San Jose Police Wound Black Man Who Broke Up Bar Fight

That is just fucking stupid.
I have 3 guns. No cop has ever shot me.
Not one.
Buut... I have never carried a gun in a bar fight, waving it around with my finger on the trigger either.
That is how stupid your argument is.
The kid didn’t carry the gun into the bar, so he is the victim in this…
He is a victim of circumstance and poor decision making.
Not a shooting victim.
His choice wasn’t actually poor and the police came in hot thinking he was the other shooter…

He is the victim in all this but the Cops are not going to be punished and the OP is race baiting…
And by the way, the graphic and presentation of this story by Yahoo! is inexcusable.
That is just fucking stupid.
I have 3 guns. No cop has ever shot me.
Not one.
Buut... I have never carried a gun in a bar fight, waving it around with my finger on the trigger either.
That is how stupid your argument is.

He took it from someone and was safely removing himself. In no way was he "waving it around".
It has to do with the training and it happened in California and not somewhere else, so the State training has everything to do with this!

It happens everywhere.

You wanted to leave out the location because you damn well know those like you love to write about incidents daily in Red States but when it happens in a Deep Blue State region then we can’t take into consideration that State training is pathetic, now can we?

I have never done anything of the sort.

Your answer is “ it happens everywhere “ but it shouldn’t have happened in a blue state like California where it is a beacon of gun control and great training of it officers.

It shouldn't have happened anywhere.

The OP want to make this about the skin color of the victim and I like to know the skin color of the cops involved so that we can then truly discuss this properly.

Maybe so but I care less what color the person was. All have rights.

When entering a hot and hostile situation you have a split second to think and if what the Police said is true then they went in hot, and the young man was a victim…

They didn't go in, They shot him outside.

In the end the OP is making this about race and demanding the cops go to jail for the shooting which will not happen, and you are excusing the poor training on how it happens everywhere!

I was trained to not fire until shots are fired and if I hear one shot then I will open fire…

The first shot was by the cops.
What is that in English?

Well K'aun...that was your first mistake.

Something tells me K'aun is not a STEM major.

He was probably amped up after the event...

'den dem muphukin pohleese showed up.'

Next time, disarm, place gun in safe place, then engage officers.

He should at least get thirty days for brandishing.
Take that racist babble, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your racist, candy ass.
Wow!! Any permit holder will tell you, DO NOT BE THE ONE HOLDING A GUN WHEN THE POLICE SHOW UP at the scene of violence. IT IS A REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA.
Yea because that automatically gives them to green light to just shoot you.
Yea because that automatically gives them to green light to just shoot you.
Yep. I know it shouldn't and so do you, but it does not change anything. This has happened before and will again. In a bar situation, I would probably remove the mag, clear the weapon and hand it to the bartender to store, if possible. You don't want to be stuck, holding the hot potato, as you stand a good chance of getting burned.
My guess...
The kid watched too many super hero movies and thought he was one.
The photos from the bar show he dominated the scene quickly. The next photo is him holding the gun with his finger on he trigger. At that point, both fighters were laying on the floor. His size alone compared to the other skinny kids was enough.
The police didn't get there in 10 seconds. probably more like 10 minutes, 5 minutes tops.
What happened during this much time? Why was he still holding the gun with his finger on the trigger 5-10 minutes after the fight was over? Why was he not on the cell phone with the police telling them he has the gun, and describe his clothing?
Why back out of the bar with the gun in the air... finger on trigger?
Something is missing in this event.
Mr. Green is 20 years old, a minor. Should not have been in a joint that serves alcohol as he was under 21.

in other words, its just tough shit. He should be glad he isn't being charged, and it has nothing to do with his race.
That's the stupidest thing I've seen on this forum in months.
Well... I wasn't there. But it sounds like the cops happened to come up on the guy just at that moment. Cops have a tough job. I find it difficult to second guess them a lot of the time.

I mean, black white or indifferent, if a cop tell you to put down your weapon, you better do two things real fast:

1. FREEZE. Don't move a muscle.
2. Say "yes sir, I'm putting it down", as loud as you can.

And then, while the rest of you is still frozen, gingerly take the weapon with two fingers and lay it down, and make sure the cops can see the rest of your body while you're doing it.

If you get very VERY lucky, and the cops can hear you and they haven't had "too" long or stressful of a day yet, you stand a snowball's chance of exiting without a new bullet hole. Or twenty or fifty
So...when one cop screams not to move, one to drop the gun, one to get on the ground, and one something incoherent in a language you don't speak (all at the same time), then what?
That's the stupidest thing I've seen on this forum in months.

Especially since it was simply a restaurant.

Green was “minding his own business” inside the restaurant...............................

I guess maybe he is so sheltered to not understand that many family restaurants serve alcohol.
Especially since it was simply a restaurant.

Green was “minding his own business” inside the restaurant...............................

I guess maybe he is so sheltered to not understand that many family restaurants serve alcohol.
Heck, Pizza Hut serves alcohol.
It sounds like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The cops were doing their job. End of story.

Police are required to first find out what is happening, and since the guy was facing the other way and not at the police, he was no threat to them.
So then it was completely illegal for the police to start firing.

What police legally are supposed to do, is take cover until they find out what is actually happening.
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