More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Those charts only go back 50 years ... that's weather ... let see the ones that go back 20,000 years, or 200 million years ... that's climate ... why do you insist on making the exact same mistakes the Alarmists make? ...

You are being silly here since there is no defined time frame to make it climate, is it months, years, hundreds of years or longer?

Here is what the IPCC says about Climate:

"Climate Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the average weather, or more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years. The classical period for averaging these variables is 30 years, as defined by the World Meteorological Organization. The relevant quantities are most often surface variables such as temperature, precipitation and wind. Climate in a wider sense is the state, including a statistical description, of the climate system."

Boldings mine


NASA agrees,

"What Climate Means
In short, climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.

Some scientists define climate as the average weather for a particular region and time period, usually taken over 30-years. It's really an average pattern of weather for a particular region."


The charts time frame (50+ years) is clearly long enough to meet the basic definition of climate.

You are the one making an elementary mistake.

I think you can figure it out from here.
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Those charts only go back 50 years ... that's weather ... let see the ones that go back 20,000 years, or 200 million years ... that's climate ... why do you insist on making the exact same mistakes the Alarmists make? ...
post them up

{Image ain't rendering here}

This is the basis of my claim that today's Earth is as cold as she's been since the Cambrian ... almost all life on land existed with much warmer temperatures ... that frozen water should exist anywhere close to sea level is a rarity in the past 1/2 billion years ... that this ice should be permanent at the poles is crazy cold, nearly slushball Earth cold ... 100,000 years is just a blink of the eye, and in that time we'll have 2 mile thick ice sheets as far south as 45ºN ...

I'm not saying we can't use 30 year time intervals ... but we need to remember this short of a time span is full of dynamic contamination ... and here I'm just repeating what I read in many many scientific papers that are analyzing a short data set ... sea level in the altimeter age is a good example (c.f. {Cite}) ...

The IPCC is a political body ... and they have to use the statistical trick of limiting the sample pool to drive up probabilities ... just like the Monty Hall paradox ...
Hey gents........long time no talk!! Glad to see you guys are keeping the most prolific thread ever in the ENVIRONMENT forum going! pRoliFiC!!!
Recently, Iver gone to trolling assholes on FB but to be honest, it seems these days absolutely nobody is caring about climate change.........same as it has always been. Here comes another election and its not on the map at all as an issue.
Loving the heat wave here in New York my friends........but JC.......Jesus, what the fuck is happening in that city of yours? That mayor.........what a joke. But ours in NYC might actually surpass her level of dickishness. Its the wild west here too!
Tommy.........good to see you dishing out the typical high level of schooling the alarmist meatheads who still dont seem to mind getting publically pwned.
Its all good..........see you cats soon.............
Hey gents........long time no talk!! Glad to see you guys are keeping the most prolific thread ever in the ENVIRONMENT forum going! pRoliFiC!!!
Recently, Iver gone to trolling assholes on FB but to be honest, it seems these days absolutely nobody is caring about climate change.........same as it has always been. Here comes another election and its not on the map at all as an issue.
Loving the heat wave here in New York my friends........but JC.......Jesus, what the fuck is happening in that city of yours? That mayor.........what a joke. But ours in NYC might actually surpass her level of dickishness. Its the wild west here too!
Tommy.........good to see you dishing out the typical high level of schooling the alarmist meatheads who still dont seem to mind getting publically pwned.
Its all good..........see you cats soon.............
Skooks, good to hear from you. Climate here still normal, weather and political! LOL. Lightfoot doesn’t care about Chiraq! She got hers! The blacks make sure Chiraq stays Chiraq. I’m enjoying my summer home on the chain of lakes working from my home. Stay safe, enjoy the warm air. JC out!
Hey gents........long time no talk!! Glad to see you guys are keeping the most prolific thread ever in the ENVIRONMENT forum going! pRoliFiC!!!
Recently, Iver gone to trolling assholes on FB but to be honest, it seems these days absolutely nobody is caring about climate change.........same as it has always been. Here comes another election and its not on the map at all as an issue.
Loving the heat wave here in New York my friends........but JC.......Jesus, what the fuck is happening in that city of yours? That mayor.........what a joke. But ours in NYC might actually surpass her level of dickishness. Its the wild west here too!
Tommy.........good to see you dishing out the typical high level of schooling the alarmist meatheads who still dont seem to mind getting publically pwned.
Its all good..........see you cats soon.............
Skooks, good to hear from you. Climate here still normal, weather and political! LOL. Lightfoot doesn’t care about Chiraq! She got hers! The blacks make sure Chiraq stays Chiraq. I’m enjoying my summer home on the chain of lakes working from my home. Stay safe, enjoy the warm air. JC out!

JC......dang....."chain of lakes". Im jealous dude.........heard that idiot mayor blamed the killings on the GOP yesterday. OK.......hey JC.....enjoy the weather man!!! Before you know it, we'll be freezing our balls off again.
Hey gents........long time no talk!! Glad to see you guys are keeping the most prolific thread ever in the ENVIRONMENT forum going! pRoliFiC!!!
Recently, Iver gone to trolling assholes on FB but to be honest, it seems these days absolutely nobody is caring about climate change.........same as it has always been. Here comes another election and its not on the map at all as an issue.
Loving the heat wave here in New York my friends........but JC.......Jesus, what the fuck is happening in that city of yours? That mayor.........what a joke. But ours in NYC might actually surpass her level of dickishness. Its the wild west here too!
Tommy.........good to see you dishing out the typical high level of schooling the alarmist meatheads who still dont seem to mind getting publically pwned.
Its all good..........see you cats soon.............
Skooks, good to hear from you. Climate here still normal, weather and political! LOL. Lightfoot doesn’t care about Chiraq! She got hers! The blacks make sure Chiraq stays Chiraq. I’m enjoying my summer home on the chain of lakes working from my home. Stay safe, enjoy the warm air. JC out!

