More proof Trump thinks Trumpettes are stupid.

------------------------------------- but with innovation and building of crop picking machines and ditch digging Robots type Thingies why are guest workers even needed unless it is YOUR Plan that they are to be accepted into trades that Americans are doing and should be doing GGator .

We have more than 7 million open jobs and just over 5 million people looking for do the math.

Some crops are easy to harvest with machine, some take a finer touch. I do not think it is my place to tell a farmer how to do his business other than to do it legally.

It is MY PLAN that businesses be allowed to fill needs.
The needs are for those in skilled trades, not unskilled. There are over 6 million skilled trades jobs unfilled.

Maybe these companies should develop a plan to hire & train. You know like unions used to do.

Instead they Whine, "I can't find good help whaa whaa whaa"

There is amanufscturer near me that hires & layoffs continually & then can't figure out why they can't attract good employees.
----------------------------------- i simply don't want fureigners hired and i don't care if they are good or bad fureigners RDave . And 'unions' , i have no problems with Private Business being 'unionized' for Americans RDave .
You hired a "fureiner" to be First Lady.
----------------------------- i think that She was 'baggage' . But seriously , i agree , she is a 'fureigner' though ok with me though i wouldn't allow it RDave .
What do you have in mind? Re-education camps? Or are you thinking of going straight for a 9mm behind the ear and an unmarked grave?

Both are popular with leftists.
That would be Donnie's buddies the Saudi Arabians, North Koreans, and Putin's methods.
Obama bent over and kissed Saudi dick. You didn't mind that, huh.

You are confused. That was a porn movie you were whacking off to. Ypou know, the one with GW holding hands & dancing with the Saudis.

Trump gives Saudi everything they want. He ignored that murdered an employee of a US newspaper, he bsacks their wart in Yemen slaughtering innocents, He gives them g0free rein to trash human rights. He is scared to dearth that they will take his golf course.
You're a first class idiot. Dismissed.
The truth really hurts you Trumpettes, doesn't it.
The truth is democrats are giving America away to illegals and muslims for their vote and asswipes like you are cheering them on.
That would be Donnie's buddies the Saudi Arabians, North Koreans, and Putin's methods.
Obama bent over and kissed Saudi dick. You didn't mind that, huh.

You are confused. That was a porn movie you were whacking off to. Ypou know, the one with GW holding hands & dancing with the Saudis.

Trump gives Saudi everything they want. He ignored that murdered an employee of a US newspaper, he bsacks their wart in Yemen slaughtering innocents, He gives them g0free rein to trash human rights. He is scared to dearth that they will take his golf course.
You're a first class idiot. Dismissed.
The truth really hurts you Trumpettes, doesn't it.
The truth is democrats are giving America away to illegals and muslims for their vote and asswipes like you are cheering them on.
------------------------------------ they will get what the deserve is my Prediction . Sorry to say that Real Americans will also Get It BSF .
That would be Donnie's buddies the Saudi Arabians, North Koreans, and Putin's methods.
Obama bent over and kissed Saudi dick. You didn't mind that, huh.

You are confused. That was a porn movie you were whacking off to. Ypou know, the one with GW holding hands & dancing with the Saudis.

Trump gives Saudi everything they want. He ignored that murdered an employee of a US newspaper, he bsacks their wart in Yemen slaughtering innocents, He gives them g0free rein to trash human rights. He is scared to dearth that they will take his golf course.
You're a first class idiot. Dismissed.
The truth really hurts you Trumpettes, doesn't it.
The truth is democrats are giving America away to illegals and muslims for their vote and asswipes like you are cheering them on.

I have news you bigoted piece of shit. If they are voting, they are AMERICANS.

It bad too bad for you White Supremacists, that we have minority Americans.
Obama bent over and kissed Saudi dick. You didn't mind that, huh.

You are confused. That was a porn movie you were whacking off to. Ypou know, the one with GW holding hands & dancing with the Saudis.

