Harpy Eagle
1. Don't know. Your desire for extreme punishment, though, seems to be more of a desire to sabotage border security, not enhance it.
2. The middle ages comment was demagoguery, designed to use emotion to undermine an argument, instead of reason
3. Semantics is just another tactic to avoid action. No more talk. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
4. Millions of illegals, living here, often with multiple deportations and recrossings, does equal an open border. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
1. It is called deterrence, perhaps you have heard of it. Companies hire illegals because they know that they will only get a slap on the wrist if they get caught. If you want to stop them from coming here, stop the flow of money to them and they will quit coming. Pretty simple.
2. It was a fact.
3. Words have meanings for a reason, live with it.
4. A wall will not do a thing about the millions living here, but not paying them would.