More signs that the entertainment industry and educational system are our enemies.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart

The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart


Hollywood supports the US people, a large part of which is currently very angry with Trump's behavior as leader of your country.

But to say it's the Marxists, that's bs, in my opinion.
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart


Hollywood supports the US people, a large part of which is currently very angry with Trump's behavior as leader of your country.

But to say it's the Marxists, that's bs, in my opinion.

The Peoples Republic of Californicate is Marxist to the core. Especially the Hollywood Commies.
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart


Aren't these the same idiots that Letterman and Leno go out on the street and ask questions of, that think Korea is in Canada and George Washington was a general in the Civil War?
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart

So, education is your enemy? Science is your enemy as shown in the objection of the GOP against climate change. The press is your enemy? And the entertainment sector?

The way I read it is everything that is designed to try to figure out objective truth is now an enemy to conservatives.

There is something else that relies on belief and not objective truth. They call it faith, or in this case a cult.
Meh more democrats are worried about how they are going to put something under the Christmas tree than they are impeachment at the moment.
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart

So, education is your enemy? Science is your enemy as shown in the objection of the GOP against climate change. The press is your enemy? And the entertainment sector?

The way I read it is everything that is designed to try to figure out objective truth is now an enemy to conservatives.

There is something else that relies on belief and not objective truth. They call it faith, or in this case a cult.
Wanna hear some "objective truth" ? Since Trump took over unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled has sunk to lowest levels in US history.

Women unemployment lowest in over 50 years. Median income ($61,400/yr) highest in US history. Economy booming. Military stronger. China losing dominance over US. Made in USA increasing.

Objective truths you won't hear on leftist OMISSION media.
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart

So, education is your enemy? Science is your enemy as shown in the objection of the GOP against climate change. The press is your enemy? And the entertainment sector?

The way I read it is everything that is designed to try to figure out objective truth is now an enemy to conservatives.

There is something else that relies on belief and not objective truth. They call it faith, or in this case a cult.
Wanna hear some "objective truth" ? Since Trump took over unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled has sunk to lowest levels in US history.

Women unemployment lowest in over 50 years. Median income ($61,400/yr) highest in US history. Economy booming. Military stronger. China losing dominance over US. Made in USA increasing.

Objective truths you won't hear on leftist OMISSION media.
Objectively speaking, yesterday someone on the right started and OP giving a link to MSNBC stating that the economy was booming. In fact I'm betting that if you go on YouTube you will find plenty of pieces where pundits on CNN, MSNBC, CBS or a multitude of other networks are talking about those things.

I'm on my phone but if I give you those sources when I get home are you willing to concede you are objectively wrong with your claim? I for my part will immediately concede the point if I'm unable.

Since we are talking objective truths?
There is no question that the entertainment media, the news media, and academe (both K-12 and "Higher") have basically been over-run by Leftists over the past two generations. Every single poll asking about political registration or affiliation shows 70-80% registered Democrats and another 10-15% even further Left than that (Socialist, Communist, Anarchist, etc.). If you could find a single college campus faculty, or newsroom (excepting FOX), or entertainment production company that was even twenty-five percent Trump voters, you would have found a figurative "Unicorn"...because they don't exist.

Among people who actually work for a living, however, Trump is supported (if not loved) by a vast majority of Americans - even union members, whose leadership is wholly in the tank to Leftist politicians. And this prevailing support is true not only among the "un-educated," but also among engineers, industrial scientists, accountants, lawyers, physicians, and other "professionals" outside the fluffy three "industries" mentioned above.

How telling it is that the demonstrations cited and pictured in the OP take place during the work-day, when Trump supporters are..."otherwise occupied."
There is no question that the entertainment media, the news media, and academe (both K-12 and "Higher") have basically been over-run by Leftists over the past two generations. Every single poll asking about political registration or affiliation shows 70-80% registered Democrats and another 10-15% even further Left than that (Socialist, Communist, Anarchist, etc.). If you could find a single college campus faculty, or newsroom (excepting FOX), or entertainment production company that was even twenty-five percent Trump voters, you would have found a figurative "Unicorn"...because they don't exist.

Among people who actually work for a living, however, Trump is supported (if not loved) by a vast majority of Americans - even union members, whose leadership is wholly in the tank to Leftist politicians. And this prevailing support is true not only among the "un-educated," but also among engineers, industrial scientists, accountants, lawyers, physicians, and other "professionals" outside the fluffy three "industries" mentioned above.

How telling it is that the demonstrations cited and pictured in the OP take place during the work-day, when Trump supporters are..."otherwise occupied."

Newsflash, tramp and republicans are not pro union.
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart

So, education is your enemy? Science is your enemy as shown in the objection of the GOP against climate change. The press is your enemy? And the entertainment sector?

The way I read it is everything that is designed to try to figure out objective truth is now an enemy to conservatives.

There is something else that relies on belief and not objective truth. They call it faith, or in this case a cult.
Wanna hear some "objective truth" ? Since Trump took over unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled has sunk to lowest levels in US history.

Women unemployment lowest in over 50 years. Median income ($61,400/yr) highest in US history. Economy booming. Military stronger. China losing dominance over US. Made in USA increasing.

Objective truths you won't hear on leftist OMISSION media.
Objectively speaking, yesterday someone on the right started and OP giving a link to MSNBC stating that the economy was booming. In fact I'm betting that if you go on YouTube you will find plenty of pieces where pundits on CNN, MSNBC, CBS or a multitude of other networks are talking about those things.

I'm on my phone but if I give you those sources when I get home are you willing to concede you are objectively wrong with your claim? I for my part will immediately concede the point if I'm unable.

Since we are talking objective truths?
I've heard some Democrats in Congress admit that the economy is booming. Rarely though, if ever, do they say why (because of Trump reforms).

And rarely do they speak about the unprecedented lows in unemployment that I mentioned, or about the highest ever median income.

Sometimes they even (like some posters here) try to claim the success for Obama (whose GDP was low and sinking in 2016).
The educational system and entertainment industry have long ago been overrun by Marxists, exactly as Joe McCarthy warned was happening back in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, they had overrun campuses and newsrooms across America and were destroying the country.

Hollywood Promotes Nationwide Impeachment Marches on Eve of Vote

Hundreds of Professors Sign Letter Begging Congress to Impeach Trump | Breitbart

It's a propaganda machine, books are your best friend.

Most likely these 1960s fads will be over in a generation, and it will take a more "conservative" swing - allegedly it became "liberal" simply due to a lot of the celebrities and entertainers having been born into the 1960s counter-culture fads and taken their views with them.

Most fads, including political, "religious" or economic ones, don't stand the test of time.

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