More Than 1,600,000 Illegals Have Crossed Into The US So Far This Year....Expected To Reach 2,000,000....Measles Outbreaks In TX

john doe 101
There is a solution.

Make being in this country illegally a felony.

Prosecute anyone who hires illegals.

Finish the wall.

Give ICE and BP their powers back.

Get Mexico to stop convoys at their southern border. Have any that make it to the border stay in Mexico until their court date.

Have the NG's of every border state at their border.
Wow a complete load of stupid. How about we stop people from having the need to come here in the first place? Or do you just like imprisoning people because you are a sadistic asshole?

ICE and BP never lost their "powers".

Prosecuting people that hire illegals will economically kill entire industries/communities without alternatives

The wall is useless. Most illegals come by airplane or through ports of entry.

I'll agree w/Mexico stopping convoys. But your "convoys" that you see on Fox News are a drop in the bucket of illegals that enter America. So this isnt really something to focus too much on. Except if you are into optics.
Wow a complete load of stupid. How about we stop people from having the need to come here in the first place? Or do you just like imprisoning people because you are a sadistic asshole?

ICE and BP never lost their "powers".

Prosecuting people that hire illegals will economically kill entire industries/communities without alternatives

The wall is useless. Most illegals come by airplane or through ports of entry.

I'll agree w/Mexico stopping convoys. But your "convoys" that you see on Fox News are a drop in the bucket of illegals that enter America. So this isnt really something to focus too much on. Except if you are into optics.
Take the property from anyone renting to an illegal, and the problem is solved overnight. Anyway over a million illegals has crossed our border since Biden got in office. He should be impeached, just for that alone.
Abbott is not protecting the people of Texas. He should step down and let someone else take over
Take the property from anyone renting to an illegal, and the problem is solved overnight. Anyway over a million illegals has crossed our border since Biden got in office. He should be impeached, just for that alone.
This is how you animals think. Just make everyone suffer. Thats how you sadistic fucks think. First solution to a problem? Make people suffer. Unreal.
john doe 101
Talk about stupid. Since when is it our responsibility how another country runs it affairs??

Oh and just how many do you think pay coyote's to get them across the border overland??

ICE and BP had their powers curtailed by Bidung. They got told just who they could capture and take back to the border and who they could dump on a border city. Oh and they got told to bus and fly them all over our country.

I'd say 60,000 Haitians added to those that were already there are more than a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the thousands coming in more convoys.

You are still good for a laugh though.
Talk about stupid. Since when is it our responsibility how another country runs it affairs??
If we helped fuck that country up, wouldnt it be our responsibility to help fix it?

I hope a load of illegal Haitians gets dropped right smack dab in the middle of your neighborhood.

Have a great day!
1. Evidently you didnt read my link about illegals and what welfare they are entitled to. I love that you quote Coulter though. I bet you think she is some type of intellectual powerhouse that you aspire to become.

2. "Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits"
Whats a common denominator of all those countries you listed? It's not hard. In fact, I'm pretty sure someone with a middle school education could tell me.

"...what welfare they are entitled to."

Look up the meaning of the terms "entitled" and "illegal" and you will find them to be mutually syncretic.

Better look up syncretic while you're at it.

"bet you think she is some type of intellectual powerhouse"

As I aspire????

Guilty as charged.

I have a lovely pic of Queen Ann and myself having a chat.....I may post it one day.
How could I avoid believing that, when my opponents are morons like you?
Be serious.
This is how you animals think. Just make everyone suffer. Thats how you sadistic fucks think. First solution to a problem? Make people suffer. Unreal.
No, they entered the country illegally and doing that it won't cost us a dime. American people are better off and the ones coming here legally. Are better off also.
"...what welfare they are entitled to."

Look up the meaning of the terms "entitled" and "illegal" and you will find them to be mutually syncretic.

Better look up syncretic while you're at it.

"bet you think she is some type of intellectual powerhouse"
How could I avoid believing that, when my opponents are morons like you?
Be serious.

That's an easy one. Illegals aren't entitled to anything in this country yet entitlements they get at our expense.
Yup. He's a riot all right. He thinks he's smart but his post sure don't show it.

Where he loses all credibility is when he lamely dodges questions even when you spoon feed him articles that speak to the question asked.

john doe 101
Bullshit. Its not our responsibility to help another country with their internal affairs.

Oh and I live in Florida and our Governor would buss them all out of the state. Hope they land in your neighborhood so you can assist with the policies of their country.

"...what welfare they are entitled to."

Look up the meaning of the terms "entitled" and "illegal" and you will find them to be mutually syncretic.

Better look up syncretic while you're at it.

"bet you think she is some type of intellectual powerhouse"
How could I avoid believing that, when my opponents are morons like you?
Be serious.
Well, because you're an animal, I guess you dont think humans deserve healthcare. Just let people, die, right?

But since you wont read my link and instead rely on the piece of shit grifters like Ann Coulter to educate you, I'll actually tell you illegals can and cant have.

