More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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I agree. I have studied, through biology and anthropology, scientifically, in-group and out-group relationships.
Evolution of in-group favoritism.

Yep, well, I tried to keep it out of the abstract for wider readability, but yes, now that you've gone there and spelled it out, what the race-haters and baiters rail about, is really nothing more than the normal organization of natural biological construct. Put simply, things are the way they have been not because "White Man Bad," but because that is how biology works at all levels of the biomass, from the bacteria to us.

Things happen, society changes and evolves, but it takes time and must occur naturally of its own design and pace, you cannot FORCE it through politics or federal law. The point I've tried to make before but always fails on deaf ears is that had this been another country, say, founded by Ugandans or Kenyans, THE VERY EXACT SAME THINGS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED for the same reasons in the same way, because that is what is NATURAL.

In short: before you yell at and blame White people today for things they never did that happened long before they were born, realize that had your ancestors been in change, they would have made just as bad and similar mistakes.

We like to think of ourselves as sophisticated, but less than 140 years ago, we were still living in log cabins drawing well water with horses for transportation on dirt streets heating and cooking with wood or coal with gas and fuel lamps and no electricity as our only means of lighting our homes at night.

I think we're doing pretty good considering. It's far from a perfect world but the best way to solve that is for each person to seek their own self-actualization with positive contributions because in the end, each of us really only controls 1/7,000,000,000th of the planet.

This is one of the authors of that second paper.

Although IM2 often does raise awareness on a host of important issues, I think a lot of time he misses the larger picture. That is, he is an AMERICAN first.

We will all, rise or fall together.

We would all do well to remember the fate of other multi-national states. . . Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Cambodia, etc . . . There is a big difference between having a different stake holder or interest groups within our nation, to actually making the claim, that you have a different nation with in the nation.

This same can be said about Conservatives or Lefties who tend to take their rhetoric just a wee bit far. We can criticize the establishment as much as we want, and oppressive as it may be, it is still the best thing going.

I see a lot of hostile posts, bandying back in forth, it appears like black nationalists hating on white nationalists and vice versa. It is a disturbing look of folks who have lost touch with what is important.
Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About

Despite the revelation that half of the officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray – the incident that led to the Baltimore riots – are black, the narrative that black people are being disproportionately and unfairly targeted by predominantly white police officers and a racist criminal justice system in the United States continues to dominate.
This has led to the growth of a divisive movement – ‘Black Lives Matter’ – which has only served to further polarize America down racial lines, obsessing on skin color and invoking white guilt, while ignoring the true causes of and solutions to police brutality.

Until the following facts become part of the conversation, we’re never going to see a real reduction in the number of violent confrontations involving black people and police officers. But the mainstream media, political leaders and white people in general are afraid to even mention these facts for fear of being labeled racist.

I’m not here to win any popularity contests. I genuinely care about less black people and less police officers dying in the streets. So I’m going to give it to you straight.

Black people in the United States are more likely to be victims of violent confrontations with police officers than whites because they commit more violent crimes than whites per capita.

– FACT: Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S.

– FACT: From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. When you account for the fact that black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, the figures are even more staggering.

– FACT: Despite the fact that black people commit an equal or greater number of violent crimes than whites, whites are almost TWICE as likely to be killed by police officers.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, between 1999 and 2011, 2,151 whites died as a result of being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.

Critics argue that black people are overrepresented in these figures because they only represent 13% of the population, but they are underrepresented if you factor in violent crime offenders. In other words, you would expect the number of blacks and whites killed by police to be roughly equal given that they commit a roughly equal number of violent crimes, but that’s not the case. Whites are nearly 100% more likely to be victims.

And what about black on white violence in general?

This article originally appeared in the Infowars Underground Insider newsletter! Not subscribed? Join now!

Despite the revelation that half of the officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray – the incident that led to the Baltimore riots – are black, the narrative that black people are being disproportionately and unfairly targeted by predominantly white police officers and a racist criminal justice system in the United States continues to dominate.
This has led to the growth of a divisive movement – ‘Black Lives Matter’ – which has only served to further polarize America down racial lines, obsessing on skin color and invoking white guilt, while ignoring the true causes of and solutions to police brutality.

