More second amendment remedies

The right to bear arms doesn't mean the right to use firearms in frontier justice.

Rdean has a problem with understanding right and wrong......he is a left wing regressive and as we all know, their brains do not process facts, the truth, or reality properly.....and they really can't process the difference between right and wrong....

Considering that there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.....but each year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1,500,000 times according to bill clinton.......those numbers are hard for him to understand.......

Also...considering that there are now357,000,000 million guns in private hands...that means 356,991,876 million were not used to commit murder.....

So 356,991,876 million people owned, and carried guns for self defense and did not commit murder with those guns...

13 million Americans now own and actually carry their guns.......

and 8,124 gun murders happened...and according to research, 90% of those committing murder are already convicted criminals, and 70-80% of their victims are already convicted normal people...carrying not randomly commit acts of murder with them.

and as more Americans own and carry guns....our gun murder rate has actually gone down....every year we have increased gun ownership......

So not one thing rdean implies with this thread has anything to do with the truth, the facts or the reality of gun ownership in the United STates....
But if neither of them had guns, a minor rear-ender would not have ended in a death and a serious injury. Maybe a bloody nose.

And if the 12 million men and women murdered by the Germans in gas chambers had had guns, they might have been able to stay alive....right?

Do you realize how many lives are saved each year by Americans with guns?

8,124 murdered with guns, most of the by career criminals murdering other criminals.....

1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives...according to bill clinton....

Can you grasp the significance of those numbers?

And more Americans now own and carry guns...the gun murder rate went down, not up.....from the time concealed carry started in Florida in the 90s, the number of Americans who own guns and now carry them has gone steadily up......and the gun murder rate went down....

Now we don't even have to talk about causation...that isn't the point right now....the point is....More Americans carrying guns for self defense did not increase violent crime or the gun murder rate no matter what happened to these two men.......Americans carrying guns for self defense is not a problem...right?

You are addressing a democrat.

Democrats place no value on human life. The only thing they value is the party. Millions dead is no big deal, if it advances the goals of the party.

Most democrats would be overjoyed to see every white, Christian, Republican put to death. It would stop the opposition to the goals of the party - and only party really matters.
Neither of them were thugs or gang bangers. Being black doesn't make them bangers. You got a link to Hayes using an illegal gun? I didn't find that when I searched.


!st off, did Hayes have a CCP? Since the answer is no, it was illegal for him to have the gun.

Now as to your other idiocy;

You've never actually seen an NFL game, have you? You know nothing about the NFL or any player, do you? Another smug leftist spewing ignorant shit.

The NFL's strong and talented athletes are being drowned out by the thugs who have found a place where their actions will be excused and even extolled, until they go too ridiculously far.

I can't justify pretending that what I am watching is anything better than mayhem with a time clock.

You play the same game on the street, and somebody will call the cops. The NFL is out of control in ways that can no longer be sugarcoated or justified in the name of entertaining ourselves.}

NFL's "thug element'' is ruining it as a sport

Look, your fellow Bolshevik Shitflinger is flinging shit in his bid to end civil rights, so you jumped in to support. I get it, you're a part gal and want to put an end to the Bill of Rights on behalf of your party. But clearly you have no grasp of just how stupid you come off. The NFL is no different than the Gangsta Rap world, it is run by thugs and scum.
Still waiting with baited breath for the link showing Hayes was carrying illegally. As for the rest of your post, (1) of course I've seen NFL games--a lot of them. and (2) Holy shit, you're more of a racist motherfucker than I thought.
Has this one been posted?

On the crawl on the news, it said a child was shot at an emergency room by a gun in mom's purse.

One stop shopping, but crap, there is no place we can count on being safe from the gun nutters.

Besides the Repub Natl Convention, that is. [emoji849]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
Roughly 18 million people in this country live below the "poverty" line. Why not celebrate another instance of our successful welfare state raising everyone out of poverty just like LBJ said?

See, I can do that too.

32,000 Americans killed each year by guns.....good thing we have a second amendment to keep us safe



No, show us the link where 32,000 people a year kill someone's with a gun each year.