Trump gives Saudi everything they want. He ignored that murdered an employee of a US newspaper, he bsacks their wart in Yemen slaughtering innocents, He gives them g0free rein to trash human rights. He is scared to dearth that they will take his golf course.
You're a first class idiot. Dismissed.
The truth really hurts you Trumpettes, doesn't it.
The truth is democrats are giving America away to illegals and muslims for their vote and asswipes like you are cheering them on.

I have news you bigoted piece of shit. If they are voting, they are AMERICANS.

It bad too bad for you White Supremacists, that we have minority Americans.
Oh, go to hell, you hateful America hating propaganda pawn. Illegals and muslims are NOT Americans. You're the problem.
to be honest, any president in this century could have achieved the Trump Presidency's greatness, they just didn't care enough to put America First!

You are confused. That was a porn movie you were whacking off to. Ypou know, the one with GW holding hands & dancing with the Saudis.

Trump gives Saudi everything they want. He ignored that murdered an employee of a US newspaper, he bsacks their wart in Yemen slaughtering innocents, He gives them g0free rein to trash human rights. He is scared to dearth that they will take his golf course.
You're a first class idiot. Dismissed.
The truth really hurts you Trumpettes, doesn't it.
The truth is democrats are giving America away to illegals and muslims for their vote and asswipes like you are cheering them on.

I have news you bigoted piece of shit. If they are voting, they are AMERICANS.

It bad too bad for you White Supremacists, that we have minority Americans.
Oh, go to hell, you hateful America hating propaganda pawn. Illegals and muslims are NOT Americans. You're the problem.
Look, dickbreath, you said they were VOTING. That means they are Americans.

Furthermore you bigoted fuck, we have lots of Muslim Americans. So shove tour white supremacy up your ignorant fat ass.

You are sadly mistaken. Reblublicans want to pay you less, make your workplace more dangerous, allow your CEO to make tens of millions while you slave for low pay & crappy benefits. Everyone who stood silentr during the past two decades as minorities were persecuted & treated poorly are at fault.
You're a first class idiot. Dismissed.
The truth really hurts you Trumpettes, doesn't it.
The truth is democrats are giving America away to illegals and muslims for their vote and asswipes like you are cheering them on.

I have news you bigoted piece of shit. If they are voting, they are AMERICANS.

It bad too bad for you White Supremacists, that we have minority Americans.
Oh, go to hell, you hateful America hating propaganda pawn. Illegals and muslims are NOT Americans. You're the problem.
Look, dickbreath, you said they were VOTING. That means they are Americans.

Furthermore you bigoted fuck, we have lots of Muslim Americans. So shove tour white supremacy up your ignorant fat ass.
We have lots of muslims that are here to change America into a muslim caliphate, but you're too damn stupid to realize it.
Really? What makes you believe that -- the fact that I'm not screeching like a poo-flinging monkey the way you and the other TDS sufferers are?

LOL! It's funny how the left claims conservatives can only think in binary terms -- but to you morons, if you don't want Trump impeached and jailed, you worship him as god.

Well, I suppose it's easier for you than actual thinking.
Doesn't take much thinking to know this Trump slime bag is the worst example of an Americas leader we could ever put forth
I wish you'd learn a different song. This one's boring as fuck.
LOL It's #1 on the hit parade
You left out the S. "Shit parade".
RealDave has told lies about Trump in this very thread.

You have not corrected him.

I have that moron on ignore. Maybe you should too, instead of accusing people of doing something they did not do.
Oh, he's not been the only one lying about Trump in this thread. But you're still strangely silent.

When and who I comment to or about is none of your damned business! Now, STFU and go back to being an asshole!
Ooooh. You get cranky when your lies are exposed.

You know what'll cure that?

Stop lying.

You have yet to post anything where I have lied! STFU, dumbass!
You've had many opportunities in this thread alone to correct lies about Trump.

You'd rather have a little bitch fit about me.

So, no, I will not be shutting up. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Remember, these are brown people. White Liberals believe they can't do anything for themselves, and need to be taken care of.
Your ancestors must have owned slaves
It's certainly possible. My family's from Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, white liberals have a colonialist attitude towards minorities. You really do believe minorities can't succeed without white liberals' help.

And, oh, man, the abuse they heap upon minorities who ungratefully don't think as white liberals insist they should!

