More than 30 states have a serious secession movement


Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


I'm very glad to hear the right is going to just move further to the right. By the 2020's they won't control any part of government.



hahaha....just last week you people were laughing at Texas for wanting to secede, now that YOUR STATE is on board with this movement. how does it make you feel? :lol:

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


I'm very glad to hear the right is going to just move further to the right. By the 2020's they won't control any part of government.

If that happens you can say goodbye to Food Stamps.
hahaha....just last week you people were laughing at Texas for wanting to secede, now that YOUR STATE is on board with this movement. how does it make you feel? :lol:
PEOPLE! Arghhhhh! No STATE is on board. Random idiots are submitting petitions.

Glenn Beck?

Bwahahahahahhahaahahha! :lol:

The dittoheads are so amusing and entertaining. :clap2:

Good fuck but you're stupid. (Which is why you're a leftist.)

Beck was saying how DUMB these petitions are.

{“if you think you’re going to have secession without war, you’re crazy. You’re not going to. What you are going to have instead, I believe, more likely than secession is you’re going to have a significant disruption in the lifestyle of the United States of America.”}

More than 30 states have a serious secession movement – Glenn Beck

Ever for a leftist, you're seriously stupid.
Glenn Beck?

Bwahahahahahhahaahahha! :lol:

The dittoheads are so amusing and entertaining. :clap2:

Good fuck but you're stupid. (Which is why you're a leftist.)

Beck was saying how DUMB these petitions are.

{“if you think you’re going to have secession without war, you’re crazy. You’re not going to. What you are going to have instead, I believe, more likely than secession is you’re going to have a significant disruption in the lifestyle of the United States of America.”}

More than 30 states have a serious secession movement – Glenn Beck

Ever for a leftist, you're seriously stupid.

They view the world through a filter that changes reality.

It's like they don't see reality at all...they're speaking to a totally different version than what the rest of us see. And their version is completely fake. Made up.

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


I'm very glad to hear the right is going to just move further to the right. By the 2020's they won't control any part of government.

The right doesn't have to control government to cause serious disruption among those who do control government.
buncha moronic extremists.

No state is on board with secession, only a buncha bozos and bozettes.
Why secede? Conservatives are a majority. It must be good, so we'll do to the Democrats what they've been doing to us. We'll vote to make them pay all taxes, seize their assets and put them on one great big happy Reservation in Alaska. We'll allot ANWR as their reservation grounds, and they can defend the oil from being taken out of the ground. We'll put Sarah Palin in as their territorial manager and Guardian trustee. :muahaha:
PEOPLE! Arghhhhh! No STATE is on board. Random idiots are submitting petitions.


600,000 random idiots. :clap2:

Or as a realist would say:

0.215% of the TOTAL population of the USA.


You do realize it really only takes 2 people to make a big enough stink to make the world take notice. right? ie- Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman murder.

So 600,000 is a nice big blip on the ANY radar. you're talking about it now. proof.
600,000 random idiots. :clap2:

Or as a realist would say:

0.215% of the TOTAL population of the USA.


You do realize it really only takes 2 people to make a big enough stink to make the world take notice. right? ie- Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman murder.

So 600,000 is a nice big blip on the ANY radar. you're talking about it now. proof.
Yow. You're comparing a bunch of yahoos signing a petition to secede to a fat, stupid white guy killing a black kid? Really?

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