More Americans killed by guns than killed by cars

Thank GOD we have a second amendment t protect us

It's fun to lie, isn't it?

33,808 Traffic Fatalities

33,636 from all firearms including 26,841 suicides


Shitflinger only lies when he posts things.
The right to bear arms doesn't mean the right to use firearms in frontier justice.

Rdean has a problem with understanding right and wrong......he is a left wing regressive and as we all know, their brains do not process facts, the truth, or reality properly.....and they really can't process the difference between right and wrong....

Considering that there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.....but each year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1,500,000 times according to bill clinton.......those numbers are hard for him to understand.......

Also...considering that there are now357,000,000 million guns in private hands...that means 356,991,876 million were not used to commit murder.....

So 356,991,876 million people owned, and carried guns for self defense and did not commit murder with those guns...

13 million Americans now own and actually carry their guns.......

and 8,124 gun murders happened...and according to research, 90% of those committing murder are already convicted criminals, and 70-80% of their victims are already convicted normal people...carrying not randomly commit acts of murder with them.

and as more Americans own and carry guns....our gun murder rate has actually gone down....every year we have increased gun ownership......

So not one thing rdean implies with this thread has anything to do with the truth, the facts or the reality of gun ownership in the United STates....
But if neither of them had guns, a minor rear-ender would not have ended in a death and a serious injury. Maybe a bloody nose.

And if the 12 million men and women murdered by the Germans in gas chambers had had guns, they might have been able to stay alive....right?

Do you realize how many lives are saved each year by Americans with guns?

8,124 murdered with guns, most of the by career criminals murdering other criminals.....

1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives...according to bill clinton....

Can you grasp the significance of those numbers?

And more Americans now own and carry guns...the gun murder rate went down, not up.....from the time concealed carry started in Florida in the 90s, the number of Americans who own guns and now carry them has gone steadily up......and the gun murder rate went down....

Now we don't even have to talk about causation...that isn't the point right now....the point is....More Americans carrying guns for self defense did not increase violent crime or the gun murder rate no matter what happened to these two men.......Americans carrying guns for self defense is not a problem...right?
I've pointed out to you before that the Anti-Crime legislation of the 90's had more to do with it than arming more Americans. You know full well that two big law abiding football players out for an evening in the French Quarter don't need guns for protection. Yet both of them had them in their pockets for no earthly reason and now one is dead.
I do wish you'd stop disrespecting the people killed in the gas chambers by making it seem they had some simple alternative to stop the Nazi's. It diminishes the evil of Hitler's machine and it makes it sound like the victims were all a bunch of sheep.

You, of course, pretend to not understand my post.....I said nothing about causation.....remember....we can argue that later...

It is true that allowing normal Americans to carrying guns did not increase violent crime or fun murder...that is a all of your complaining about these two guys means nothing.......

Again...1,500,000 million Americans use guns each year to stop violent crime and to save lives.....according to Bill Clinton........and most of the time they do this without ever firing a shot....

Your entire post...your entire belief system about guns, is wrong....normal, law abiding people, carrying guns for self defense does not increase the violent crime rate or the gun murder rate.....that is what the actual statistics have shown since states started,passing concealed carry back in the 1990s...

13,000,000 million Americans now carry guns for self defense...and the gun mirder rate went down....the violent crime rate went down.....,

Your entire belief system is wrong...
A minor traffic accident escalates into a fatal shooting as both parties are armed....a small price to pay for the right to bear arms

Passenger: Cardell Hayes 'saved my life' on night of Will Smith killing

Former New Orleans Saints player Will Smith was “going to shoot” as Cardell Hayes opened fire and killed Smith over the weekend, the attorney for Hayes’ passenger said in a statement.

“My client believes that Cardell saved his life," said Tanzanika Ruffin, the attorney for passenger Kevin O'Neal, in a statement to WDSU-TV. "Smith had a gun and was going to shoot it and Cardell may have saved both of their lives."