Until the following facts become part of the conversation, we’re never going to see a real reduction in the number of violent confrontations involving black people and police officers. But the mainstream media, political leaders and white people in general are afraid to even mention these facts for fear of being labeled racist.

I’m not here to win any popularity contests. I genuinely care about less black people and less police officers dying in the streets. So I’m going to give it to you straight.

Black people in the United States are more likely to be victims of violent confrontations with police officers than whites because they commit more violent crimes than whites per capita.

– FACT: Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S.

– FACT: From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. When you account for the fact that black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, the figures are even more staggering.

– FACT: Despite the fact that black people commit an equal or greater number of violent crimes than whites, whites are almost TWICE as likely to be killed by police officers.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, between 1999 and 2011, 2,151 whites died as a result of being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.

Critics argue that black people are overrepresented in these figures because they only represent 13% of the population, but they are underrepresented if you factor in violent crime offenders. In other words, you would expect the number of blacks and whites killed by police to be roughly equal given that they commit a roughly equal number of violent crimes, but that’s not the case. Whites are nearly 100% more likely to be victims.

And what about black on white violence in general?

– FACT: Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.

“Even allowing for the existence of discrimination in the criminal justice system, the higher rates of crime among black Americans cannot be denied,” wrote James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein in their widely cited 1985 study, “Crime and Human Nature.” “Every study of crime using official data shows blacks to be overrepresented among persons arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for street crimes.”

It’s clear that the greater propensity for black people to commit violent crimes is a driving factor as to why blacks are becoming involved in more violent confrontations with police than their 13% population figure suggests they should be. If the 911 calls are coming from black areas and are related to black people committing violent crimes, then of course black people are more likely to be involved in violent confrontations with cops.

Does that justify police brutality in cases such as Freddie Gray, Walter Scott or Eric Garner? No. But it does demolish the ‘Black Lives Matter’ narrative that the general trend of black people being victims of violent encounters with police is solely down to the fact that cops are racist towards black people. Racism is a factor, but the statistics clearly show that it’s by no means the only factor, and some would argue not even the dominant factor.

But aren’t all these statistics undermined by the fact that black people are unfairly targeted and framed for crimes by police officers in the first place? Don’t higher arrest and conviction rates of blacks merely prove that police are racist? This argument is debunked by looking at the proportion of offenders identified – not by police – but by victims – as black. The National Crime Victimization Survey shows that the number of blacks arrested generally correlates with the number of offenders identified as black by victims.

Studies suggest that the reasons behind blacks being more likely to commit violent crimes are the dual issues of poverty (which exacerbates family breakdown) and a sub-culture amongst the black community that is tolerant of and glamorizes crime and violence. In the aftermath of the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, we saw the white metropolitan liberal media further legitimize this violence by openly justifying and even endorsing violent unrest that targeted mainly black-owned businesses.

This is true racism – by encouraging blacks to loot and riot, the white liberal media is helping to keep black communities in a cycle of destructive behavior that will lead to more police brutality targeted against black people.

Police brutality is a huge problem within the United States, and anyone that denies that fact is a part of the problem. But until we acknowledge and address the equally important issue of violent criminality within the black community, and until that becomes part of the national conversation, the issue is never going to be resolved.

And by failing to make these facts part of the conversation, black political leaders, protest organizers, and the white liberal media is complicit in perpetuating the chain reaction of violence that makes more police brutality against black people an inevitable outcome.
Although IM2 often does raise awareness on a host of important issues, I think a lot of time he misses the larger picture. That is, he is an AMERICAN first.

We will all, rise or fall together.

Being some hyphenated American means one's allegiance follows suit

I’m not here to win any popularity contests. I genuinely care about less black people and less police officers dying in the streets. So I’m going to give it to you straight.

Black people in the United States are more likely to be victims of violent confrontations with police officers than whites because they commit more violent crimes than whites per capita.

