More Savage Democrat Hate Caught On Camera: Crowd Beats & Robs Tourist [Video]..


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Warning: This is pretty brutal. Definitely not for the faint of heart squeamish-types. But it is reality.

[ame=]Black Mob Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist As Onlookers Laugh - YouTube[/ame]
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Where's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson on this one? And will CNN & NBC even bother to cover it? Stay tuned i guess.
I wonder where the left are right now?? Is there no denying this was a hate crime?
And thats why I carry a .45 Smith & Wesson M&P. I hope those pieces of human waste try that shit on someone else who carries also. I counted 5 in that video who woulda legally been a threat. That leaves 8 in the magazine.

Arm up folks. The low lives in our society aren't gonna be stopped. You think the cops are gonna save you? No offense to them, I'm a retired one, but they aren't. Due to budget cuts, manpower is down and response time will be a few minutes at best. Then, thanks to scumbag lawyers sueing everyone, most cops never wanna get their hands dirty by actually policing anymore. Politically correct police commanders have now ordered the troops to be kinder, gentler, softer and FOR GODS SAKE dont offend or cause any pain to one of the fine, upstanding humans like you see in the video.
Warning: This is pretty brutal. Not for the faint of heart. But it is reality.

Black Mob Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist As Onlookers Laugh - YouTube

Democrats have always been low life. This is just one more example.

the cowards always attack in large gangs too, this is why everyone needs a large gun.

Yep. And they're like cockroaches. One well placed hollow point will cause the rest to scatter.
Warning: This is pretty brutal. Not for the faint of heart. But it is reality.

Black Mob Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist As Onlookers Laugh - YouTube

Democrats have always been low life. This is just one more example.

the cowards always attack in large gangs too, this is why everyone needs a large gun.

Its time America stands up to this type of behavior and make them pay a price.

It doesnt need be a large gun. A 22 to the knee and he is very cooperative. If not, double tap.
Man, how can people behave like such savage animals? After watching that video, it's virtually impossible to still have a whole lot of faith in Humanity.
Man, how can people behave like such savage animals? After watching that video, it's virtually impossible to still have a whole lot of faith in Humanity.

- Parents who dont care or dont exist
- Young parents who got pregnant because we dont teach self control anymore
- Public schools whose teachers either can't, or wont', discipline them
- Cops who are handcuffed from actually policing
- Left wing leaders who excuse this behavior
- Hollywood role models who glorify drugs, sex and disobedience
- The street lifestyle, without any discipline

So there it is. The recipe for "Thug Soup".
Baltimore is a steaming pile of excrement, so what else should we expect from a cesspool like that?

This is just as much of a "hate crime" as the Tulsa shootings. The white guy was not killed, but what happened to him was perpetrated by a MOB of blacks who all made the same choice, not just one person with a gun.

You can bet the response from Obama and Holder and Sharpton and Jesse and the leftist media will be, "Nothing to see here. Move along, please."
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What a pile of racist crap from the hater/dupes. Keep it up, you're Dems best pals! LOL
If this poor guy had shot several of them, Democrat assholes would be calling for his prosecution on Hate Crimes charges. This horrific video will hardly phase Democrat assholes. These were good little Obama-supporter Democrats after all.
What Democrats?

That poor man was set upon by some brutal thugs. None of then showed their party affliation.

It's disgusting that people would use this to further political agendas.
What Democrats?

That poor man was set upon by some brutal thugs. None of then showed their party affliation.

It's disgusting that people would use this to further political agendas.

Yeah sure, these mutants were lifelong Republicans. Uh huh. :cuckoo:

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