more reperations bs

If you know someone who can read, ask them to read post #34 to you. Ask them to explain it to you -- slowly enough that even you might be able to understand it. That post contains advice that someone as slow-witted as you, should find helpful.

You can thank me later.
:fu: Get somebody to explain that to you.
Many whites today are descended from immigrants who came after Lincoln's illegal Civil War.
You racist don't point out any truth, you give us right wing talking points and claim they are truth. When pushed to give hard facts you run with your tails between your legs
I’ve said nothing racist, and that accusation is so overused by lefties that it’s lost any bite. I am just pointing out that blacks are the ones who are disproptionately attacking Orthodox Jews.

Instead of denying it, you should condemn what your fellow blacks are doing to Orthodox Jews. Even more, you should condemn the skyrocketing crime that blacks are committing in general. The answer is NOT to decriminalize theft and armed robbery.
Many whites today are descended from immigrants who came after Lincoln's illegal Civil War.
That would be an interesting statistic: what percent of whites alive today descended from those who immigrated here after the Civil War. I’d bet at least half. And many of them were fleeing their OWN persecution, like Russian pograms.
I’ve said nothing racist, and that accusation is so overused by lefties that it’s lost any bite. I am just pointing out that blacks are the ones who are disproptionately attacking Orthodox Jews.
Based on what? Of course you did, you just AssUMe that it is black folks and you don't bring anything to back that assertion up. Everything you say about black folks is always negative.
Instead of denying it, you should condemn what your fellow blacks are doing to Orthodox Jews.
I can't deny or condemn anything that I don't know is true.
Even more, you should condemn the skyrocketing crime that blacks are committing in general. The answer is NOT to decriminalize theft and armed robbery.
Where are you getting this information from?

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