Stats don't lie, but liars always use stats.

I could easily portray poor white trash uneducated and impoverished & via the very same narrative point blame at the system

To be fair, said 'system' has a LOT of institutionalized remedies spawned by liberal guilt to save us from ourselves.

It never dawns on them their flawed cumulative causation theory misses the fact that we LIKE our lifestyle just the way it is


Although IM2 often does raise awareness on a host of important issues, I think a lot of time he misses the larger picture.

Effective communication comes down to good SNR (signal-noise ratio). If IM2 ever has any good signal, it has been totally lost in all of the noise of his bitter angry rants, snotty attitude, and incessant, unilateral, myopic blame. I've long since stopped reading anything he ever writes as a total waste of my time.
TOTALLY FALSE! Skin color remains a massive barrier for white people in job hiring ,promotions,
I'm pretty sure you know that a white man with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than black man without one.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
college admissions
So how do you explain the recent scandal were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?
Thus the main culprit of the victim mentality.
To tell my son that he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I’m ill-suiting him for the real world.

You see downplaying racism backfires.

If he or any black person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They're gonna overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of racist unjust treatment can steel themselves against it.

And how come you don’t accuse whites in here of victimization ? They're always talking about how they are victims taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,” you name it.

Whites loves victim-hood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count
You have no motivation to improve yourself when you are told repeatedly you are not to blame for your predicament, and you should not have to work hard to achieve, but get breaks and special treatment.
Black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to. We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they have never done much to improve our situation. But I see very little self-help in the white community. Rarely do you spend time dealing with your own racism. A racism which you any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.
I have great respect for inner city black folks who busted their asses and worked hard and got themselves out and broke the multi-generational dependency mentality and joined the rest of society.
A black person shouldn't have to "bust their ass". He shouldn't have work twice as hard as a white person to get a slice of the cake. That's white supremacy. That's the system. And that system should not be there
Thus the main culprit of the victim mentality.
To tell my son that he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I’m ill-suiting him for the real world.

You see downplaying racism backfires.

If he or any black person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They're gonna overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of racist unjust treatment can steel themselves against it.

And how come you don’t accuse whites in here of victimization ? They're always talking about how they are victims taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,” you name it.

Whites loves victim-hood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count
You have no motivation to improve yourself when you are told repeatedly you are not to blame for your predicament, and you should not have to work hard to achieve, but get breaks and special treatment.
Black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to. We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they have never done much to improve our situation. But I see very little self-help in the white community. Rarely do you spend time dealing with your own racism. A racism which you any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.
I have great respect for inner city black folks who busted their asses and worked hard and got themselves out and broke the multi-generational dependency mentality and joined the rest of society.
A black person shouldn't have to "bust their ass". He shouldn't have work twice as hard as a white person to get a slice of the cake. That's white supremacy. That's the system. And that system should not be there

Of course a person born without a father present, in poverty, surrounded by negative social practices and a self destructive culture has to work twice as hard as someone born in a decent neighborhood, with two loving parents that provide well and live in a normal society. That person unfortunate enough to be born in crap has to first get out of the crap. He/she has to make that decision that they refuse to be like everyone around them and be a productive, positive human being.
Of course a person born without a father present, in poverty, surrounded by negative social practices and a self destructive culture has to work twice as hard as someone born in a decent neighborhood, with two loving parents that provide well and live in a normal society.
OK. So let's look at Obama. He was not born in poverty, nor did he live in poverty. He was a loving parent. He never had kids out of wedlock. He was educated

Why did that not stop him from racism ?

That person unfortunate enough to be born in crap has to first get out of the crap.
OK. So why is the crap their in the first place ?
Of course a person born without a father present, in poverty, surrounded by negative social practices and a self destructive culture has to work twice as hard as someone born in a decent neighborhood, with two loving parents that provide well and live in a normal society.
OK. So let's look at Obama. He was not born in poverty, nor did he live in poverty. He was a loving parent. He never had kids out of wedlock. He was educated

Why did that not stop him from racism ?

