More storms, more intense storms

The OP is the perfect puppet for his globalist masters.
They say it....he BELIEVES it.

The US is among the cleanest nations on earth in terms of so called greenhouse gas output anyway.

Tell ya what "brave little climate warrior"....
Go to China, the REAL source of your GHG and stand in Tiananmen square shouting your concerns.

Till then.....STFU moron

The Chinese will listen to OR present the faked data

I'm positive
You see, your opinion, and others like you, are largely the result of the fossil fuel companies past disinformation campaign . It has proven to be very hard to dislodge those lies. Even fossil fuel executives do not want their children living on a baked planet. They know, and knew since the 50s that a warming planet would be the result of burning all these fossil fuels. You need to open your eyes and free yourself from the past propaganda campaigns.
I get it now....BigCorporations™ in general, and BigOil™ in particular, are voracious, all-consuming, greedy, careless, uncaring monstrosities, who hire equally voracious, all-consuming, greedy, careless, uncaring monsterous Madison Avenue ad firms, in order to con us into buying more of their product, which we probably don't need and will likely will kill us all...They only care about their stock prices, profits, fat expense accounts and Cuban cigars, while they sit in their BigCorpration™ buildings, and act all corporation-y...Right up until that magical moment where these BigCorporations™ tell you what you want to hear....Then they're paragons of virtue, responsibility, and truth telling!

Man, the comedy just keeps a-rollin' in! :lmao:

"Let me explain to you how this works: you see, the corporations finance Team America, and then Team America goes out... and the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporation-y... and they make money." - Fuck Yeah!
Climate change IS real.

It has been real for millions of years.

That's why this blog isn't run by insects (whooppsie?) or dinosaurs (instead of children?).

Dinosaur farts caused the last great climate shift but wouldn't have had there been algorasaur to outlaw them.

When climate change is inevitable relax and enjoy it.

LOL My, are you practicing at being stupid? We have put a vast amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. You actually believe that has not affect?

How much must we lower CO2 to prevent these storms from ever happening?

At the beginning of "Issac's Storm", Larson gives a list of all the major hurricanes that roared through Texas for the last several hundred years. Did the Injuns invent the Internal Combustion Engine?
Oddball, you are a fucking idiot. A willfully ignorant ass that knows nothing of science. Here are the people that keep track of extreme weather because their jobs depend on it.

climate change news - Reinsurance News

Zurich urges businesses to prepare for climate change

25th September 2018

Zurich Insurance Group has called on businesses to act now and prepare for climate change, as internationally-agreed targets for lower greenhouse emissions look set to miss their mark. The new report from Zurich outlines three steps it believes will help companies develop a climate resilience adaptation strategy. These steps include identifying the ... Read the full article

Society must prepare for more frequent and severe extreme weather events: Swiss Re
17th August 2018

Martin Bertogg, Head of Catastrophe Perils at reinsurance giant Swiss Re, has called on society to adapt and prepare for increasingly frequent and severe occurrences of extreme weather conditions, such as the heatwaves and dry spells witnessed in recent times. The Swiss Re Institute, a division of Switzerland-based reinsurer Swiss Re, ... Read the full article
You can't even wrap your head about a concept like "falsifiable", then try to deflect from the fact with an all-too-predictable appeal to authority, and I'm the idiot?!?

Man, you warmers are a hooot! :laugh2:
Silly ignorant ass, the re-insurers are the people that see the numbers for natural disasters up close and personal. And, yes, they are the authorities on the cost of those disasters. Who are we supposed to go to for information? People like you that have zero real knowledge of these events?
You do know that the cost of a storm has more to do with population density than anything else don't you?

The population of the coasts on this country is growing and the population of the South is growing faster than any other part of the country therefore any future storm will cost more than any past storm of similar intensity
Looks like the meme that the storms are not as bad as in prior years is just plain wrong.

Will you address the faked data and non-science that's behind your AGW "Theory"?

Audit Exposes Serious Problems with IPCC Temp Data


"UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005
WORLD—The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change came to a grim conclusion regarding the rapid warming of the earth, should people not band together to give more power over to the government in order to turn the tide in the fight against climate change.

The report definitively concluded that climate change will completely destroy the earth by 2005 if we do not take action now.

