Morgan Stanley study - 45% of women in America are expected to be single and childless by 2030- over history though 89% of women reproduced.

What can be done to reverse the trend?

In a few years in America, for every hundred Americans, there will only be 4 great grandchildren.

Are Republicans talking about these issues?
It's a tuff situation, and a real problem.

I'm on the side of the fewer people the better. I suppose I have that in common with the left elite. Difference is they're more suited to do something about it, they're just that evil.

Either way is unsustainable. Too few an offspring spells financial disaster. And middle class is in big trouble, as if we aren't now. There will be a greater percentage poor, much greater.

We're becoming a welfare state with every passing day. Too many people, fewer hours people work. Rich getting richer, govt. more control.
What can be done to reverse the trend?

In a few years in America, for every hundred Americans, there will only be 4 great grandchildren.

Are Republicans talking about these issues?
Why do you think the government would have any control over this issue? It's like climate change. There is nothing you can do about it, so why worry?
The Illuminati, OWG and the NWO want to reduce the population. They figure by limiting food, having wars and introducing the Covid vaccine kill shots, that will serve their purpose. They should just cool it, stand back and let Liberal Democrat women make the reduction of population. How, you say? Liberal women don't mind getting pregnant. They'll just get an abortion. One, five, twelve times. Keeps the belly from sagging. If they do happen to give birth, just "change" it's gender. The "girl" can't give birth because they changed the plumbing. Same thing with the "boy." They say men can give birth and then attempt to get it done. If more men start having kids they will have to start making the men have abortions. Pretty soon there will be no one left except the world's elites and they can live happily ever after. Only one catch. Without babies being born where will they get their adrenochrome? Whoops!
I thought you were better than your average nutjob conspiracy theorist. I see now that I was wrong.
Since the 70's there has been a massive campaign to brainwash women into thinking that the best way to realize their potential was in the corporate world (or in politics), and it has succeeded to some extent, largely due to the BC Pill that makes childbearing a matter of "choice."

But that bit of wisdom is bullshit. And all women come to realize that fact sooner or later, but sometimes it is too late, because all the "good" men are taken by the time they reach 35, and they have adopted personalities that are antithetical to a good marriage.

There is no career that is greater than raising a house-full of successful, well-educated, and well-adjusted kids.
So why are you leaving out how many men want children?

I know quite a few olds who, like me, were subjected to the small family thing. Only having five kids was a bit disappointing (lost two pre-borns). But frankly the "regrets" from the "hot shot" mob are sort of hollow.


I’ve only seen a few minutes of that podcast above, but the study is listed in the other link. I’ve said it many times I think that there have been many strong, female leaders of history. Even during the middle ages there were.

Everyone here practically respects everybody. Equality among people all that stuff.

But any which Way anybody looks at this this is a problem for the future of America. The evil, the pure evil and insanity of some Democrat politicians saying it’s “OK to just get a dog, don’t worry about not having kids you’ll be happy on drugs that we have now legalized for you to take. Now shut up get High , watch porn and live in your cubical box alone. Don’t worry that the price of a tire, the price of a car. The price of a home is through the roof here you need to send money to Israel or Ukraine now. “

what’s really funny about all of this but also sad is that the American middle class was stronger in the 1940s and 50s because of tremendous Democratic leader ship giving us the greatest economy in world history. The post World War II economic boom. And during World War II and even after it, women were working the factory jobs and everybody was doing great. Look at the shit hole we have today the shit hole that America has become giving all our money to foreign countries. The far left wing fanaticism in this country. We need change for the better. The architecture in America is now dull and boring as a Tucker Carlson podcast recently pointed out.

1:57:00 mark of the video above

Go woke go broke …. Our country cannot afford to continue going down the road it is going on. The idea of having a big family is insulted by left-wing fanatics…. neoconservatives and many Republicans are not stepping up and answering to these concerns. They’re more preoccupied with foreign wars and giving our taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, and Israel. This is a real serious problem in America. We need better Democrats like we used to have.

John F Kennedy, FDR, Andrew Jackson, are looking down from heaven as the great Democrats they were the word saying what in the world happened to this country.


The biological urge is overpowering...


There are a number of demograpnics in this country that are still breeding like rabbits...

Not worried...

I’ve only seen a few minutes of that podcast above, but the study is listed in the other link. I’ve said it many times I think that there have been many strong, female leaders of history. Even during the middle ages there were.

Everyone here practically respects everybody. Equality among people all that stuff.

But any which Way anybody looks at this this is a problem for the future of America. The evil, the pure evil and insanity of some Democrat politicians saying it’s “OK to just get a dog, don’t worry about not having kids you’ll be happy on drugs that we have now legalized for you to take. Now shut up get High , watch porn and live in your cubical box alone. Don’t worry that the price of a tire, the price of a car. The price of a home is through the roof here you need to send money to Israel or Ukraine now. “

what’s really funny about all of this but also sad is that the American middle class was stronger in the 1940s and 50s because of tremendous Democratic leader ship giving us the greatest economy in world history. The post World War II economic boom. And during World War II and even after it, women were working the factory jobs and everybody was doing great. Look at the shit hole we have today the shit hole that America has become giving all our money to foreign countries. The far left wing fanaticism in this country. We need change for the better. The architecture in America is now dull and boring as a Tucker Carlson podcast recently pointed out.

