More Republicans accepting Joe Biden's win in 2020


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

Yeah, sure, Republicans....If they are so great why didnt you vote for Mittens in 2012?
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.
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3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

You couldn't post this in the 50 other identical threads started by leftists?
3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

This is a flat out lie, and essentially belongs in flame bait or propaganda room. Do we ave a propaganda room, or a room called damnable lies and heresies? Flame Bait seems to be a poor place for this.

90% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats believe we have a compromised election system who's integrity and security is already compromised and we have a illegitimate election.

Joe Biden even if he and his corrupt party's theft of the 2020 election will always be illegitimate. I would not be surprised if America ends up in a Civil War over this election.
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.

If there was any systemic cheating the evidence is being destroyed or will be as soon as possible.
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.
That is because you are sane.
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.
That is because you are sane.

My reading of his statement is he believes your side cheated their ass off, but there is no way to prove it in the time allotted and no realistic mechanism to overturn the results again in that said time.

Still going to call him sane?
3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

You couldn't post this in the 50 other identical threads started by leftists?
Chinese, Leftist, Globalist, Iranian, Russian Trolls are flooding the board with Quid Pro Joe is our Fuhrer posts the more and more corruption and fraud that is being exposed.
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.

Actually up next is 2022 and midterm elections...

The GOP must focus on gaining the House back while retaining the Senate and then focus on getting Pence against Harris in 2024 and beat Harris which should be easy...
3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

Those RINOS are getting Primaried !!!!! We just need to shutdown. Default. Shut down the banks.
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.
That is because you are sane.

My reading of his statement is he believes your side cheated their ass off, but there is no way to prove it in the time allotted and no realistic mechanism to overturn the results again in that said time.

Still going to call him sane?
If God allows The DemNazi Party to defraud the 75-80 million people that voted for Trump making him the 46th President of The United States, I will be a little sad for President Trump and our country.

But if you look at history, whenever God allows such a massive sinful act, He temporarily removes his protective hand off of a Nation, or The World, and He allows Evil to reign for a season like he did in 1933 when The Nazis rigged elections in 1929 and 1933 and gained enough power in The Wiemar Democratic Republic of Germany to "Fundamentally Transform" it in to Nazi Germany and thrust an illegitimate Hitler in to the seat as power as Fuhrer.

But at that time Israel was not a Nation. Now, prophecy comes in to play. Joe Biden's Dark Winter if he takes power illegitimately, is going to be a Never Ending Dark Winter. He is a stooge and puppet of China, The UN, and The Great Reset.

The Great Reset is the forerunner of The Prophesied End Times Global Government, if not is The End Times Global Government. Everything talked about in the prophetical books by The Prophets matches The Great Reset, Sustainable Development, Agenda 21-2030 play book.

When and if God washes His hands of America because of her sins, We will transition from The Time of The Gentiles to The Time of Jacob's Trouble and God's Prophetical Clock will begin moving again. This is best studied in the Book of Daniel where The 490 years of prophecy were determined upon Israel, paused at 483 years, leaving 7 years to be fulfilled. The "Pause" occurred upon the Crucifixion of Christ.

The last 7 years called The Time of Jacob's Trouble is also called The Tribulation in The New Testament. The only condition for The Tribulation to start is for Israel to be a Nation again after 2,500 years of it's destruction and the diaspora, and Jerusalem to be it's capital.

All that is necessary is for God's cup of wrath to be full, and Satan cast out of Heaven and God to remove His restraining hand holding Evil in check across the World.

If such an egregious offense like Joe Biden's theft of the 2020 election defrauding 75-80 million is allowed to stand, then we are on The Cliff staring down in to The Abyss, and you better get right with God, find Jesus and pray for your family, and all those people you love, and preach the gospel and secure your eternal future through your faith in Messiah. Because once He comes, There is No Repentance. He is coming as The Judge, and Hell will be opened up to receive it's new residents.
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.
That is because you are sane.

My reading of his statement is he believes your side cheated their ass off, but there is no way to prove it in the time allotted and no realistic mechanism to overturn the results again in that said time.

