More R stupidity -These yahoos are just incredible

Pro-death abortion activists are all over the freaking map trying to muddy the waters about the issue at hand. Even in light of the recent trial of an abortion doctor in Philadelphia who ran a slaughterhouse, the left still won't accept reasonable limits on abortion. Twenty weeks is a reasonable limit on abortions but the radical left wants the killing to go on right up to the end.
Pro-death abortion activists are all over the freaking map trying to muddy the waters about the issue at hand. Even in light of the recent trial of an abortion doctor in Philadelphia who ran a slaughterhouse, the left still won't accept reasonable limits on abortion. Twenty weeks is a reasonable limit on abortions but the radical left wants the killing to go on right up to the end.

At least you’re consistent at being wrong.

Gosnell and the 20 week time limit are two completely different issues, one having nothing to do with the other.

In fact, the time limit isn’t even the issue.

At issue are the needless ‘regulatory’ measures drafted in bad faith solely to force women’s health centers to close, resulting in a de facto ban on abortion.

In addition to being un-Constitutional, these measures are dishonest and cowardly, something else at which you and other conservatives are consistent.
Pro-death abortion activists are all over the freaking map trying to muddy the waters about the issue at hand. Even in light of the recent trial of an abortion doctor in Philadelphia who ran a slaughterhouse, the left still won't accept reasonable limits on abortion. Twenty weeks is a reasonable limit on abortions but the radical left wants the killing to go on right up to the end.

just like this ultrasound's a medical procedure that probably could help the women having an abortion, but they don't care about that...they don't care about the women or the babies being aborted, all they care is being able to scream there is a war on women, stay out of my uterus and vaginas...
I wouldn't know who would want to get in these awful hysterical women's vaginas anyway...oops, did I say that...LOL
I can this as a fact if a woman is pregnant something has been in her vagina. Just sayin

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