More than 30 states have a serious secession movement


Apr 9, 2009

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.

I dunno, Shockley. Don't you think the country might be better off with 100,00 fewer simpering simpletons?
We don't have unity. The only unity we have is that we're still being told, although in fainter and fainter voices, that we have unity. It's a sham. It's not real. The nation has already divided, we're just pretending otherwise.
"...and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity."

Fighting for unity is like fucking for chastity.
When you look at other nations that have been divided we are still pretty close, we have no DMZs, no walled ghettos, no roaming bands of guerrillas, no warlords, nothing that signals that country is headed for a big breakup. All we have is a bunch of cowardly whiners that have never known real strife and division crying over an election that went against their team, BOO-fucking-HOO.
Of course we have walled communities. Walled and gated. Walled, gated and armed guards.
Of course we have walled communities. Walled and gated. Walled, gated and armed guards.

Take a look at your homeowners association for a preview of what a secessionist government would be like. Arbitrary rules, lack of due process, the ability to ruin your life out of sheer spite and run by fascists who hate everyone.
Of course we have walled communities. Walled and gated. Walled, gated and armed guards.

Take a look at your homeowners association for a preview of what a secessionist government would be like. Arbitrary rules, lack of due process, the ability to ruin your life out of sheer spite and run by fascists who hate everyone.

Sounds like the federal government to me.
Of course we have walled communities. Walled and gated. Walled, gated and armed guards.

Take a look at your homeowners association for a preview of what a secessionist government would be like. Arbitrary rules, lack of due process, the ability to ruin your life out of sheer spite and run by fascists who hate everyone.

Sounds like the federal government to me.

Even a state that has seceded will have a central government, don't know what these people think they will be solving by splitting away and allowing hard right dickheads to decide what their rights will be.
We don't have unity. The only unity we have is that we're still being told, although in fainter and fainter voices, that we have unity. It's a sham. It's not real. The nation has already divided, we're just pretending otherwise.

Yea, every time I drive down south with my Ohio plates people throw rocks at my car and take pot shots at me.:eusa_shifty: Sarcasm off. Get over it. Maybe in your little insulated bubble we are divided but not from what I see.

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


You do realize that our Founders were secessionists, right? If they had taken your viewpoint we would still be part of Great Britain.

Israel isn't trying to conquor us. The media is becoming less controlled because there are more and more alternative voices in the media.

As for secession itself, it's not appropriate at this time. Hopefully, it will never be appropriate. But last thing we need is a civil war.
Take a look at your homeowners association for a preview of what a secessionist government would be like. Arbitrary rules, lack of due process, the ability to ruin your life out of sheer spite and run by fascists who hate everyone.

Sounds like the federal government to me.

Even a state that has seceded will have a central government, don't know what these people think they will be solving by splitting away and allowing hard right dickheads to decide what their rights will be.

Maybe they just think that they should determine their own destiny instead of some Bureaucrat half way across the continent.
We don't have unity. The only unity we have is that we're still being told, although in fainter and fainter voices, that we have unity. It's a sham. It's not real. The nation has already divided, we're just pretending otherwise.

Yea, every time I drive down south with my Ohio plates people throw rocks at my car and take pot shots at me.:eusa_shifty: Sarcasm off. Get over it. Maybe in your little insulated bubble we are divided but not from what I see.

Your response is making a better point for him than it is for you.
Sounds like the federal government to me.

Even a state that has seceded will have a central government, don't know what these people think they will be solving by splitting away and allowing hard right dickheads to decide what their rights will be.

Maybe they just think that they should determine their own destiny instead of some Bureaucrat half way across the continent.

And they would be wrong, what is the point in seceding if not to gut the liberal interpretation of equal protection, right of appeal and due process? Conservatives love to argue the constitution as if it has been ruined by subsequent supreme court decisions and amendments, I wonder what would be the results of a fledgling nation starting over without many of the hard fought civil protections we take for granted?
"...and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity."

Fighting for unity is like fucking for chastity.

what unity? we have no unity, we are a nation divided, obummie done good didn't he? It's what ya voted for,, it's what you got.
Of course we have walled communities. Walled and gated. Walled, gated and armed guards.

Take a look at your homeowners association for a preview of what a secessionist government would be like. Arbitrary rules, lack of due process, the ability to ruin your life out of sheer spite and run by fascists who hate everyone.

Why do you care fuckface? You hate half the country so don't try to cling to them. I hate you back too.
Take a look at your homeowners association for a preview of what a secessionist government would be like. Arbitrary rules, lack of due process, the ability to ruin your life out of sheer spite and run by fascists who hate everyone.

Sounds like the federal government to me.

Even a state that has seceded will have a central government, don't know what these people think they will be solving by splitting away and allowing hard right dickheads to decide what their rights will be.
Therein lies the problem. NOBODY left or right will decide what my or anyones rights are and thats just one of the reasons some of us wish to secede. The Government can stuff the NDAA, TSA and Patriot Act :)

This country is falling apart and perhaps one day (when Americans turn of their TV's) everyone will see this. I don't blame any of this on Bush or Obama, I blame it all on the uniformed American public for continuing to vote puppets into office. We will end up like Rome if Americans don't wake up and turn off their TV's. See below
“Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions…Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the ‘new, wonderful good society’ which shall now be Rome, interpreted to mean ‘more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.’” ~Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)
Even a state that has seceded will have a central government, don't know what these people think they will be solving by splitting away and allowing hard right dickheads to decide what their rights will be.

Maybe they just think that they should determine their own destiny instead of some Bureaucrat half way across the continent.

And they would be wrong, what is the point in seceding if not to gut the liberal interpretation of equal protection, right of appeal and due process? Conservatives love to argue the constitution as if it has been ruined by subsequent supreme court decisions and amendments, I wonder what would be the results of a fledgling nation starting over without many of the hard fought civil protections we take for granted?

What's the point? TO RESTORE equal protection, Right of appeal, and Due Process. The same reason our Founders left Great Britain. Because the abuses of Government became so great that in order to restore the people's rights they needed to declare independence.

The government abuses your civil rights everyday and you thank them for it.

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


You can't force "unity," otherwise it ceases to be unity.

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