The tree that fell in the forest comes to mind

The right to bear arms doesn't mean the right to use firearms in frontier justice.

Rdean has a problem with understanding right and wrong......he is a left wing regressive and as we all know, their brains do not process facts, the truth, or reality properly.....and they really can't process the difference between right and wrong....

Considering that there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.....but each year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1,500,000 times according to bill clinton.......those numbers are hard for him to understand.......

Also...considering that there are now357,000,000 million guns in private hands...that means 356,991,876 million were not used to commit murder.....

So 356,991,876 million people owned, and carried guns for self defense and did not commit murder with those guns...

13 million Americans now own and actually carry their guns.......

and 8,124 gun murders happened...and according to research, 90% of those committing murder are already convicted criminals, and 70-80% of their victims are already convicted normal people...carrying not randomly commit acts of murder with them.

and as more Americans own and carry guns....our gun murder rate has actually gone down....every year we have increased gun ownership......

So not one thing rdean implies with this thread has anything to do with the truth, the facts or the reality of gun ownership in the United STates....
But if neither of them had guns, a minor rear-ender would not have ended in a death and a serious injury. Maybe a bloody nose.

And if the 12 million men and women murdered by the Germans in gas chambers had had guns, they might have been able to stay alive....right?

Do you realize how many lives are saved each year by Americans with guns?

8,124 murdered with guns, most of the by career criminals murdering other criminals.....

1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives...according to bill clinton....

Can you grasp the significance of those numbers?

And more Americans now own and carry guns...the gun murder rate went down, not up.....from the time concealed carry started in Florida in the 90s, the number of Americans who own guns and now carry them has gone steadily up......and the gun murder rate went down....

Now we don't even have to talk about causation...that isn't the point right now....the point is....More Americans carrying guns for self defense did not increase violent crime or the gun murder rate no matter what happened to these two men.......Americans carrying guns for self defense is not a problem...right?
I've pointed out to you before that the Anti-Crime legislation of the 90's had more to do with it than arming more Americans. You know full well that two big law abiding football players out for an evening in the French Quarter don't need guns for protection. Yet both of them had them in their pockets for no earthly reason and now one is dead.
I do wish you'd stop disrespecting the people killed in the gas chambers by making it seem they had some simple alternative to stop the Nazi's. It diminishes the evil of Hitler's machine and it makes it sound like the victims were all a bunch of sheep.

SWitzerland had 435,000 armed civilians...and that fact kept the Germans from invading...the rest of Europe and Russia disarmed their civilians.......and they were all run over by the Germans...pretending that hundreds of thousands of armed civilian resistance would have made no difference to the German war plans is the lie....

and are you kidding me....the French's filled with crime.......

And if they pulled out a gun and shot someone over a fender bender.....they were nuts long before that night...did either of them have previous arrests for violence?
Simple question for liberals that would end this line of thought completely, and hence they won't answer it.

Why do you support taking gun rights from the many for the sins of the few, while at the same time screaming that those who want to ban Muslims because some Muslims are terrorists are bigots?

Aren't you being both bigoted and hypocritical?

Sorry...makes no logical sense

Nobody is talking of banning all guns....can't be done
Conservatives are talking about banning all Muslims from entering the country

Wrong....Trump and his supporters want a temporary ban on muslims until a proper process can be used to vet them. Just like we used to do for all other immigrant groups.


Until Trump declares us safe

How about a "temporary" ban on guns while we are at it?
SO...only the one guy used his apparently commit murder...who is he...does he have a criminal record...does anyone know?
The right to bear arms doesn't mean the right to use firearms in frontier justice.

Rdean has a problem with understanding right and wrong......he is a left wing regressive and as we all know, their brains do not process facts, the truth, or reality properly.....and they really can't process the difference between right and wrong....

Considering that there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.....but each year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1,500,000 times according to bill clinton.......those numbers are hard for him to understand.......

Also...considering that there are now357,000,000 million guns in private hands...that means 356,991,876 million were not used to commit murder.....

