RUSSIA ATTACKED the Ukraine and ALL of their citizens, everywhere, unprovoked. That's illegal, and also a pretty rotten and inhumane to do, forcing millions to seek shelter in other countries, then their own, democratic nation.

Second, with this diplomatic move by NATO countries now, might actually save us money and good men, in the long run.... by stopping Putin aggression now ...with stopping his continued aggression back in to the ex Soviet block states, we are likely preventing further aggression of Russia in to the NATO nations, which would keep the USA with even greater financial support with our NATO ALLIES and actual BOOTS of our own, on the ground to protect them.

Third, it is really critical that Russia loses, and the Ukraine wins...and the US support and Nato/Ally support for the Ukraine to hold together until Russia's attempted take over of the Ukraine is defeated.... So that Allies can show China what could happen if they try to take Taiwan in to communist rule.....

I am absolutely no diplomatic expert, but I know enough to know there are a gazillion things behind the scenes that we pay people in government to figure out what is best for the USA in these foreign affairs.... And I know enough to know that the Ukraine must win this war with Russia, lest every penny spent is wasted and likely the need to spend enormous amounts again in defense of NATO would be more likely.
I think that is short sighted C A....

First RUSSIA ATTACKED the Ukraine and ALL of their citizens, everywhere, unprovoked. That's illegal, and also a pretty rotten and inhumane to do, forcing millions to seek shelter in other countries, then their own, democratic nation.

Second, with this diplomatic move by NATO countries now, might actually save us money and good men, in the long run.... by stopping Putin aggression now ...with stopping his continued aggression back in to the ex Soviet block states, we are likely preventing further aggression of Russia in to the NATO nations, which would keep the USA with even greater financial support with our NATO ALLIES and actual BOOTS of our own, on the ground to protect them.

Third, it is really critical that Russia loses, and the Ukraine wins...and the US support and Nato/Ally support for the Ukraine to hold together until Russia's attempted take over of the Ukraine is defeated.... So that Allies can show China what could happen if they try to take Taiwan in to communist rule.....

I am absolutely no diplomatic expert, but I know enough to know there are a gazillion things behind the scenes that we pay people in government to figure out what is best for the USA in these foreign affairs.... And I know enough to know that the Ukraine must win this war with Russia, lest every penny spent is wasted and likely the need to spend enormous amounts again in defense of NATO would be more likely.
That is all crap. NATO is used by the globalists as to gain more power. More nations admitted as it were. The global elites are pushing Putin more and more and risking a nuclear conflagration. Ukraine is a Russian sphere of influence. They will not have Western nukes at their border. Would you commit the city you live in, to be vaporized for a small corrupted East Euro state that has a history with Russia? This is before we even get into talking about newer NATO nations.
And using credit to buy food.

There's your Biden economy, there's your worst President of our and many lifetimes. An administration that is clueless and rotting from the head down while America slowly descends economically, and societally.

An increasing number of shoppers are leaning on buy now, pay later services as inflation continues to erode household budgets, according to Adobe Analytics' latest retail report.​
A hefty number of them — are using it to foot the bill for groceries.​
Within the first two months of 2023, the share of online purchases using such services, which help consumers pay over time, grew 10% year over year, according to Adobe Analytics.​
The number of grocery shoppers using buy now, pay later services grew 40%. Home furnishings, another popular category in which consumers have been delaying payments, grew 38% during the same period.​
However, usage for apparel only grew 8% and usage for electronics fell by 14%, according to the data.​

Yes the markets should not have been propped up during Trumps term during the Covid virus. Imagine thinking Biden caused any of this. Or Trump for that matter.
That is all crap. NATO is used by the globalists as to gain more power. More nations admitted as it were. The global elites are pushing Putin more and more and risking a nuclear conflagration. Ukraine is a Russian sphere of influence. They will not have Western nukes at their border. Would you commit the city you live in, to be vaporized for a small corrupted East Euro state that has a history with Russia? This is before we even get into talking about newer NATO nations.
There are no nukes in Ukraine, they were removed upon an agreement.... Is what I have read....Ukraine has no nuclear weapons.

More Nations added to NATO is good for NATO, including us.

Not for our aggression in NATO countries towards Russia, there is none.

But to protect all of NATO from Russian Aggression which Putin has SHOWN repeatedly he has no qualms doing.
First RUSSIA ATTACKED the Ukraine and ALL of their citizens, everywhere, unprovoked.
What is different from when they annexed Crimea in 2014 with Obama's blessing? It is a regional war between two parties that the US has no treaties with. We have no business entering into on either side.
Second, with this diplomatic move by NATO countries now,
Yeah, that domino theory didn't work when they used it to kill 56K Americans in Vietnam either.
Third, it is really critical that Russia loses
You are naive if you believe Russia will lose anything. They are a nuclear power and they have China backing them now--the only outcome will be either compromise or WWIII. I suspect the latter
BTW, that was only one small part of my post--you failed to address the fossil fuel industry being shut down which was more in line with your contention that the lobster industry was harmed. Strange how you are concerned about a small regional industry but you aren't worried about the global implications and repercussions of shutting down the energy sector.

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