More Than 1,600,000 Illegals Have Crossed Into The US So Far This Year....Expected To Reach 2,000,000....Measles Outbreaks In TX

Tell us all what role does a private insurance company fulfill besides denying coverage? Oh wait, you believe in charity so if you cant pay, just get a go-fund me account and hope to pay for your cancer treatment via charity. That's America 2021. Meanwhile every other 1st world country, it's citizens have no such concern.

Nobody appointed you....there's no "us."

There's just you, exposed as an ignorant government school grad.......standing alone, being mocked.

Now....where does the Constitution allow a government-run insurance plan?

How many illegals have you bought a medical plan.....or even a bandaid.....for????

If it's zero, you're just a windbag.
"... government run health insurance plan...."

Can you point out where the Constitution authorizes "government run health insurance plan"????


It is so difficult to interact with Democrats because you are so dumb.
Are enumerated powers stated in the Constitution?

The enumerated powers (also called expressed powers, explicit powers or delegated powers) of the United States Congress are the powers granted to the federal government of the United States. Most of these powers are listed in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.
Enumerated powers (United States) - Wikipedia

Enumerated powers (United States) - Wikipedia

Enumerated powers (United States) - Wikipedia
Enumerated powers (United States) - Wikipedia
How about you thumb through the 'law of the land' and take a gander at the authorized powers of the'll be a whole new experience for you, you dope.
Oh and by the way, that's what amendments are for. You know, like the one that allows you to vote.
I have to stay here and prevent animals like you from destroying America, so I'm not going anywhere. Whether you like it or not, we will eventually have a government run health insurance plan for all citizens. And there is nothing you can do about it.

"...government run health insurance plan for all citizens."

Now it's "citizens"????

Earlier you were clutching your pearls for illegals.

Calm down, Sméagol, the Precious will be yours once the Hobbits are dead.
Oh and by the way, that's what amendments are for. You know, like the one that allows you to vote.

Name the amendment that allows a government run health care plan.

Gads, you're a moron.

You don't know that there is no such amendment.

You’re certainly not too bright: I bet if they moved your plate five inches, you’d starve to death.
Nobody appointed you....there's no "us."

There's just you, exposed as an ignorant government school grad.......standing alone, being mocked.

Now....where does the Constitution allow a government-run insurance plan?

How many illegals have you bought a medical plan.....or even a bandaid.....for????

If it's zero, you're just a windbag.
I've heard this bullshit illogical line of "thinking" many illegals do YOU house? How many medical plans have YOU bought for an illegal? Just absolutely ludicrous. Now we are switching it up to buying illegal medical insurance. I WAS talking about citizens of the US. You dont even want our own citizens to have medical coverage unless they can afford it. Why would I DARE start talking about giving illegals health insurance?

LIke I said, there will be an amendment at some point to the Constitution to grant the government the ability to provide health coverage for all citizens. It's just a matter of time.
Oh and by the way, that's what amendments are for. You know, like the one that allows you to vote.

You know, like the one that allows you to vote.

If not for the Republican Party, women wouldn't have the vote.

Bet you didn't know that.

The beatings will continue until I see the light of learning on your part….and then they will continue for the sheer joy of it.
I've heard this bullshit illogical line of "thinking" many illegals do YOU house? How many medical plans have YOU bought for an illegal? Just absolutely ludicrous. Now we are switching it up to buying illegal medical insurance. I WAS talking about citizens of the US. You dont even want our own citizens to have medical coverage unless they can afford it. Why would I DARE start talking about giving illegals health insurance?

LIke I said, there will be an amendment at some point to the Constitution to grant the government the ability to provide health coverage for all citizens. It's just a matter of time.

No vulgarity.....even though I've beaten you to a bloody pulp. dolt, it's 'as I said'....not 'like I've said.'

Did you ever read a book????

You should look at the bright side: some people suffer with a cerebral disease; you’ll never have to worry about that.
Name the amendment that allows a government run health care plan.

Gads, you're a moron.

You don't know that there is no such amendment.