So 356,991,876 million people owned, and carried guns for self defense and did not commit murder with those guns...

13 million Americans now own and actually carry their guns.......

and 8,124 gun murders happened...and according to research, 90% of those committing murder are already convicted criminals, and 70-80% of their victims are already convicted normal people...carrying not randomly commit acts of murder with them.

and as more Americans own and carry guns....our gun murder rate has actually gone down....every year we have increased gun ownership......

So not one thing rdean implies with this thread has anything to do with the truth, the facts or the reality of gun ownership in the United STates....
But if neither of them had guns, a minor rear-ender would not have ended in a death and a serious injury. Maybe a bloody nose.

And if the 12 million men and women murdered by the Germans in gas chambers had had guns, they might have been able to stay alive....right?

Do you realize how many lives are saved each year by Americans with guns?

8,124 murdered with guns, most of the by career criminals murdering other criminals.....

1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives...according to bill clinton....

Can you grasp the significance of those numbers?

And more Americans now own and carry guns...the gun murder rate went down, not up.....from the time concealed carry started in Florida in the 90s, the number of Americans who own guns and now carry them has gone steadily up......and the gun murder rate went down....

Now we don't even have to talk about causation...that isn't the point right now....the point is....More Americans carrying guns for self defense did not increase violent crime or the gun murder rate no matter what happened to these two men.......Americans carrying guns for self defense is not a problem...right?
I've pointed out to you before that the Anti-Crime legislation of the 90's had more to do with it than arming more Americans. You know full well that two big law abiding football players out for an evening in the French Quarter don't need guns for protection. Yet both of them had them in their pockets for no earthly reason and now one is dead.
I do wish you'd stop disrespecting the people killed in the gas chambers by making it seem they had some simple alternative to stop the Nazi's. It diminishes the evil of Hitler's machine and it makes it sound like the victims were all a bunch of sheep.

SWitzerland had 435,000 armed civilians...and that fact kept the Germans from invading...the rest of Europe and Russia disarmed their civilians.......and they were all run over by the Germans...pretending that hundreds of thousands of armed civilian resistance would have made no difference to the German war plans is the lie....

and are you kidding me....the French's filled with crime.......

And if they pulled out a gun and shot someone over a fender bender.....they were nuts long before that night...did either of them have previous arrests for violence?

The Nazis invaded the Soviet Union and lost 8 million as a result. No way they were afraid of Switzerland
Rdean has a problem with understanding right and wrong......he is a left wing regressive and as we all know, their brains do not process facts, the truth, or reality properly.....and they really can't process the difference between right and wrong....

Considering that there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.....but each year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1,500,000 times according to bill clinton.......those numbers are hard for him to understand.......

Also...considering that there are now357,000,000 million guns in private hands...that means 356,991,876 million were not used to commit murder.....

So 356,991,876 million people owned, and carried guns for self defense and did not commit murder with those guns...

13 million Americans now own and actually carry their guns.......

and 8,124 gun murders happened...and according to research, 90% of those committing murder are already convicted criminals, and 70-80% of their victims are already convicted normal people...carrying not randomly commit acts of murder with them.

and as more Americans own and carry guns....our gun murder rate has actually gone down....every year we have increased gun ownership......

So not one thing rdean implies with this thread has anything to do with the truth, the facts or the reality of gun ownership in the United STates....
But if neither of them had guns, a minor rear-ender would not have ended in a death and a serious injury. Maybe a bloody nose.

And if the 12 million men and women murdered by the Germans in gas chambers had had guns, they might have been able to stay alive....right?

Do you realize how many lives are saved each year by Americans with guns?

8,124 murdered with guns, most of the by career criminals murdering other criminals.....

1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives...according to bill clinton....

Can you grasp the significance of those numbers?

And more Americans now own and carry guns...the gun murder rate went down, not up.....from the time concealed carry started in Florida in the 90s, the number of Americans who own guns and now carry them has gone steadily up......and the gun murder rate went down....