Illegals are NOT eligible for:
2. Medicaid
3. SSI

Illegals ARE eligible for:
1. Emergency Medicaid (I know I know you being an inhumane animal are probably against this)
2. Treatment in Emergency Rooms (Again, I know, you'd rather see a human die in the street)
3. WIC (I know, you enjoy seeing brown children suffer like Ann does)

Thats ALL illegals are eligible to receive.
Well, because you're an animal, I guess you dont think humans deserve healthcare. Just let people, die, right?

But since you wont read my link and instead rely on the piece of shit grifters like Ann Coulter to educate you, I'll actually tell you illegals can and cant have.

Illegals are NOT eligible for:
2. Medicaid
3. SSI

Illegals ARE eligible for:
1. Emergency Medicaid (I know I know you being an inhumane animal are probably against this)
2. Treatment in Emergency Rooms (Again, I know, you'd rather see a human die in the street)
3. WIC (I know, you enjoy seeing brown children suffer like Ann does)

Thats ALL illegals are eligible to receive.

"Well, because you're an animal,"

All of you trained seals parrot the empathy lie.

But that's not what the facts say:


1."'Tis the season for giving—and it turns out that conservatives and like-minded welfare skeptics more than hold their own when it comes to charity. So says Arthur C. Brooks in his new book Who Really Cares?: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism.

2. Arthur Brooks, a public policy professor at Syracuse University, sums up his own results thusly: Giving is dictated by "strong families, church attendance, earned income (as opposed to state-subsidized income), and the belief that individuals, not government, offer the best solution to social ills--all of these factors determine how likely one is to give."

3. ...those who say they strongly oppose redistribution by government to remedy income inequality give over 10 times more to charity than those who strongly support government intervention, with a difference of $1,627 annually versus $140 to all causes.

4. Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn't explained by income differential—in fact, liberal households make about 6 percent more per year.

5. Poor, rich, and middle class conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts. ... "People who do not value freedom and opportunity simply don't value individual solutions to social problems very much. It creates a culture of not giving."

6. In 2004, self-described liberals younger than thirty belonged to one-third fewer organizations in their communities than young conservatives. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood." Liberals, he says, give less than conservatives because of religion, attitudes about government, structure of families, and earned income.

7. ...young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, "a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love."

8. "Tangible evidence suggests that charitable giving makes people prosperous, healthy, and happy. And that on its own is a huge argument to protect institutions of giving in this country, as individuals, in communities, and as a nation. We simply do best, as a nation, when people are free and they freely give."

"There's something incredibly satisfying, inherently, about voluntary giving,"...

Well, because you're an animal, I guess you dont think humans deserve healthcare. Just let people, die, right?

But since you wont read my link and instead rely on the piece of shit grifters like Ann Coulter to educate you, I'll actually tell you illegals can and cant have.

Illegals are NOT eligible for:
2. Medicaid
3. SSI

Illegals ARE eligible for:
1. Emergency Medicaid (I know I know you being an inhumane animal are probably against this)
2. Treatment in Emergency Rooms (Again, I know, you'd rather see a human die in the street)
3. WIC (I know, you enjoy seeing brown children suffer like Ann does)

Thats ALL illegals are eligible to receive.

First you said 'entitled' its 'eligible.'

Which is it, you sniveling liar????

Only legal immigrants are 'entitled.'

Not your voters.

"Well, because you're an animal,"

All of you trained seal parrot the empathy lie.

But that's not what the facts say:

View attachment 548714

1."'Tis the season for giving—and it turns out that conservatives and like-minded welfare skeptics more than hold their own when it comes to charity. So says Arthur C. Brooks in his new book Who Really Cares?: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism.

2. Arthur Brooks, a public policy professor at Syracuse University, sums up his own results thusly: Giving is dictated by "strong families, church attendance, earned income (as opposed to state-subsidized income), and the belief that individuals, not government, offer the best solution to social ills--all of these factors determine how likely one is to give."

3. ...those who say they strongly oppose redistribution by government to remedy income inequality give over 10 times more to charity than those who strongly support government intervention, with a difference of $1,627 annually versus $140 to all causes.

4. Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn't explained by income differential—in fact, liberal households make about 6 percent more per year.

5. Poor, rich, and middle class conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts. ... "People who do not value freedom and opportunity simply don't value individual solutions to social problems very much. It creates a culture of not giving."

6. In 2004, self-described liberals younger than thirty belonged to one-third fewer organizations in their communities than young conservatives. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood." Liberals, he says, give less than conservatives because of religion, attitudes about government, structure of families, and earned income.

7. ...young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, "a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love."

8. "Tangible evidence suggests that charitable giving makes people prosperous, healthy, and happy. And that on its own is a huge argument to protect institutions of giving in this country, as individuals, in communities, and as a nation. We simply do best, as a nation, when people are free and they freely give."

"There's something incredibly satisfying, inherently, about voluntary giving,"...

You think dropping some change in a bucket in front of Target during the Christmas season excuses your behavior towards illegals? Get the fuck out of here with that illogical bullshit.

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