More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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The Pause has been for the skeptics like a man going back in time to hand Hitler the nuke. Believe me it has hurt science and getting the population to do what we need to do.

..... and Hitler was a giant believer of "getting the population to do what we need to do"..

Sometimes --- you really worry me with your latent dependence on dictators and totalitarian methods to guarantee your final plans... Have you published Ihr Kampf yet?
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Proof the denialists are losing? Follow the money. Most of the denialist money has gone dark and untraceable.

New Study Exposes Flood of Dark Money Feeding Climate Change Denial | EcoWatch

Even ExxonMobile and Koch won't touch denialism under their own name any more. Denialists are now correctly defined by almost everyone as hysterical liars. Hence, nobody wants their own name associated with them.
I don't think anyone thought ExxonMobil was hysterical. Their lies to us were completely calculated in an utterly amoral attempt to protect their bottom line: ranking their profits above humanity's well-being. At least, that's what I thought.

Still do.
Proof the denialists are losing? Follow the money. Most of the denialist money has gone dark and untraceable.

New Study Exposes Flood of Dark Money Feeding Climate Change Denial | EcoWatch

Even ExxonMobile and Koch won't touch denialism under their own name any more. Denialists are now correctly defined by almost everyone as hysterical liars. Hence, nobody wants their own name associated with them.

Wow, here is a new conspiracy called "Dark money"...
Did you bother to read what that dickhead you quote is all about?
This is his agenda:
My current ongoing research, in collaboration with Dr. J. Craig Jenkins of Ohio State University, involves two related projects funded by the National Science Foundation. The first project, Civil Society and the Environment: The Mobilization of the U.S. Environmental Movement, 1900- 2000, is an analysis of organizational relationships in the environmental field, focusing on the interactions between environmental advocacy institutions, foundations, and government institutions from 1900-2000. In this research we address these issues by analyzing the long-term mobilization of the environmental movement in the U.S. over the past century. We focus on three interrelated dimensions of mobilization
And that`s how it`s being done:


The US government has provided over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, foreign aid, and tax breaks.

Meanwhile in a distracting sideshow, Exxon-Mobil Corp is repeatedly attacked for paying a grand total of $23 million to skeptics—less than a thousandth of what the US government has put in, and less than one five-thousandth of the value of carbon trading in just the single year of 2008.
Professional bums like that think they are entitled to have a government pick our pockets to fund their crap but get bent out of shape when "deniers" pay with their own money.

They used to be able to rip us off like that in Canada when we had a Liberal Government, which allowed Greenpeace, the Sierra club, and over a dozen other US based organizations a tax-free status because they claimed to be "charitable" organizations.
Now they are investigated for tax-fraud, because charitable organizations loose that tax exemption if they engage in political lobbyism.

Australia, New Zealand and Britain have also decided to axe that gravy train. And in some EU countries we already had riots, like in France where people got fed up paying tax to the max to pay for this crap.
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It's "professional bums" like that that have provided most of the funds on which you live. The man is eminently qualified to study and discuss this particular issue. That you don't like what he finds is amusing at best. I like your graph, though. Looks like all that CRAP about climate scientists lying to us in order to get their hands on the billions of dollars being spent on climate science... has a relatively fixed pot of money to draw on. If all those "greedy scientist" accusations had any foundation, that bottom category should be growing by leaps and bounds. That doesn't seem to be the case.
Here we are. Damn close to 2,000 posts on this thread. 25,000 "views".

Could I be laughing any harder?

Page, after page after page after page and STILL, the AGW alarmists have yet to post a single link to repudiate the original title of the thread: PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING. Not one single link.

Meanwhile, between FlaCalTenn, Toddspatriot, Polar Bear, Westwall, Crusader Frank, Daveman, SSDD et. al...........dozens of links are posted throughout this thread supporting the premise. So many links in fact, it would make your head swim.

The main point that ha been established in this thread?

That for all of the supposed "consensus science" over years and years and years, renewable energy is still but a fringe energy source for the world and ALL projections place it remaining as a fringe energy source. In recent years, America has seen the formal demise of Cap and is officially DEAD AS A DOORNAIL in Congress. All over the world, governments are moving AWAY and not toward subsidizing wind and solar because very simply, it is a shitty investment that costs way too much to the people who have to pay the electricity bills. In Europe, millions of jobs were lost in the early 2000's with the stupid-ass green schemes and the governments got their asses booted out of office. In other words, people in positions of political power are going to support energy policies that keep them in office which is a non-factor to the AGW k00ks who have the political IQ of a small soap dish.

Anybody who is in this thread should browse through some of the material if you are indeed seeking the truth. These AGW alarmists lie.........a lot............and will continue to do so because it is absolutely necessary to stick to the established narrative to bring down free markets and capitalism. These people don't give a rats ass if your electricity bill doubles due to backing "green energy" which is a disaster to civilized economies. These AGW nutters will tax your ass right into the ground and not give it a second thought........because to them, the intentions are all that matter. We should have to sacrifice everything because the intentions are good. Pay hundreds more a month for our electricity.........because of these bomb thrower predictions? We have established with 100% certainty that most of these "predictions" have been 100% incorrect!!! Doesn't matter to these cheesedicks.......they will stick to the established narrative no matter what. No matter evidence to the contrary.