Still going to call him sane?
If God allows The DemNazi Party to defraud the 75-80 million people that voted for Trump making him the 46th President of The United States, I will be a little sad for President Trump and our country.

But if you look at history, whenever God allows such a massive sinful act, He temporarily removes his protective hand off of a Nation, or The World, and He allows Evil to reign for a season like he did in 1933 when The Nazis rigged elections in 1929 and 1933 and gained enough power in The Wiemar Democratic Republic of Germany to "Fundamentally Transform" it in to Nazi Germany and thrust an illegitimate Hitler in to the seat as power as Fuhrer.

But at that time Israel was not a Nation. Now, prophecy comes in to play. Joe Biden's Dark Winter if he takes power illegitimately, is going to be a Never Ending Dark Winter. He is a stooge and puppet of China, The UN, and The Great Reset. The Great Reset is the forerunner of The Prophesied End Times Global Government, if not is The End Times Global Government. Everything talked about in the prophetical books by The Prophets matches The Great Reset, Sustainable Development, Agenda 21-2030 play book.

When and if God washes His hands of America because of her sins, We will transition from The Time of The Gentiles to The Time of Jacob's Trouble and God's Prophetical Clock will begin moving again. This is best studied in the Book of Daniel where The 490 years of prophecy were determined upon Israel, paused at 483 years, leaving 7 years to be fulfilled. The "Pause" occurred upon the Crucifixion of Christ.

The last 7 years called The Time of Jacob's Trouble is also called The Tribulation in The New Testament. The only condition for The Tribulation to start is for Israel to be a Nation again after 2,500 years of it's destruction and the diaspora, and Jerusalem to be it's capital.

All that is necessary is for God's cup of wrath to be full, and Satan cast out of Heaven and God to remove His restraining hand holding Evil in check across the World.

If such an egregious offense like Joe Biden's theft of the 2020 election defrauding 75-80 million is allowed to stand, then we are on The Cliff staring down in to The Abyss, and you better get right with God, find Jesus and pray for your family, and all those people you love, and preach the gospel and secure your eternal future through your faith in Messiah. Because once He comes, There is No Repentance. He is coming as The Judge, and Hell will be opened up to receive it's new residents.

Joe Biden will take power because he won the election, and all your bold print won't change that. I'm sorry if you can't accept this. :bye1:
3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

Wonder how long they will accept it when they find out Biden wants legislation written for amnesty for 11 million illegals here in the US.

Guess it doesn't bother that dufus that most Americans want illegal out of our country.
It might be a little early to let the Orange Baby down. Maybe the gop needs to coddle him for a few more weeks. You know, tell him that he still has a chance to win and that he is the smartest and handsomest man in the world. He need to whine a little longer cause....well....trump IS A BABY!
Strange, I accepted it when it was clear there was no path to a vicory for Trump, outside of the courts, and I knew that wasn't going to happen.
Historians will have a clear picture of what went on or what didn't go on during this election cycle. Up next 2024.

If there was any systemic cheating the evidence is being destroyed or will be as soon as possible.

If it helps you sleep at keep having your WET DREAM.......IT IS VERY FUNNY!
It might be a little early to let the Orange Baby down. Maybe the gop needs to coddle him for a few more weeks. You know, tell him that he still has a chance to win and that he is the smartest and handsomest man in the world. He need to whine a little longer cause....well....trump IS A BABY!

Projection is a Democrat core competency. Accuse others of being what you are
3 weeks after the election, there are signs that Republicans are starting to accept reality.

President Donald Trump’s legal campaign to reverse his election loss is crumbling all around him, losing one court case after another with even the most Conservative judges. There is no mathematical possibility that he can reverse margins of 10,000 or more votes in the five states he won in 2016 but lost to Biden.

John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Kevin Cramer and an increasing number of Republicans said Trump can and should continue his legal challenges but has “every confidence on Jan. 20 we’re going to inaugurate a president. And it will probably be Joe Biden.” :bye1:

Yes, Trump should continue his legal challenges.

That was the important part.

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