More Than 1,600,000 Illegals Have Crossed Into The US So Far This Year....Expected To Reach 2,000,000....Measles Outbreaks In TX

Seemingly, it's the only things you understand.

Animals like you have zero affect on me. I did like you trying to convince me that since republicans give to charity, that excuses you for believing illegals arent entitled to emergency healthcare or food. You pick that up from Ann Coulter? I bet you did, didnt you? LOL!

Illegal aliens aren't entitled to anything. If they receive medical care in the US they should receive a bill and when deported back to their country they should pay the bill in full. Failure to pay what they owe would ban them from being allowed to submit an application to reside in the US.

Illegal aliens aren't entitled to anything. If they receive medical care in the US they should receive a bill and when deported back to their country they should pay the bill in full. Failure to pay what they owe would ban them from being allowed to submit an application to reside in the US.

We legal immigrants salute you!
Illegal aliens aren't entitled to anything. If they receive medical care in the US they should receive a bill and when deported back to their country they should pay the bill in full. Failure to pay what they owe would ban them from being allowed to submit an application to reside in the US.

Well, that isnt the way the law works. So get back to your dream world and come up with some more fantasies.
Walls work. Trump built walls. Why is there any problems? :)

Walls sure the hell help. Do you have a fence around your property, or did you simply invite the world in?
How about your house, does it have any walls, or is your house a shopping cart?
Walls sure the hell help. Do you have a fence around your property, or did you simply invite the world in?
How about your house, does it have any walls, or is your house a shopping cart?
This is a prime example of how a person that doesnt have a grasp on basic logic "thinks".
This is a prime example of how a person that doesnt have a grasp on basic logic "thinks".

A wall properly constructed and completed would have helped tremendously. Just ask any border agent. A proper wall allow those in charge of securing our border to more easily keep track of who is coming in.

I realize you lack the ability to understand logic, so I'll cut you a break. Fucking idiot.
A wall properly constructed and completed would have helped tremendously. Just ask any border agent. A proper wall allow those in charge of securing our border to more easily keep track of who is coming in.

I realize you lack the ability to understand logic, so I'll cut you a break. Fucking idiot.
Most illegals arrive via airplane or through a port of entry. Fact.

You can dig under or climb over a wall. Fact.
Walls sure the hell help. Do you have a fence around your property, or did you simply invite the world in?
How about your house, does it have any walls, or is your house a shopping cart?
If someone wants in my house they can get in. It would take me 60 seconds to get in yours.
A properly constructed wall would have HELPED! FACT
At what cost? Or would money have been better spent on electronic surveillance and the like? Oh so you are admitting that flimsy thing trump put up wasnt "properly constructed". Ok now we might be getting somewhere.
At what cost? Or would money have been better spent on electronic surveillance and the like? Oh so you are admitting that flimsy thing trump put up wasnt "properly constructed". Ok now we might be getting somewhere.

Trump at least showed some respect for our country by attempting to secure our borders, something you pieces of shit will never do.
Tell us, did you cum in your panties when Biden invited the world to "surge the border"?

As for electronic surveillance and other methods, I'm all for doing whatever it takes to stop or slowdown the invasion.
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Over 1,600,000 illegals have crossed the border this year that have been apprehended....and 208,000 in August alone. The prediction is that over 2,000,000 will cross this year (not counting all of those that get thru unrecorded).That's more people than several states....and it's only getting worse. Because Biden refuses to send them back....even more are coming. But the Biden Administration still claims they have this under control.

Del Rio TX is the Wild Wild West right now...where locals carry loaded weapons, illegals and drug dealers are leaving trash everywhere, stealing cars, breaking into homes. All thanks to the Biden Administration's open border policies.

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More than 200,000 illegal immigrant encounters have been reported in August — the second straight month the number has exceeded that mark — in an extension of the illegal immigration crisis that has plagued the Biden administration since its start.
There were 208,887 encounters last month, a Department of Homeland Security official told Fox News.
And while the total is down slightly from July’s more than 212,000 encounters, it’s still a 317 percent increase over August 2020, when there were 50,014 apprehensions and a 233 percent jump from August 2019, which recorded 62,707 apprehensions.
Of the encounters in August, 49 percent involved single adults — down 7 percent from July.

Which American people want a path to citizenship?
Well then, so just go ahead then and tear your fence and walls down. I mean, hey, if they're going to get in anyway.............right?
Don’t be a moron. We have lots of fences and walls and barriers. No one is for open borders you twit. It’s a moronic chant by low IQ right wing nuts. You fit the bill.
There are over 12 million illegal immigrants living and working in America.

trump didn't deport them.
Because the Dems took a dicky fit at everything Trump tried to do with illegals, and you've got the stupid fucking brain to come out with that retarded shit. I don't even live in America but I take offence when another human can say something as fucking retarded as that.
Well, that isnt the way the law works. So get back to your dream world and come up with some more fantasies.

Read what I wrote - I said they "should" be charged for a hospital visit, deported and then required to pay their debt. Should.

Didn't you say that we WILL have an amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing healthcare??? (LIke I said, there will be an amendment at some point to the Constitution to grant the government the ability to provide health coverage for all citizens. It's just a matter of time.) Talk about a fantasy. Leftists are such dreamers.

Don’t be a moron. We have lots of fences and walls and barriers. No one is for open borders you twit. It’s a moronic chant by low IQ right wing nuts. You fit the bill.

You're the one with the low IQ problem.

If you and your ilk were NOT for open borders you wouldn't always have a reason to be against border walls and other border security methods. You just won't come out and admit you're ok with open borders, you and your party of course will never come out and make the admission, but telling the world's refugees to "surge the border" and then also publicly saying you're in favor of healthcare for illegals, is advertising to the third world to come right in! What is happening right now is what a 2nd grader could have predicted, obviously a flood would come.
A properly constructed wall would have helped and been a great tool, but as usual you fucking morons will always be against it.
Face it, you and your party are pro-illegal alien, you always have been you just won't come out and admit it!

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