Thankfully for the majority of us who don't march straight off the cliff based upon Hail Mary Pass predictions, the side of the skeptics are winning........and winning big I might add.

The AGW true believers?

With year on year reduction of emissions = losing for the skeptics.

This is exactly what the warmers wanted to occur...Maybe at a faster rate but this isn't losing. We don't control china or india and they really do have to fix their own mess...BUT within the US the warmers are getting part of what we want.
Dozens of states are working together to advance CLEAN low emission energy!!!!

Sure you have won at the national level within congress but OBAMA within the executive is spending HUNDREDS of billions on clean low emission energy.

Suing the high emitters within coal into the ground.

Tell me how is reducing emissions losing? REDUCING SON IS THE GOAL OF THE WARMERS...

We don't care if there's a stall
WE don't care about your spin
We'd like to see a national cap and trade program. BUT we're doing it without one.

Tell me how we're losing? Not winning at the level we wish...BUT LOSING? Hardly.


Back to the early 1990's in emissions. And we're losing? LOL!
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Dozens of states are working together to advance CLEAN low emission energy!!!!

Sure you have won at the national level within congress but OBAMA within the executive is spending HUNDREDS of billions on clean low emission energy.

Suing the high emitters within coal into the ground.

Tell me how is reducing emissions losing? REDUCING SON IS THE GOAL OF THE WARMERS...

We don't care if there's a stall
WE don't care about your spin
We'd like to see a national cap and trade program. BUT we're doing it without one.

Tell me how we're losing? Not winning at the level we wish...BUT LOSING? Hardly.


Back to the early 1990's in emissions. And we're losing? LOL!

Yes.. You in particular are losing. Because DESPITE your best efforts to thwart this reduction thru your virulent opposition to fracking and pipelines, all this "progress" was done largely independent of your demands. Looks like free markets and cost benefit analysis aced out your central planning and COERCION campaigns for cap and trade and useless "alternatives". About the only thing youve contributed to those graphs is to extend and AMPLIFY the recession inspired reductions in energy use.. That contribution is due to the utter lack of economic competence that leftist governments possess. So "thanks" for expanding the job loss and manufacturing decline......
Dozens of states are working together to advance CLEAN low emission energy!!!!

Sure you have won at the national level within congress but OBAMA within the executive is spending HUNDREDS of billions on clean low emission energy.

Suing the high emitters within coal into the ground.

Tell me how is reducing emissions losing? REDUCING SON IS THE GOAL OF THE WARMERS...

We don't care if there's a stall
WE don't care about your spin
We'd like to see a national cap and trade program. BUT we're doing it without one.

Tell me how we're losing? Not winning at the level we wish...BUT LOSING? Hardly.


Back to the early 1990's in emissions. And we're losing? LOL!

Yes.. You in particular are losing. Because DESPITE your best efforts to thwart this reduction thru your virulent opposition to fracking and pipelines, all this "progress" was done largely independent of your demands. Looks like free markets and cost benefit analysis aced out your central planning and COERCION campaigns for cap and trade and useless "alternatives". About the only thing youve contributed to those graphs is to extend and AMPLIFY the recession inspired reductions in energy use.. That contribution is due to the utter lack of economic competence that leftist governments possess. So "thanks" for expanding the job loss and manufacturing decline......

Very astute post.

The AGW contingent, as I have stated often do not understand the associated "costs" of their scorched earth public policy idea's. And last I checked, this is supposed to be government for the people by the people. Meanwhile, this president is contributing to the misery index via executive fiat, effectively smashing small business with expensive regulations. People think the EPA is about the environment.......but instead, it is a took of the progressives to destroy the system from within. the end of the day.,......not a single k00k left AGW true believer can come up with any response to this 2013 government graph from the Obama EIA >>>

Interested parties will note.......the AGW climate crusaders will respond with speculation, philosophy and conjecture........but not facts.

Its not even debatable.......the skeptics are winning........big.

You know by the level of anger in this thread from the AGW crowd........this thread makes their head want to explode.

Which Republican standout are you thinking you're gonna elect president?

None. However, enough Democrats have figured out that AGW crap is a loser
that they are abandoning it. Of course Obama can decide to go full dictator, which I have no doubt you would be happy to see, you and Matthew have never met a murderous tyrant you didn't, it seems, but there are enough supporters of the CONUS to thwart even that now.
Loving the winning..........

Hey here is a new enviro-friendly car . A German engineering student made it entirely from Lego blocks,...(500 000) :

It`s using a 256 cylinder radial engine, which runs on compressed air:



He is offering it to AGW freaks for ~ 39 000 Euros
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Loving the winning..........

Hey here is a new enviro-friendly car . A German engineering student made it entirely from Lego blocks,...(500 000) :

It`s using a 256 cylinder radial engine, which runs on compressed air:

He is offering it to AGW freaks for ~ 39 000 Euros

Nice -- it's MULTI-Fuel also.. I do believe compressed CO2 would work just fine..
A new way to recycle "carbon sequestration" credits for this guy....
That engine appears to be a stack of 4 radial engines with 16 cylinders each. That doesn't come to 256 cylinders.

The Russians used to have a class of patrol boat that ran on a 7 layer radial engine, each layer with 7 cylinders. High density power. Bitch to keep running.
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