More trouble for Hillary?

that's because you are really really really stupid. No one has to bash Hillary, her record does it all on its own.

She has no record, only Republican allegations of wrong-doing. And try as they might to get her indicted on something, anything, the Republicans have failed to find a shred of evidence against her. But they continue to sling false and unproven allegations against the Clintons in the hope of convincing the naive and the gullible that where's there's this much smoke, there's fire. There's no fire. There's only a bunch of Republicans with smoke bombs, lying to you.
A woman who tolerates degradation by her husband.....

And you think she wouldn't lie down to be degraded by somebody like the fat Korean kid?

No, really?
Come back when you have proof of anything.

The Enquirer broke the story about the stain on the blue dress, didn't it?

Your point? The Enquirer also broke the stories of a woman whose microwave housed the devil, Bigfoot keeping a lumberjack as a love slave, and Hillary adopting an orphaned infant survivor of a secret UFO crash.. Really high brow stuff.
A woman who tolerates degradation by her husband.....

And you think she wouldn't lie down to be degraded by somebody like the fat Korean kid?

No, really?

She tolerates her husband's philandering. He's hardly been subtle about it. I don't consider that degradation. Lots of couples have "arrangements" regarding outside relationships. It's not how I would care to live but it's private matters. It has no bearing on how she would conduct public policy.
that's because you are really really really stupid. No one has to bash Hillary, her record does it all on its own.

She has no record, only Republican allegations of wrong-doing. And try as they might to get her indicted on something, anything, the Republicans have failed to find a shred of evidence against her. But they continue to sling false and unproven allegations against the Clintons in the hope of convincing the naive and the gullible that where's there's this much smoke, there's fire. There's no fire. There's only a bunch of Republicans with smoke bombs, lying to you.

Yet you people could not vote for her in 2008.
Come back when you have proof of anything.

The Enquirer broke the story about the stain on the blue dress, didn't it?

Your point? The Enquirer also broke the stories of a woman whose microwave housed the devil, Bigfoot keeping a lumberjack as a love slave, and Hillary adopting an orphaned infant survivor of a secret UFO crash.. Really high brow stuff.
It also busted John Edwards.
The "love child " story was debunked via DNA testing 17 years ago. Drudge Report actually broke the DNA test story. It was an embarrassment to the Clinton bashers then and should be an embarrassment to the Clinton bashers of today. Seems pretty desperate that these folks are having to go back decades to regurgitate material like Waco and the love child to bash Hillary via Bill. Ben Gassy and emails have been a big disappointment. Next up, Hillary murdered that Foster guy.
The Clintons are what you get when you drag a $100 bill on a string through an Arkansas trailer park...

a twenty will do just fine also

NOTE: this is an oldie!! probably worth more than your $100 bill :up:
Ron Reagan won the nomination and the presidency on his 3rd attempt. Nixon lost to JFK in 1960. What's your point?
DL, are you REALLY that blind / gullible?

Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals ever, or the Republicans are completely inept, as is the FBI, the Office of the Attorney General, and the Special Counsel the Republicans hired to go after them in the 90's. For 25 years the Republicans have been smearing the Clintons, and setting up Committees to investigate one or the other, or both of the Clintons, for high crimes and misdemeanors. They have nothing on Hillary. Not one staffer has ratted them out, or turned on them in return for immunity. The only thing they found on Bill was that he perjured himself about a blow job. Man, how corrupt can you be.

The Republicans make something up, start an investigation into rumours which they planted and have no evidence of, and find nothing. It's a pattern. Republicans have publically stated that the Benghazi Investigations are political and they're working. They're trying to undermine public trust in Clinton so that she loses. And your tax dollars are funding this fiasco.

Bill Clinton's Presidency was far more successful and popular than Ronald Reagan. Republicans couldn't have that. They spent the entire second term pursuing impeachment against Clinton. I don't think that's what Americans elected them to do.

I'm a Canadian, I watch CBC, CTV, and Global news. I read the Toronto Star and the Globe and Mail. American conservatives seem hell bent on destroying their own country if they can't have power. Their scorched earth policy is tearing the country apart. It started with Carter, was worse with Clinton, and the worst I've ever seen with Obama.

The Republican Party has become such a cesspool that real conservatives are recognizing the toxicity of the culture, the unsuitableness of the surviving candidates and the policies proposed, and are publically pledging support for Clinton. When a large percentage of the base says "None of the above", the party needs to stop misleading its constituents as to the roots of the problems, and start working with the President to solve them.

Canadians destroy political parties who put the needs of anyone ahead of the voters. We've done it twice in the past 30 years. We did it to the Mulroney Conservatives, and to Chretien/Martin's Liberal. Piss off Canadians and your party won't exist after the next election.

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