Now we don't even have to talk about causation...that isn't the point right now....the point is....More Americans carrying guns for self defense did not increase violent crime or the gun murder rate no matter what happened to these two men.......Americans carrying guns for self defense is not a problem...right?
I've pointed out to you before that the Anti-Crime legislation of the 90's had more to do with it than arming more Americans. You know full well that two big law abiding football players out for an evening in the French Quarter don't need guns for protection. Yet both of them had them in their pockets for no earthly reason and now one is dead.
I do wish you'd stop disrespecting the people killed in the gas chambers by making it seem they had some simple alternative to stop the Nazi's. It diminishes the evil of Hitler's machine and it makes it sound like the victims were all a bunch of sheep.

SWitzerland had 435,000 armed civilians...and that fact kept the Germans from invading...the rest of Europe and Russia disarmed their civilians.......and they were all run over by the Germans...pretending that hundreds of thousands of armed civilian resistance would have made no difference to the German war plans is the lie....

and are you kidding me....the French's filled with crime.......

And if they pulled out a gun and shot someone over a fender bender.....they were nuts long before that night...did either of them have previous arrests for violence?

The Nazis invaded the Soviet Union and lost 8 million as a result. No way they were afraid of Switzerland

I have posted this...hitter hated the Swiss and wanted to invade...his military officers told him it would be too costly.....too many armed civilians...the rest of Erupoe and Russia disarmed their people......They were helpless after the Germans rolled over their militaries...and he would have done the same to Russia if we hadn't joined the fight.....and armed Russia.....
The press hasn't commented on car dell hays or who he guess...a career criminal........they may be hiding who he is the same way they hid Trayvon Mattin and the gentle giants violent histories.......
Has this one been posted?

On the crawl on the news, it said a child was shot at an emergency room by a gun in mom's purse.

One stop shopping, but crap, there is no place we can count on being safe from the gun nutters.

Besides the Repub Natl Convention, that is. [emoji849]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

In 2013 there were 320,000,000 million guns in private hands....

How many accidental gun deaths were there in 2013..... 505

So you guys can highlight individual tragedies....but 505 out of 320,000,000 million shows how dumb you are..........
Neither of them were thugs or gang bangers. Being black doesn't make them bangers. You got a link to Hayes using an illegal gun? I didn't find that when I searched.


!st off, did Hayes have a CCP? Since the answer is no, it was illegal for him to have the gun.

Now as to your other idiocy;

You've never actually seen an NFL game, have you? You know nothing about the NFL or any player, do you? Another smug leftist spewing ignorant shit.

The NFL's strong and talented athletes are being drowned out by the thugs who have found a place where their actions will be excused and even extolled, until they go too ridiculously far.

I can't justify pretending that what I am watching is anything better than mayhem with a time clock.

You play the same game on the street, and somebody will call the cops. The NFL is out of control in ways that can no longer be sugarcoated or justified in the name of entertaining ourselves.}

NFL's "thug element'' is ruining it as a sport

Look, your fellow Bolshevik Shitflinger is flinging shit in his bid to end civil rights, so you jumped in to support. I get it, you're a part gal and want to put an end to the Bill of Rights on behalf of your party. But clearly you have no grasp of just how stupid you come off. The NFL is no different than the Gangsta Rap world, it is run by thugs and scum.
Still waiting with baited breath for the link showing Hayes was carrying illegally. As for the rest of your post, (1) of course I've seen NFL games--a lot of them. and (2) Holy shit, you're more of a racist motherfucker than I thought.

I knew can start to breath normally again....

Hayes plead guilty to illegal weapons possession and illegal drug possession....

He is a violent thug...not a normal, law abiding citizen who had a gun which gave him the sudden urge to commit murder....

This thread is now done......

Suspect Arrested In Death Of Saints Defensive End Will Smith

Online court records show Hayes pleaded guilty in 2014 to one count each of possessing an illegal weapon and possessing drug paraphernalia.
A minor traffic accident escalates into a fatal shooting as both parties are armed....a small price to pay for the right to bear arms

Passenger: Cardell Hayes 'saved my life' on night of Will Smith killing

Former New Orleans Saints player Will Smith was “going to shoot” as Cardell Hayes opened fire and killed Smith over the weekend, the attorney for Hayes’ passenger said in a statement.

