More than 30 states have a serious secession movement

Mexico, once it conquered Arizona, would demand extradition of Sheriff Joe, from California, where he would flee.

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


They all said they know it wont happen. They said it is to let Obama know they are sore losers and babies.

I fucking thought the right was all about being American. Remember Geroge W. after 9/11. Everyone who said anything about him was called unamerican.

Now this? Fuck those sore losers.

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


There is no unity in the country any longer. Let me guess you voted for obama.
Since the actual number of secessionists is rather small, I say we grant them all what they wish.

Lump them all together into Arizona, and let them have it as their new nation of rugged individualism.

Just make sure to remove any nukes first.

No well keep Texas North Carolina and any other state that wants to leave the Obamanation.
States righters crack me up.

CSA revivalists clinging to their dreams of reviving a slave nation, ready to threaten anyone who mocks their dreams.

Really it's very funny to see how easily one can troll these nitwits into threatening to kill the people who think they're idiots.

That just happens to be the biggest pile of bull shit I have ever read. but if if do require slaves liberals will be our target.:D
Doesn't matter if they are sore or angry or whatever.

They will straighten up if they with to have any influence on the party politics.
Doesn't matter if they are sore or angry or whatever.

They will straighten up if they with to have any influence on the party politics.

Ding bat we're going to run every rino out of the party. and your next. Stop acting as if you speak for a party that you are not part of.
This is utterly pointless its not going to happen and won't be approved so stop wasting your time.
We have managed here in our part of the Republican vineyard to remove all TP extremists and the reactionaries from our committees. We will keep this up getting ready for the primaries next year.
No Teaps will receive our support here from the party. If a Teap actually makes it through, we will run a 3rd-party People's Party candidate to ensure a Teap is not elected. We are going to finish off these RINOs once and for all.
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No Teaps will receive our support here from the party. If a Teap actually makes it through, we will run a 3rd-party People's Party candidate to ensure a Teap is no elected. We are going to finish off these RINOs once and for all.

Jakematters wants to purge the Tea Party, the Libertarians, the Christians, and the Capitalists from the GOP.

Hmm, think Jakematters MIGHT just be playing for the other team?
It sounds like these people have seceded from their mental health.

Thank God for Obamacare...assuming they're not institutionalized for their own (and everyone else's) safety once they hear that term.
The new GOP will be fiscally and economically conservative and sane, will not demean women and minorities and gays, and will not empower neo-con imperialism.

The Christies, Rubios, Boehners, and Jindalls will turn their backs on those who hate the rest of America, the far right wacks of their own party.
This thread title and OP is a bunch of shit.

No, you don't have "states" doing this, you have a miniscule amount of random idiots from around the country who are butt-hurt they lost an election, and they pulled up a page on a website and submitted a petition. Random idiots followed. More random idiots typed real or fake names to express similar butt-hurt sentiments.

That's it. In a nutshell.

BRAVO Paper :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Newsflash: Retards live in 100% of US states and territories.

Your main objective here is to racially taunt black people. You are nothing but an extreme racist opportunist. Your mod (fiends) and you are nothing but a bunch of sick racist who always thinks the ends justify the means.
Newsflash: Retards live in 100% of US states and territories.

Your main objective here is to racially taunt black people. You are nothing but an extreme racist opportunist. Your mod (fiends) and you are nothing but a bunch of sick racist who always thinks the ends justify the means.

Dude, you've got the wrong impression of Old Udderbreath, he's a flaming liberal, he CAN'T be a RACIST.

Only Conservatives can be racist, didn't you get the memo?
Back in 1774 to 1775 a large majority of Americans felt exactly like a lot of the sheeple do.
Times are changing for the better in America, as the haters in the GOP kicked to the curb.

Romney kicked himself to the curb yesterday.

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