More Savage Democrat Hate Caught On Camera: Crowd Beats & Robs Tourist [Video]..

I have a feeling most Democrats who come to this thread, wont even watch the video. It's just way too much reality for them.
I have a feeling most Democrats who come to this thread, wont even watch the video. It's just way too much reality for them.

Were Republicans beating the shit out of this guy?

Look, Sallow just bought a new Hoody.

How about these guys?

Just good ol' Republicans?

[ame=]The Case of James Byrd, Jr - YouTube[/ame]
I have a feeling most Democrats who come to this thread, wont even watch the video. It's just way too much reality for them.

Were Republicans beating the shit out of this guy?


Very very tame in comparison. And the video just doesn't show enough of what happened. I'm not defending anyone though. I'm just saying the video is very poor quality and doesn't show enough evidence of what happened.
I have a feeling most Democrats who come to this thread, wont even watch the video. It's just way too much reality for them.

Yeah, you're probably right. The leftists ideas of "reality" are Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, MSNBC, CurrentTV, and The Huffington Post.
They even stripped the poor guy naked for God's sake. WTF is wrong with these Democrat mutants? So fuckin twisted.
What Democrats?

That poor man was set upon by some brutal thugs. None of then showed their party affliation.

It's disgusting that people would use this to further political agendas.


too late for that shit swallow,, you dumb democrats have made the whole world know that blacks do not belong to the Republican party.. so.... it's black democrat mob violence upon one lonely white Republican. deal with it.

In fairness, the poor guy may have been a fellow Democrat.

He probably is a Democrat. Republicans are smart enough to know not to go walking around in certain neighborhoods in Balitmore.
I have a feeling most Democrats who come to this thread, wont even watch the video. It's just way too much reality for them.

Were Republicans beating the shit out of this guy?


Very very tame in comparison. And the video just doesn't show enough of what happened. I'm not defending anyone though. I'm just saying the video is very poor quality and doesn't show enough evidence of what happened.

More republicans?

U.S. News - Task force hunts killer after shooting spree in Tulsa, Okla.
Maraleius Birdsong’s death leaves dreams unfulfilled | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

These two wonderful, diverse, misunderstood likely Democrat hungry. But they didn't have any money. So....they ordered pizza and cinnamon bread for their neighbord. Then shot the Dominoes driver point blank in the head. They robbed him of the pizza and bread. Ironically, left the cash. Just took the food.

Somehow, I doubt Sharpton cares.

Sharpton is your typical Racist African American Democrat. You see his type on this very Board everyday. All you have to do is go do some research on his hideous Tawanna Brawley debacle. He actually caused the deaths of several people in the riots that followed. He is not a good person. He should actually probably be in prison right now.

too late for that shit swallow,, you dumb democrats have made the whole world know that blacks do not belong to the Republican party.. so.... it's black democrat mob violence upon one lonely white Republican. deal with it.

In fairness, the poor guy may have been a fellow Democrat.

He probably is a Democrat. Republicans are smart enough to know not to go walking around in certain neighborhoods in Balitmore.

This is true.
Man, how can people behave like such savage animals? After watching that video, it's virtually impossible to still have a whole lot of faith in Humanity.

Don't worry, you can still have faith in white humanity, right? What is the fucking point of your thread other than to stir up race shit that you keep claiming time and time again that you're not about.
Man, how can people behave like such savage animals? After watching that video, it's virtually impossible to still have a whole lot of faith in Humanity.

Don't worry, you can still have faith in white humanity, right? What is the fucking point of your thread other than to stir up race shit that you keep claiming time and time again that you're not about.

Keeps him from being afraid even of the dust bunnies (black dust bunnies?) under his bed.
the sad thing is watching lefties respond to this thread .. they give fuel to the fire of the whites who fear things and transpose incidents like this into their world view of the dangerous black kids. seen many a white kid mob hurt innocent bystanders .. it's what mobs of kids often do

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