"We've run all the numbers, and it's absolutely clear: every inch of dry land on the planet will be totally submerged by the year 2005," said one member of the panel. "This is an absolute scientific fact."

When several scientific researchers pointed out that 2005 came and went 13 years ago, they were informed that the earth was actually destroyed, everybody was killed, and we are all actually ghosts.

"Every person on the planet is now a spirit who was killed over a decade ago by climate change," said a UN spokesperson. "And anyone who does not believe this will be labeled a ghost science denier."

UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005
Looks like the meme that the storms are not as bad as in prior years is just plain wrong.

Will you address the faked data and non-science that's behind your AGW "Theory"?

Audit Exposes Serious Problems with IPCC Temp Data


"UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005
WORLD—The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change came to a grim conclusion regarding the rapid warming of the earth, should people not band together to give more power over to the government in order to turn the tide in the fight against climate change.

The report definitively concluded that climate change will completely destroy the earth by 2005 if we do not take action now.

"We've run all the numbers, and it's absolutely clear: every inch of dry land on the planet will be totally submerged by the year 2005," said one member of the panel. "This is an absolute scientific fact."

When several scientific researchers pointed out that 2005 came and went 13 years ago, they were informed that the earth was actually destroyed, everybody was killed, and we are all actually ghosts.

"Every person on the planet is now a spirit who was killed over a decade ago by climate change," said a UN spokesperson. "And anyone who does not believe this will be labeled a ghost science denier."

UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005

If only we had listened!
Looks like the meme that the storms are not as bad as in prior years is just plain wrong.

Will you address the faked data and non-science that's behind your AGW "Theory"?

Audit Exposes Serious Problems with IPCC Temp Data


"UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005
WORLD—The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change came to a grim conclusion regarding the rapid warming of the earth, should people not band together to give more power over to the government in order to turn the tide in the fight against climate change.

The report definitively concluded that climate change will completely destroy the earth by 2005 if we do not take action now.

"We've run all the numbers, and it's absolutely clear: every inch of dry land on the planet will be totally submerged by the year 2005," said one member of the panel. "This is an absolute scientific fact."

When several scientific researchers pointed out that 2005 came and went 13 years ago, they were informed that the earth was actually destroyed, everybody was killed, and we are all actually ghosts.

"Every person on the planet is now a spirit who was killed over a decade ago by climate change," said a UN spokesperson. "And anyone who does not believe this will be labeled a ghost science denier."

UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005

If only we had listened!

That is even funnier than the Bee!
AGW Cult circa 2000: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

AGW Cult today: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past 24 and caused by Manmade Global Climate Warming Change
As an avid fossil hunter, part of my collection contains extinct, giant tortoise fossils. They once roamed fl. Like the giant turtles that live to this day, a freeze would kill them. There is the proof Fl is getting colder.
AGW Cult circa 2000: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

AGW Cult today: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past 24 and caused by Manmade Global Climate Warming Change

As an avid fossil hunter, part of my collection contains extinct, giant tortoise fossils. They once roamed fl. Like the giant turtles that live to this day, a freeze would kill them. There is the proof Fl is getting colder.

So what if its warmer?

Global Warming: BFD


“The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s . . . 64 degrees. Ahhhh!!!! Run for your lives, everybody! Women and children first!”
As an avid fossil hunter, part of my collection contains extinct, giant tortoise fossils. They once roamed fl. Like the giant turtles that live to this day, a freeze would kill them. There is the proof Fl is getting colder.

So what if its warmer?

Global Warming: BFD


“The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s . . . 64 degrees. Ahhhh!!!! Run for your lives, everybody! Women and children first!”

Temperatures rises 1 degree, women and children hit hardest!
Oh Gawd.....who couldnt guess this kind of ghey thread would be coming this week.

From the same guy who promised "bigger Cat 5 hurricanes happening more frequently" post Katrina. Then we didnt have a hurricane make landfall for like 11 years! Doy

These alarmist assholes roll the dice on bad storm predictions and hope for the best so they can say, "Told ya so!"

Problem is....nobody knows! Doy

Computer models absolutely cannot predict the future climate....the IPCC said so!:cul2:

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