That person unfortunate enough to be born in crap has to first get out of the crap.
OK. So why is the crap their in the first place ?

And why is the crap there? How is it you do not know? How do you not see why? And even more of an enigma, how do you still support the very party that put the crap there in the first place?
After slavery was abolished, black people of course still faced impossible obstacles to ever hope to obtain equality. No hope. Even the great migration of blacks that moved north to the cities still faced overwhelming racism. REAL racism.
That stayed pretty much the same until the civil rights movement. After the civil rights movement, something was done to black people that was the greatest injustice since slavery. Liberal social policies whereby they built massive living projects in cities all across the nation.Especially the eastern half, whereby they packed black people in like sardines. And built those projects away from where their kids went to school. Where their jobs were. Where their children played. Then they designed social programs to give them just enough money to survive. To keep them away. Poorly funded schools, that were more of a child warehousing facility than a proper teaching facility.
At that point, what did people expect?? That blacks were going to be successful?? They didn't care. The entire premise was not to improve the lives of the plighted black race, not to correct past injustices... NO. The object was to keep them away from where they lived, worked, dine and went to school.
Now why do you still support a party that did this to your race? A party that does nothing but patronize, victimize and use you?
I am a conservative. I have several black friends. I am not racist. There is not one synapse in my brain that believes black people are inferior in any way. I absolutely believe they can do anything a white person can, and in some cases - better.
What would I do to improve the race? Or what do I believe should be done? Those are very hard questions. But I would start with the family structure. And fight to reverse the victim mentality, the self destructive, corrosive culture that glorifies bad behavior.
TOTALLY FALSE! Skin color remains a massive barrier for white people in job hiring ,promotions,
I'm pretty sure you know that a white man with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than black man without one.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
college admissions
So how do you explain the recent scandal were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?
Very weak deflection ploy. I'm sure YOU know that a black man with criminal record, less education, and totally unqualified, will get a job (with the help of Affirmative Action), instead of a white man with no criminal record, more and better education, and fully qualified.
TOTALLY FALSE! Skin color remains a massive barrier for white people in job hiring ,promotions,
I'm pretty sure you know that a white man with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than black man without one.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
college admissions
So how do you explain the recent scandal were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?
Very weak deflection ploy. I'm sure YOU know that a black man with criminal record, less education, and totally unqualified, will get a job (with the help of Affirmative Action), instead of a white man with no criminal record, more and better education, and fully qualified.

On what planet?
White Convicts As Likely to Be Hired As Blacks Without Criminal Records
Anyone claiming that racism is no longer alive and well in the United States, in addition to considering the race-driven circumstances surrounding the Jena 6, or statistics demonstrating that prosecutors are far more likely to seek the death penalty when the victim is white than when the victim is black (particularly if the defendant is black), or studies demonstrating that blacks receive harsher sentences than whites for equivalent drug crimes, or the fact that even though more whites per capita smoke marihuana than blacks, blacks are arrested and prosecuted at a far higher rate, should read a recent study by Princeton University examining employment discrimination titled “Discrimination in Low Wage Labor Markets.”

In the largest and most comprehensive project of its kind to date, 13 young male applicants, presenting the same qualifications and experience, split into teams and went on nearly 3,500 entry-level job interviews with private companies in supposedly left-leaning, "progressive", multicultural New York City, jobs ranging from restaurants to manufacturing to financial services. After recording which applicants were invited back for interviews or were offered jobs, two sociology professors looked at the hiring practices of 1,500 prospective private employers, focusing specifically on discrimination against young male minorities and ex-offenders.

Some of the study's findings are depressingly familiar. For instance, young white high school graduates were twice as likely to receive positive responses from New York employers as equally qualified black job seekers. It also reaffirmed not only that former prisoners are at a distinct disadvantage in the job market, but also that, again, black ex-prisoners are in a much worse position: positive responses from employers towards white applicants with a criminal record dipped 35 percent, while for black applicants similarly situated it plummeted 57 percent.

