More proof Reid is behind the Bundy Ranch Raid..

Reid is so corrupt.. But you libs will continue to kiss his ass

So...20 years and 2 court decisions had nothing to do with it?

nope because if the GOVERNMENT was so concerned of taxes then AL Sharpton who owes over 2 million dollars would be in trouble wouldn't he. There are so many people in the white house that is behind on taxes Are they seizing anything of THEIRS???As Obama demands rich Americans pay more in taxes, the IRS reveals 36 Obama aides are far behind in their taxes by Andrew Malcolm -

Reid is so corrupt.. But you libs will continue to kiss his ass

So...20 years and 2 court decisions had nothing to do with it?

nope because if the GOVERNMENT was so concerned of taxes then AL Sharpton who owes over 2 million dollars would be in trouble wouldn't he. There are so many people in the white house that is behind on taxes Are they seizing anything of THEIRS???As Obama demands rich Americans pay more in taxes, the IRS reveals 36 Obama aides are far behind in their taxes by Andrew Malcolm -

You do know that their are rules for the rich, and rules for the not rich don't you???
I'm a dem but I cannot stand Reid and as a friend calls them "the three liberal witches from California" Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein.. Those three botoxed and fossilized narcissistic empty-headed mummified tools are long past their "freshest by" date.. You want the bottom of the barrel in yuppie blind "protest freak agenda" socialite liberal extremists, go directly to San Francisco and throw a stone. Harry Reid appears to be botoxed also. All of them rolling in capitalistic cash and favors. And this from the back-to-bare essentials "all natural hippie generation". Hippy-crites is what another friend of mine calls them.

Their extreme left fanaticism is as embarassing to regular dems as Dick Cheney & the Bush family's blood and oil lust are to regular republicans.
Lovebear is always wrong. 100% wrong rating so this thread will be the same

TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Lovebears65 said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll attack the messenger instead, change the subject, call him names, and smear him. And maybe somebody will believe me instead of him.

Lol...Hate a post? I got better things to do. Sorry I didnt know bringing up someone history is considered "attacking".

Id feel the same why if my history was that fucked too tho.

Btw thanks for jumping in there. Hopefully Lovebear will do something nice for you
By Steve Miller – who is a former Las Vegas city councilman and long-time Nevada resident who knows a lot more about what is going on than national pundits. :eusa_whistle:

Want the real reason why Dingy Harry's minion set the BLM to run Bundy's called off the land? Pictures speak louder than words!!!


Undeveloped BLM grazing land near Bunkerville, April 2014


Developed former BLM land near Bunkerville, May 2013

I won't quote a whole lot of the article, but all Nevadans with their eyes open know to what lengths Dingy Harry will go to line his own pockets – and those of his family. Directly or indirectly. Read the article for yourselves and make up your own minds @ BLM Siege At Bunkerville - The Real Story :eusa_whistle:

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