You’re certainly not too bright: I bet if they moved your plate five inches, you’d starve to death.
When did I say there was an existing amendment that covers government health insurance? We'll call it the 28th amendment, though. YOu're impossible to talk to because you're so stupid.
If not for the Republican Party, women wouldn't have the vote.

Bet you didn't know that.

The beatings will continue until I see the light of learning on your part….and then they will continue for the sheer joy of it.
Hey look, another idiot that doesnt realize political parties change over time.
I've heard this bullshit illogical line of "thinking" many illegals do YOU house? How many medical plans have YOU bought for an illegal? Just absolutely ludicrous. Now we are switching it up to buying illegal medical insurance. I WAS talking about citizens of the US. You dont even want our own citizens to have medical coverage unless they can afford it. Why would I DARE start talking about giving illegals health insurance?

LIke I said, there will be an amendment at some point to the Constitution to grant the government the ability to provide health coverage for all citizens. It's just a matter of time.

" many illegals do YOU house? How many medical plans have YOU bought for an illegal? Just absolutely ludicrous."

Why would I do anything for someone who broke into my country, you moron????????

Here is that silver lining that we’ve been told that every dark cloud has….the empty space in your brain that, in normal people, contains honesty and intelligence….well, you could use it to carry pocket change, and all sorts of effluvia.
" many illegals do YOU house? How many medical plans have YOU bought for an illegal? Just absolutely ludicrous."

Why would I do anything for someone who broke into my country, you moron????????

Here is that silver lining that we’ve been told that every dark cloud has….the empty space in your brain that, in normal people, contains honesty and intelligence….well, you could use it to carry pocket change, and all sorts of effluvia.
Those were rhetorical questions, dumbass.
You know that isnt true. And if you do think its' true, your mind is gone. So either you are a liar or you are mentally ill. Either way you are now on ignore with the rest of the mentally ill right wing nut jobs.

Don't forget to say hi to your fellow DemoKKKrat governor for me!

You know that isnt true. And if you do think its' true, your mind is gone. So either you are a liar or you are mentally ill. Either way you are now on ignore with the rest of the mentally ill right wing nut jobs.

I am prepared to prove anything I post.
Seemingly, it's the only things you understand.

Animals like you have zero affect on me. I did like you trying to convince me that since republicans give to charity, that excuses you for believing illegals arent entitled to emergency healthcare or food. You pick that up from Ann Coulter? I bet you did, didnt you? LOL!

They can go to an emergency, but a healthcare plan funded by taxpayers that pays for the illegals of the world who can get here, will only cause millions more to come here.
If you are in favor of it, then start mailing a check to the government every month exclusively for the healthcare of illegals.
If you don't, then you're a fucking hypocrite!
Oh and while you're at it, you need to open your own home to an illegal family.
Put up or shut up pal!
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Over 1,600,000 illegals have crossed the border this year that have been apprehended....and 208,000 in August alone. The prediction is that over 2,000,000 will cross this year (not counting all of those that get thru unrecorded).That's more people than several states....and it's only getting worse. Because Biden refuses to send them back....even more are coming. But the Biden Administration still claims they have this under control.

Del Rio TX is the Wild Wild West right now...where locals carry loaded weapons, illegals and drug dealers are leaving trash everywhere, stealing cars, breaking into homes. All thanks to the Biden Administration's open border policies.

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More than 200,000 illegal immigrant encounters have been reported in August — the second straight month the number has exceeded that mark — in an extension of the illegal immigration crisis that has plagued the Biden administration since its start.
There were 208,887 encounters last month, a Department of Homeland Security official told Fox News.
And while the total is down slightly from July’s more than 212,000 encounters, it’s still a 317 percent increase over August 2020, when there were 50,014 apprehensions and a 233 percent jump from August 2019, which recorded 62,707 apprehensions.
Of the encounters in August, 49 percent involved single adults — down 7 percent from July.

Nobody is surprised.

Demographers tell us Caucasian Americans will become a minority by 2045.

Well, some kind-hearted Americans (of all ethnicities) want to hurry up that long-awaited and cherished day.

So they are throwing open the borders now so that Utopia can arrive a bit earlier than the demographers promised.

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