NOTE: Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Reality doesn't give a shit about your butthurt.

We held blacks under our thumb for hundreds of years. We denied them the vote, housing, access to education, etc etc etc. In 1964 steps were taken but still racism continued.

It has been two generations and you racist bigoted fucks think it is magically now OK & you think everyone has caught up.

You enjoy your white priviledge & you think you somehow earned it.

So fuck off. I'm sick & tired of all the racist fuck Trumperttes that post here.
"We" did?

I didn't do shit. I haven't owned any slaves. I haven't oppressed anybody. There is no such thing as white privilege. You think minorities aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals.

How very racist of you.

Self-loathing white people are pathetic. Racist minorities appreciate your passionate ass-licking, but they still hate you.
We as Americans. So you aren't an American. Doesn't surprise me one bit.

I am not self loathing. I am a realist. You think you just turn off centuries of racism & every thing is great.

THAT, you assdfuck, is YOUR white privilege kicking on.
No such thing. You're pathetic. You've been told to hate your own skin color, and like a good little sheep, you do what you're told.

If you feel so guilty over something you didn't do, you're a dumbass, but you can give all your money away to whoever will make your imaginary guilt better. But don't you dare think you can give my money away too.
------------------------------------- but with innovation and building of crop picking machines and ditch digging Robots type Thingies why are guest workers even needed unless it is YOUR Plan that they are to be accepted into trades that Americans are doing and should be doing GGator .

We have more than 7 million open jobs and just over 5 million people looking for do the math.

Some crops are easy to harvest with machine, some take a finer touch. I do not think it is my place to tell a farmer how to do his business other than to do it legally.

It is MY PLAN that businesses be allowed to fill needs.
The needs are for those in skilled trades, not unskilled. There are over 6 million skilled trades jobs unfilled.

Maybe these companies should develop a plan to hire & train. You know like unions used to do.

Instead they Whine, "I can't find good help whaa whaa whaa"

There is amanufscturer near me that hires & layoffs continually & then can't figure out why they can't attract good employees.
It's not that there are trained workers out there, but the companies can't attract them.

It's that there aren't enough trained workers out there.

For decades, the left has dictated that no one can succeed without a four-year degree. Kids who aren't suited for college are pushed to go, racking up student loan debt and then being unable to get a job in their field. All because the left pushed the idea that working with your hands is only for losers.

How stupid is that? Have you hired a plumber recently? Plumbers make crazy money. Welders make crazy money. HVAC technicians make crazy money. Mechanics make crazy money.

Philosophy majors? They work in retail and fast food.
RealDave has told lies about Trump in this very thread.

You have not corrected him.

I have that moron on ignore. Maybe you should too, instead of accusing people of doing something they did not do.
Oh, he's not been the only one lying about Trump in this thread. But you're still strangely silent.

Bullshit. No one needs to lie about Trump to point out what a piece of shit he is.
So why do you keep lying, then? Force of habit?
Show me I lied about littledivck Donnie?
I can't. You'd never accept it. You're too emotionally invested in your irrational hatred.
Your ancestors must have owned slaves
It's certainly possible. My family's from Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, white liberals have a colonialist attitude towards minorities. You really do believe minorities can't succeed without white liberals' help.

And, oh, man, the abuse they heap upon minorities who ungratefully don't think as white liberals insist they should!

NOTE: Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Reality doesn't give a shit about your butthurt.

We held blacks under our thumb for hundreds of years. We denied them the vote, housing, access to education, etc etc etc. In 1964 steps were taken but still racism continued.

It has been two generations and you racist bigoted fucks think it is magically now OK & you think everyone has caught up.

You enjoy your white priviledge & you think you somehow earned it.

So fuck off. I'm sick & tired of all the racist fuck Trumperttes that post here.
"We" did?

I didn't do shit. I haven't owned any slaves. I haven't oppressed anybody. There is no such thing as white privilege. You think minorities aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals.

How very racist of you.

Self-loathing white people are pathetic. Racist minorities appreciate your passionate ass-licking, but they still hate you.
We as Americans. So you aren't an American. Doesn't surprise me one bit.