“My client believes that Cardell saved his life," said Tanzanika Ruffin, the attorney for passenger Kevin O'Neal, in a statement to WDSU-TV. "Smith had a gun and was going to shoot it and Cardell may have saved both of their lives."

Sure thing, thug shoots the man 7 the back, and RW says it was a good thing. What a 'tard....
So.......this thread is over...the shooter was convicted of illegal gun and drug he had an illegal gun, an obvious history of violence...since he shot a man in cold blood over a fender bender...rammed his car in fact before he shot him......

Suspect Arrested In Death Of Saints Defensive End Will Smith

Online court records show Hayes pleaded guilty in 2014 to one count each of possessing an illegal weapon and possessing drug paraphernalia.

Sooooo...why did it take so long to find this out...

Because the media loved the story of two normal guys who got into a fender bender and then started shooting at each other.....

Which is not what happened....the thug....rammed Will Smith's car so violently that he shattered the back window.....they both got out and the violent thug used his illegal gun to shoot smith and his wife...........

Smith...was a law abiding gun owner...he acted responsibly, and mistakenly, and left his gun in his car.....and was murdered because he did not have his own weapon on his hip.......he did not use his weapon in a fender bender....

The violent, convicted criminal with the illegal gun used it to commit murder...

Again...this thread is done.....

(drops the mic)

(Picks up the mic.....)

He should have been in jail...he was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 2012......played the game and got sentenced in 2014 to 6 out and murdered Smith........

The court and the prosecutor have more responisiblity in this death .....
Last edited:
The right to bear arms doesn't mean the right to use firearms in frontier justice.

Rdean has a problem with understanding right and wrong......he is a left wing regressive and as we all know, their brains do not process facts, the truth, or reality properly.....and they really can't process the difference between right and wrong....

Considering that there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.....but each year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1,500,000 times according to bill clinton.......those numbers are hard for him to understand.......

Also...considering that there are now357,000,000 million guns in private hands...that means 356,991,876 million were not used to commit murder.....

So 356,991,876 million people owned, and carried guns for self defense and did not commit murder with those guns...

13 million Americans now own and actually carry their guns.......

and 8,124 gun murders happened...and according to research, 90% of those committing murder are already convicted criminals, and 70-80% of their victims are already convicted normal people...carrying not randomly commit acts of murder with them.

and as more Americans own and carry guns....our gun murder rate has actually gone down....every year we have increased gun ownership......

So not one thing rdean implies with this thread has anything to do with the truth, the facts or the reality of gun ownership in the United STates....
But if neither of them had guns, a minor rear-ender would not have ended in a death and a serious injury. Maybe a bloody nose.

It might not have. There's no way to say it wouldn't happened, anyway.
Are you saying they would have fought bare knuckled to the death? I'm guessing they were both too plastered for that.

No, I'm saying that a gun isn't their only option. They could easily produce a club, or an edged weapon.

No, show us the link where 32,000 people a year kill someone's with a gun each year.

More Americans killed by guns than killed by cars

Thank GOD we have a second amendment t protect us

But cars do kill people therefore they must be banned.....using your idiotic logic

Who said anything about banning?

Lets do for guns what we do for cars.......license operators, register them, make the owners carry liability insurance

That brings us back to changing The Constitution.
Roughly 18 million people in this country live below the "poverty" line. Why not celebrate another instance of our successful welfare state raising everyone out of poverty just like LBJ said?

See, I can do that too.

32,000 Americans killed each year by guns.....good thing we have a second amendment to keep us safe



No, show us the link where 32,000 people a year kill someone's with a gun each year.

More Americans killed by guns than killed by cars

Thank GOD we have a second amendment t protect us
Bloomberg "PROJECTS" isn't reality.

Quit's a projection and you talk as if it's an actual statistic.

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