JC......dang....."chain of lakes". Im jealous dude.........heard that idiot mayor blamed the killings on the GOP yesterday. OK.......hey JC.....enjoy the weather man!!! Before you know it, we'll be freezing our balls off again.
Lightweight can’t command her own town, simple excuse is to blame the other party! Cause you know the GOP hasn’t had an appearance since 1960! But yeah, must be them
one minute people share articles about the insect apocalypse and videos of walruses falling off cliffs because sea ice loss has destroyed their habitat, the next they're online shopping and willfully turning their minds into Swiss Cheese by scrolling through twitter or instagram...or else we binge-watch Netflix shows about the Zombie apocalypse, which confirm that the future ends in collapse anyway, so why bother trying to fix the planet?

i do that myself, i plead guilty!
2019, coal production fell yet again.

The 2020 numbers aren't in yet, but it will have gotten even worse still for coal.

Aside from Wyoming and West Virginia, even the states don't care about coal any more. It's just insignificant to their economies.

Skook, how did you manage to be so totally wrong about coal? For years, you've been worshiping coal, and now your sooty god is dead. No wonder you appear to be posting-while-drunk all the time. If I had lost that badly, I'd take up drinking too.
Hey gents........long time no talk!! Glad to see you guys are keeping the most prolific thread ever in the ENVIRONMENT forum going! pRoliFiC!!!
Recently, Iver gone to trolling assholes on FB but to be honest, it seems these days absolutely nobody is caring about climate change.........same as it has always been. Here comes another election and its not on the map at all as an issue.
Loving the heat wave here in New York my friends........but JC.......Jesus, what the fuck is happening in that city of yours? That mayor.........what a joke. But ours in NYC might actually surpass her level of dickishness. Its the wild west here too!
Tommy.........good to see you dishing out the typical high level of schooling the alarmist meatheads who still dont seem to mind getting publically pwned.
Its all good..........see you cats soon.............
Skooks, good to hear from you. Climate here still normal, weather and political! LOL. Lightfoot doesn’t care about Chiraq! She got hers! The blacks make sure Chiraq stays Chiraq. I’m enjoying my summer home on the chain of lakes working from my home. Stay safe, enjoy the warm air. JC out!
Coolest, wettest July since the 19th Century here in Oklahoma. Where is all that global warming? We aren't even expecting any three-digit temperatures in the foreseeable future!
So here we are at yet another election and NOBODY is talking about climate change. LOL.........and this thread is now 7 years old. Absolutely nothing has changed........and wait for the debates. how prominent climate change is........... :abgg2q.jpg:
2019, coal production fell yet again.

The 2020 numbers aren't in yet, but it will have gotten even worse still for coal.

Aside from Wyoming and West Virginia, even the states don't care about coal any more. It's just insignificant to their economies.

Skook, how did you manage to be so totally wrong about coal? For years, you've been worshiping coal, and now your sooty god is dead. No wonder you appear to be posting-while-drunk all the time. If I had lost that badly, I'd take up drinking too.

LOL......."fell" is not defined.......typical stunt of the lefty k00ks. Coal production is still MASSIVE and especially in China and India.
So here we are at yet another election and NOBODY is talking about climate change. LOL.........and this thread is now 7 years old. Absolutely nothing has changed........and wait for the debates. how prominent climate change is........... :abgg2q.jpg:

I've noticed the gonzo journalism comes in waves ... the whole SARS hysteria is dying down and that's allowing more climate change hysteria to come through ... I listen to NPR and this is a good bellweather source to catch the rising wave ...

Late Summer and early Fall is a good time to bring it up, keep it fresh in people's minds, before things get cold and folks start thinking global warming is a good thing ...
Again another very short summer in the Northern Rockies...

The last major snow fall was July 7 above Denver Colorado and on Aug 31 we had a major snow in the Bighorn Mountains above Yellowstone.. Just 53 days.... In the last twenty years the number of no snow days has decreased by 14 on average at elevation...

With the winter time shift, which has already occurred in the upper wind patterns, snow to the valley floors is now expected by Sept 12th... A full 32 + days early.... Temps will go from 90 to 50 in the next week for most of the northern Rockies..

All indicators are for a very cold and snowy winter in the Midwest and Rockies regions...
All indicators are for a very cold and snowy winter in the Midwest and Rockies regions...

So ... utterly and completely average then? ... the Eastern Pacific High Pressure ridge is settling in for an extended stay, your storm track will be coming down from the Yukon ... -80ºF and 80 mph winds for you ...
All indicators are for a very cold and snowy winter in the Midwest and Rockies regions...

So ... utterly and completely average then? ... the Eastern Pacific High Pressure ridge is settling in for an extended stay, your storm track will be coming down from the Yukon ... -80ºF and 80 mph winds for you ...
Pretty much!

The only change is the days without snow.. Its becoming shorter, as I would expect with a cooling solar cycle.
I think you (ReinyDays) can figure it out from here.

Not a chance he can figure it out. Not a prayer. He has NO INTENTION of figuring it out.
That would mean admitting that he was wrong. Leftists almost never do that. There are a few notable exceptions, of course. David Horowitz comes to mind. Brilliant man, former Leftist radical.
So here we are at yet another election and NOBODY is talking about climate change. LOL.........and this thread is now 7 years old. Absolutely nothing has changed........and wait for the debates. how prominent climate change is........... :abgg2q.jpg:

where the fuck have you been???
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