However, the study revealed that our society's racism extends even deeper: black applicants with no criminal record were no more likely to get a job than white applicants with criminal records just released from prison! In other words, while whites with criminal records received low rates of positive responses, such response rates were equally low for blacks without a criminal background. Further exposing the overt racism at play was the study's finding that minority employers were more accepting of minority applicants and job applicants with prison records.

So, even when a white employer knows that the white applicant she is interviewing is a convict and the black applicant has never been in trouble with the law, she is as likely to hire the white applicant as the black applicant. Given how wary our society is of ex-offenders, and how difficult it is for ex-offenders to obtain gainful employment, this finding reveals the depth and breadth of racism in the job market.

Imagine what the results would be if the researchers tested the inverse?!? We would be hard-pressed to find a single employer as likely to hire a black person with a criminal record as a white person without one, and the differences between rates of positive ressponses would stretch across the Sahara.

The study reaffirms the dire situation for black ex-offenders. Blacks comprise a disproportionate number of the 2.3 million people behind bars, and thus are disproportionately affected by laws barring people with criminal records from certain employment and educational opportunities. Even when applying for jobs they are legally qualified for, black ex-convicts face dual discrimination on account of being black and having a criminal record.

Amazingly, the study found no evidence that an applicant's educational credentials countered the stigma of incarceration, suggesting that once the "criminal record" stigma attaches, it may never relinquish its grip.

But what the Princeton study shows is that blacks who have never stepped foot inside a prison face not only unequal competition from whites without rap sheets and comparable competition from similarly situated blacks, but they can also be squeezed out of the job market by whites exiting penitentiaries. A level playing field it is not.

As for ex-prisoners, with thousands leaving prison every day, our country should expand reentry programs for prisoners (both inside and outside of prison), ease employment restrictions for people with criminal records, repeal laws disenfranchising prisoners and ex-offenders, ensure that ex-offenders can easily correct mistakes on their rap sheets, and, most importantly, move away from nationwide policies of mass incarceration, frantic prison-building, arrest-happy policing, and fighting a costly, ineffective, and inhumane war on drugs, all of which contribute mightily to our bursting-at-the-seams prison population.

But even then, our country faces an even tougher task, one that we have failed miserably at for hundreds of years, and one that cannot be accomplished merely by repealing a statute or rewriting a policy: getting rid of discrimination against people of color. And for anyone who thinks racism is no longer an issue in America, think again.

Whites in this forum continue trying to argue on their racist emotions against solid evidence. The unarmed man cannot win an armed conflict. Yet many whites here think they can do so if they all just gang up on people that present the facts they don't want to read or hear. But ganging up, calling people names, assuming they have no jobs and all the childish retardation we see at USMB does not erase the facts that have been discovered.

White Convicts As Likely to Be Hired As Blacks Without Criminal Records | DMI Blog
Study: White ex-criminals preferred over blacks - Jun. 17, 2005
Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment
Devah Pager, Bruce Western, and Bart Bonikowski
Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment

The racists are correct about 1 thing, this is not the 1960's. In 2020 blacks are college graduates and professionals in fields of research and conduct studies that impact things. This is not the day when freedom riders rode up on towns full of blacks that could not read. So you can drop the white 1960's arguments and the ignorant rants of flunk outs like Limbaugh who you guys look to as leaders.

Last, post number 1832 is a bunch if gibberish bordering on the delusional. Why do republicans continue lying like that? Not every black person lived in the projects and educational inequality occurred long before civil rights. The greatest injustice that was done to blacks began in 1619 and once freed on paper, greater injustices continued to be wrought upon blacks by republicans and democrats. There is a reason blacks left the republican party and whites here want to argue with blacks who saw why and/or were explained why by the blacks that did so.

