More than 440 reporters lose press passes after White House changes requirements

A Trump humper expressing concern for the press.

Your side went BSC when Trump did the same thing. Now why is it when "I shit my pants again Joseph Robinette Biden" does the same stuff you look the other way and it does not matter?
At least 442 reporters have lost their credentials since the White House press office changed its rules for journalists to be eligible for permanent passes, according to reports.

The White House announced updated standards for a yearly renewal of "hard passes" in May. Journalists who do not obtain hard passes can still apply for a day pass.

Politico reported the number of credentialed White House correspondents dropped from 1417 to 975 after the previous passes expired July 31, with the new number reflecting "a mix of renewals and new applications."

More than 440 reporters lose press passes after White House changes requirements

So if they reveal or ask about Biden corruption, they become unwelcome to attend WH Press Meetings? I thought Biden promised the American people he would run a transparent White House.
Booting the 442 Reporters who have asked President Biden to tell the people the truth he doesn't want to talk about is transparency? And his fill-in Press Secretary regularly refuses to answer questions President Biden should be answering. What happened to transparency? Refusals to answer questions is a far cry from transparency. and omissions of the truth are called errors of omission. Why doesn't Biden answer his own press conference questions?
How else do you expect to maintain the 1,000 year democrat Reich
I think this may be the precursor to Biden's upcoming deep dive into his basement. The campaign is coming and information blackouts are always good for protecting ignoramuses like Biden, especially when he has the MSM to campaign for him..
Biden doesn't have to do much campaigning. Trump and the MAGAs are doing that for him.
From Fox News:

The White House announced updated standards for a yearly renewal of "hard passes" in May. Journalists who do not obtain hard passes can still apply for a day pass.

Politico reported the number of credentialed White House correspondents dropped from 1417 to 975 after the previous passes expired July 31, with the new number reflecting "a mix of renewals and new applications."

For those who are losing their hard passes, the White House was said to have granted many of them a grace period until August 10 to keep their current passes and submit their materials to gain new ones.

The White House press office announced their updated standards in an email sent to all White House "Hard Pass Holders" in May with the guidelines for journalists to successfully renew their hard passes.

Reporters must show they have "Full-time employment with an organization whose principal business is news dissemination," have a "Physical address" in the "Washington, D.C. area," and demonstrate they have "accessed the White House campus at least once during the prior six months for work, or have proof of employment within the last three months to cover the White House."
The demafasict making it harder for the free press to do their job. Making it harder for the first amendment to be operate

Democracy dies in darkness
Trump hid the White House visitors list from public view.

What was he hiding? Something illegal, no doubt.
He may have been keeping his oath of providing for the common defense. And he knew what treachery was by Hillary Clinton's war room and friends harassing him personally, his staff who were also verbally assaulted due to being ordered to stalk everyone he knew, staff, family, himself, and anyone who visited him. President Trump took his oath of office seriously to provide the American people from the kind of harm the Democrats foisted and stalked people he liked. People who would like to have seen who he talked to would like to destroy their faith in his good word. The man kept his promises and he did what had to be done to protect innocent voters from being harassed by Democrats pledged to omerta to do as much damage to their political rivals as they could. And you are quite aware of that, aren't you, Mr. Synthaholic. :cranky:

You're a fucking liar. Trump was not briefing the press when that picture was taken, he was speaking to survivors and families of those killed and injured in school shootings.

The notes Trump brought to his meeting with survivors of the Florida shooting have been photographed

He may have been keeping his oath of providing for the common defense. And he knew what treachery was by Hillary Clinton's war room and friends harassing him personally, his staff who were also verbally assaulted due to being ordered to stalk everyone he knew, staff, family, himself, and anyone who visited him. President Trump took his oath of office seriously to provide the American people from the kind of harm the Democrats foisted and stalked people he liked. People who would like to have seen who he talked to would like to destroy their faith in his good word. The man kept his promises and he did what had to be done to protect innocent voters from being harassed by Democrats pledged to omerta to do as much damage to their political rivals as they could. And you are quite aware of that, aren't you, Mr. Synthaholic. :cranky:
Your posts are always good for their comedic value.
Here we go with the personal attacks. One day you will smart off to the wrong person and lose all of your teeth :)
Gee a blob supporter hoping for violence. Must be a day of the week that ends in a "y". LOL...

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