I am not self loathing. I am a realist. You think you just turn off centuries of racism & every thing is great.

THAT, you assdfuck, is YOUR white privilege kicking on.
No such thing. You're pathetic. You've been told to hate your own skin color, and like a good little sheep, you do what you're told.

If you feel so guilty over something you didn't do, you're a dumbass, but you can give all your money away to whoever will make your imaginary guilt better. But don't you dare think you can give my money away too.
LOL trump will get your money
I'm an American. You're my enemy.
And where will you go when they come for you? You're as American as I' am the man in the moon Face it BS you're nothing but a trump kiss ass
No one is coming for me.
They should be
What do you have in mind? Re-education camps? Or are you thinking of going straight for a 9mm behind the ear and an unmarked grave?

Both are popular with leftists.
That would be Donnie's buddies the Saudi Arabians, North Koreans, and Putin's methods.
Yes, we get it. You're absolutely ignorant of history. Yawn.
------------------------------------- but with innovation and building of crop picking machines and ditch digging Robots type Thingies why are guest workers even needed unless it is YOUR Plan that they are to be accepted into trades that Americans are doing and should be doing GGator .

We have more than 7 million open jobs and just over 5 million people looking for do the math.

Some crops are easy to harvest with machine, some take a finer touch. I do not think it is my place to tell a farmer how to do his business other than to do it legally.

It is MY PLAN that businesses be allowed to fill needs.
The needs are for those in skilled trades, not unskilled. There are over 6 million skilled trades jobs unfilled.

Maybe these companies should develop a plan to hire & train. You know like unions used to do.

Instead they Whine, "I can't find good help whaa whaa whaa"

There is amanufscturer near me that hires & layoffs continually & then can't figure out why they can't attract good employees.
----------------------------------- i simply don't want fureigners hired and i don't care if they are good or bad fureigners RDave . And 'unions' , i have no problems with Private Business being 'unionized' for Americans RDave .
You hired a "fureiner" to be First Lady.
She's like three orders of magnitude smarter than you. And she's an American citizen.
And where will you go when they come for you? You're as American as I' am the man in the moon Face it BS you're nothing but a trump kiss ass
No one is coming for me.
They should be
What do you have in mind? Re-education camps? Or are you thinking of going straight for a 9mm behind the ear and an unmarked grave?

Both are popular with leftists.
That would be Donnie's buddies the Saudi Arabians, North Koreans, and Putin's methods.
Yes, we get it. You're absolutely ignorant of history. Yawn.

Trump loves despots. That is so obvious.
It's certainly possible. My family's from Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, white liberals have a colonialist attitude towards minorities. You really do believe minorities can't succeed without white liberals' help.

And, oh, man, the abuse they heap upon minorities who ungratefully don't think as white liberals insist they should!

NOTE: Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Reality doesn't give a shit about your butthurt.

We held blacks under our thumb for hundreds of years. We denied them the vote, housing, access to education, etc etc etc. In 1964 steps were taken but still racism continued.

It has been two generations and you racist bigoted fucks think it is magically now OK & you think everyone has caught up.

You enjoy your white priviledge & you think you somehow earned it.

So fuck off. I'm sick & tired of all the racist fuck Trumperttes that post here.
"We" did?

I didn't do shit. I haven't owned any slaves. I haven't oppressed anybody. There is no such thing as white privilege. You think minorities aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals.

How very racist of you.

Self-loathing white people are pathetic. Racist minorities appreciate your passionate ass-licking, but they still hate you.
We as Americans. So you aren't an American. Doesn't surprise me one bit.

I am not self loathing. I am a realist. You think you just turn off centuries of racism & every thing is great.

THAT, you assdfuck, is YOUR white privilege kicking on.
No such thing. You're pathetic. You've been told to hate your own skin color, and like a good little sheep, you do what you're told.

If you feel so guilty over something you didn't do, you're a dumbass, but you can give all your money away to whoever will make your imaginary guilt better. But don't you dare think you can give my money away too.
LOL trump will get your money
Trump doesn't need my money. And his tax cuts let me keep more of my own money.

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