Paternalism is over racist whites like the poster of number 1832. So don't try telling us what has happened to us and how it happened because we have lived through and in it, therefore we know and your white asses have ZERO clue therefore you really need to learn how to be quiet and listen. We left the republican party for a reason and we will not return to the republican party until that reason no longer exists.
Very weak deflection ploy. I'm sure YOU know that a black man with criminal record, less education, and totally unqualified, will get a job (with the help of Affirmative Action), instead of a white man with no criminal record, more and better education, and fully qualified.
OK. If that's the case then how come the unemployment rate of black men is always higher than white men ? And please try and have the intelligence to not repeat what I'm saying. And also name the companies where they are rolling out the red carpet for these supposed unqualified undeserving black men ?
Very weak deflection ploy. I'm sure YOU know that a black man with criminal record, less education, and totally unqualified, will get a job (with the help of Affirmative Action), instead of a white man with no criminal record, more and better education, and fully qualified.
OK. If that's the case then how come the unemployment rate of black men is always higher than white men ? And please try and have the intelligence to not repeat what I'm saying. And also name the companies where they are rolling out the red carpet for these supposed unqualified undeserving black men ?
Because blacks vote for democrats
And why is the crap there?
Because we live in a system of racism - white supremacy.

After slavery was abolished, black people of course still faced impossible obstacles to ever hope to obtain equality. No hope. Even the great migration of blacks that moved north to the cities still faced overwhelming racism. REAL racism.

That stayed pretty much the same until the civil rights movement. After the civil rights movement, something was done to black people that was the greatest injustice since slavery. Liberal social policies whereby they built massive living projects in cities all across the nation.Especially the eastern half, whereby they packed black people in like sardines. And built those projects away from where their kids went to school. Where their jobs were. Where their children played. Then they designed social programs to give them just enough money to survive. To keep them away. Poorly funded schools, that were more of a child warehousing facility than a proper teaching facility.

At that point, what did people expect?? That blacks were going to be successful?? They didn't care. The entire premise was not to improve the lives of the plighted black race, not to correct past injustices... NO. The object was to keep them away from where they lived, worked, dine and went to school.

But you still get all the goodies of benefits of being white and we are still living in a system of racism-white supremacy and the system is still here in an over whelming fashion. You have a lot of white people who say a lot of nice things. The likes of Tim Wise, Robin DAngelo they write all these books and write all these essays about racism but the system is still here and is as strong as ever. So that whites are not interested in getting rid of this system. You don't have lost of white people who don't practice racism. You have lots of white people who want this system of racism to continue.

Now why do you still support a party that did this to your race?
How do you know what party I support ? How do you even know if I vote ?
A party that does nothing but patronize, victimize and use you?
How do you know what party I support ? How do you even know if I vote ?
I have several black friends. I am not racist.
Is that supposed to impress me ?
There is not one synapse in my brain that believes black people are inferior in any way. I absolutely believe they can do anything a white person can, and in some cases - better.
Every white person claims they are not racist.

But I would start with the family structure. And fight to reverse the victim mentality, the self destructive, corrosive culture that glorifies bad behavior.
This is a common tactic white supremacist do. That is, put the blame on black ppl for the system of racism - white supremacy. That it's blk people fault for the system of racism - white supremacy.
Very weak deflection ploy. I'm sure YOU know that a black man with criminal record, less education, and totally unqualified, will get a job (with the help of Affirmative Action), instead of a white man with no criminal record, more and better education, and fully qualified.
OK. If that's the case then how come the unemployment rate of black men is always higher than white men ? And please try and have the intelligence to not repeat what I'm saying. And also name the companies where they are rolling out the red carpet for these supposed unqualified undeserving black men ?
Because blacks vote for democrats
No difference. Dems or Repubs I suspect them both of being white supremacists
Very weak deflection ploy. I'm sure YOU know that a black man with criminal record, less education, and totally unqualified, will get a job (with the help of Affirmative Action), instead of a white man with no criminal record, more and better education, and fully qualified.
OK. If that's the case then how come the unemployment rate of black men is always higher than white men ? And please try and have the intelligence to not repeat what I'm saying. And also name the companies where they are rolling out the red carpet for these supposed unqualified undeserving black men ?
Because blacks vote for democrats
No difference. Dems or Repubs I suspect them both of being white supremacists
And you’re a black supremacist,, what’s the problem
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