More voter fraud


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Leftist, both here at USMB and in the general media, attempt to paint a picture that election fraud is a myth cooked up by mean Republicans.

Anyone who has been in a debate on the subject here, knows the left is lying. Forum regulars like G5000 love to pretend that no fraud is happening, but here is yet another incidence of voter fraud caught red handed;

{ Pierrotti reports, "So we decided to do something that they'd never tried to do before: We found them on our own." The investigation began by examining state forms on which residents had declined jury duty by checking a box indicating that they weren't US citizens, and were therefore ineligible to serve. Pierrotti then cross-referenced those results with local voter rolls, identifying at least 94 people who were registered to vote in the state of Florida. Next, he visited some of these people at their homes, where they admitted that they weren't citizens and professed ignorance as to how they were registered to vote in the first place. But voting records confirmed that they'd exercised their "right" to vote that, as non-citizens, they do not actually possess. The NBC 2 team interviewed a number of these illegal voters on camera, including a Jamaican national who simply attested that he was a US citizen on a voter registration form, and -- voila! -- he joined the American electorate. It was a felony, but it was that easy. And if a news crew hadn't connected the dots, no one would have ever known. This passage in the report is crucial:}

Fraud: Local NBC Investigation Discovers Dozens of Illegal Voters in Florida - Guy Benson
When I see some successful prosecutions, then I will believe that there is a problem. Thus far, all we have seen is flap-yap on the part of the rightwingnuts.

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