More than 440 reporters lose press passes after White House changes requirements

Their house. Their rules. My, how quickly we forget what just happened in the last administration. :)
Then again, after a while as I remember, Trump's press secretaries gave up daily briefings because they couldn't answer the questions being thrown at them.

Maybe Biden's team will do the same.

Spoken like a true fascist bootlicker!
Did he introduce them to Stormy?

Seems after much political pressure the PANT SHITTING GERIATRIC PILE OF SHIT is acknowledging his granddaughter Navy. You know the crack smoking son of his knocked up a stripper
To be serious for a second in this most comedic of threads...the press in this nation is becoming a joke. Capitalism is brilliant and is the unqualified champion of all economic systems.

It doesn't, however, reward the mundane, the non sensational, or the mean. This is why local newspapers and the press are in the state it is in; Investigative journalism is almost a lost art; a thing of the past. The press has become transcriptionists at this point.

What most don't recognize is that the great reporters of the past didn't start off as great reporters...they worked their way up, developed sources; networks, and knew who to contact in an organization to get information. We need to insulate the local newspapers from the market so they can prosper while covering zoning board meetings; sit in a court room for hours at a time and listen to testimony on cases that are important inside the city limits while not being anything that someone two states over would care about. The most important things that happen in government happen at the city council level or in commissioners court. It isn't happening in the US Congress which is in session for about 1/2 of the year now; if even that often. Someone needs to keep them honest. Newspapers used to do it. Who does it today? Nobody.
To be serious for a second in this most comedic of threads...the press in this nation is becoming a joke. Capitalism is brilliant and is the unqualified champion of all economic systems.

It doesn't, however, reward the mundane, the non sensational, or the mean. This is why local newspapers and the press are in the state it is in; Investigative journalism is almost a lost art; a thing of the past. The press has become transcriptionists at this point.

What most don't recognize is that the great reporters of the past didn't start off as great reporters...they worked their way up, developed sources; networks, and knew who to contact in an organization to get information. We need to insulate the local newspapers from the market so they can prosper while covering zoning board meetings; sit in a court room for hours at a time and listen to testimony on cases that are important inside the city limits while not being anything that someone two states over would care about. The most important things that happen in government happen at the city council level or in commissioners court. It isn't happening in the US Congress which is in session for about 1/2 of the year now; if even that often. Someone needs to keep them honest. Newspapers used to do it. Who does it today? Nobody.
Trump was correct, Enemy of the People. Enemy of the State 😐

You hear me candycorn? 😐
I told you Trump was correct and you laughed.
To be serious for a second in this most comedic of threads...the press in this nation is becoming a joke. Capitalism is brilliant and is the unqualified champion of all economic systems.

It doesn't, however, reward the mundane, the non sensational, or the mean. This is why local newspapers and the press are in the state it is in; Investigative journalism is almost a lost art; a thing of the past. The press has become transcriptionists at this point.

What most don't recognize is that the great reporters of the past didn't start off as great reporters...they worked their way up, developed sources; networks, and knew who to contact in an organization to get information. We need to insulate the local newspapers from the market so they can prosper while covering zoning board meetings; sit in a court room for hours at a time and listen to testimony on cases that are important inside the city limits while not being anything that someone two states over would care about. The most important things that happen in government happen at the city council level or in commissioners court. It isn't happening in the US Congress which is in session for about 1/2 of the year now; if even that often. Someone needs to keep them honest. Newspapers used to do it. Who does it today? Nobody.
This. What passes for "news" is really just conspiracy theory mongering. It's why I brand almost all of the conservative Internet rags as "alt-right". Because that's what they are. That and the fact that they aren't held to ANY journalistic standards. Used to be in this country, you had to back up your bullshit claims with actual FACTS. If you couldn't, you were forced to either issue a retraction, or get your ass sued. These alt-right sites depend on the fact that the people they are sliming won't take the time to come after them because it's too time consuming and costly. Contrary to the right's popular opinion, there are limits to that 1st Amendment. The Dominion judgement was the first time I've seen a right wing organization be held accountable for its straight up lies.
Any media source that does not have to hold journalistic standards under the law....

I wasn't aware that there are "legal standards" for journalism and as far as I know, nobody is forcing you to read or listen to any media source you disagree with. I'm pretty sure you'd like to make some folk's freedom of speech illegal, but we do have that pesky First Amendment that prevents you from doing that.
Trump loves his grandkids? :rofl::rofl:

He's never mentioned them or acknowledged them.... that I've heard him do. Not a once!

He didn't even keep his own child close....
Haha wait…I thought you all were claiming at one point he was abusing his office by keeping his family too close and of nepotism?

Y’all can’t even keep your stories straight
Did he introduce them to Stormy?

Modern Democrats

To be serious for a second in this most comedic of threads...the press in this nation is becoming a joke. Capitalism is brilliant and is the unqualified champion of all economic systems.

It doesn't, however, reward the mundane, the non sensational, or the mean. This is why local newspapers and the press are in the state it is in; Investigative journalism is almost a lost art; a thing of the past. The press has become transcriptionists at this point.

What most don't recognize is that the great reporters of the past didn't start off as great reporters...they worked their way up, developed sources; networks, and knew who to contact in an organization to get information. We need to insulate the local newspapers from the market so they can prosper while covering zoning board meetings; sit in a court room for hours at a time and listen to testimony on cases that are important inside the city limits while not being anything that someone two states over would care about. The most important things that happen in government happen at the city council level or in commissioners court. It isn't happening in the US Congress which is in session for about 1/2 of the year now; if even that often. Someone needs to keep them honest. Newspapers used to do it. Who does it today? Nobody.

Everything that is investigated and reported on, you call a conspiracy. So what do you care?
It's all an act. They're secular humanists who never hesitate to use religion as a bludgeon.

Imagine going from the 60s hippies to that pursed lipped stance today though--act or no. They hate it, must be. Even when they do it. But they are compelled because the Trump Mind Virus cannot be resisted.
Their house. Their rules. My, how quickly we forget what just happened in the last administration. :)
Then again, after a while as I remember, Trump's press secretaries gave up daily briefings because they couldn't answer the questions being thrown at them.

Maybe Biden's team will do the same.
Gee, you mean we won't get to hear Karine refer us to White House Council, Jack? When is the last time Joe Biden's Press Secretary actually answered a question? A Biden Administration presser is the biggest waste of time in Washington at the moment.
Gee, you mean we won't get to hear Karine refer us to White House Council, Jack? When is the last time Joe Biden's Press Secretary actually answered a question? A Biden Administration presser is the biggest waste of time in Washington at the moment.
Both of Biden's press secretaries answer questions. They get frustrated. Not overtly hostile like the last crew did. And to be blunt with you, most of the dumb assed questions are coming from "organizations" that shouldn't be in the room in the first place. Otherwise as far as questions, same shit I heard Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stepanie Grisham, and Kayleigh McEnany pull. And they were all downright hostile to the press. So they couldn't lie for their boss and they ended daily briefing. Jean-Pierre does her job. Deal with it.

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