1:57:00 mark of the video above

Go woke go broke …. Our country cannot afford to continue going down the road it is going on. The idea of having a big family is insulted by left-wing fanatics…. neoconservatives and many Republicans are not stepping up and answering to these concerns. They’re more preoccupied with foreign wars and giving our taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, and Israel. This is a real serious problem in America. We need better Democrats like we used to have.

John F Kennedy, FDR, Andrew Jackson, are looking down from heaven as the great Democrats they were the word saying what in the world happened to this country.

soros & wife (1).JPG

I’ve only seen a few minutes of that podcast above, but the study is listed in the other link. I’ve said it many times I think that there have been many strong, female leaders of history. Even during the middle ages there were.

Everyone here practically respects everybody. Equality among people all that stuff.

But any which Way anybody looks at this this is a problem for the future of America. The evil, the pure evil and insanity of some Democrat politicians saying it’s “OK to just get a dog, don’t worry about not having kids you’ll be happy on drugs that we have now legalized for you to take. Now shut up get High , watch porn and live in your cubical box alone. Don’t worry that the price of a tire, the price of a car. The price of a home is through the roof here you need to send money to Israel or Ukraine now. “

what’s really funny about all of this but also sad is that the American middle class was stronger in the 1940s and 50s because of tremendous Democratic leader ship giving us the greatest economy in world history. The post World War II economic boom. And during World War II and even after it, women were working the factory jobs and everybody was doing great. Look at the shit hole we have today the shit hole that America has become giving all our money to foreign countries. The far left wing fanaticism in this country. We need change for the better. The architecture in America is now dull and boring as a Tucker Carlson podcast recently pointed out.

1:57:00 mark of the video above

Go woke go broke …. Our country cannot afford to continue going down the road it is going on. The idea of having a big family is insulted by left-wing fanatics…. neoconservatives and many Republicans are not stepping up and answering to these concerns. They’re more preoccupied with foreign wars and giving our taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, and Israel. This is a real serious problem in America. We need better Democrats like we used to have.

John F Kennedy, FDR, Andrew Jackson, are looking down from heaven as the great Democrats they were the word saying what in the world happened to this country.

This sounds about right.

Kids are very expensive and a LOT of work.

This is part of why BOTH major parties support illegal immigration; cheap labor & third world fecundity - what's not to love. :(
Apparently just mentioning a presidents’ name at the end of a post that is not political makes the thread stay in politics?

I’ve only seen a few minutes of that podcast above, but the study is listed in the other link. I’ve said it many times I think that there have been many strong, female leaders of history. Even during the middle ages there were.

Everyone here practically respects everybody. Equality among people all that stuff.

But any which Way anybody looks at this this is a problem for the future of America. The evil, the pure evil and insanity of some Democrat politicians saying it’s “OK to just get a dog, don’t worry about not having kids you’ll be happy on drugs that we have now legalized for you to take. Now shut up get High , watch porn and live in your cubical box alone. Don’t worry that the price of a tire, the price of a car. The price of a home is through the roof here you need to send money to Israel or Ukraine now. “

what’s really funny about all of this but also sad is that the American middle class was stronger in the 1940s and 50s because of tremendous Democratic leader ship giving us the greatest economy in world history. The post World War II economic boom. And during World War II and even after it, women were working the factory jobs and everybody was doing great. Look at the shit hole we have today the shit hole that America has become giving all our money to foreign countries. The far left wing fanaticism in this country. We need change for the better. The architecture in America is now dull and boring as a Tucker Carlson podcast recently pointed out.

1:57:00 mark of the video above

Go woke go broke …. Our country cannot afford to continue going down the road it is going on. The idea of having a big family is insulted by left-wing fanatics…. neoconservatives and many Republicans are not stepping up and answering to these concerns. They’re more preoccupied with foreign wars and giving our taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, and Israel. This is a real serious problem in America. We need better Democrats like we used to have.

John F Kennedy, FDR, Andrew Jackson, are looking down from heaven as the great Democrats they were the word saying what in the world happened to this country.

Biden and Obama propelled this terrible downward trend.

This article is more than 1 year old

By 2050, a quarter of the world’s people will be African​

And both of Obama and Biden have enraged all of Africa repeatedly. Under Biden we have had 7 coups in Africa and recently a great mass of university students protested Biden interfering in their laws.

JFK gave Cuba away, anti-semitic FDR ushered in the HUGE instablity of the welfare state with its pyramid of support - an increasing elderly Americans living off a shrinking contribution from a dwindling workforce...Welfare will be the first collapse caused by this demogarphis foolishness. But back to Biden's DISASTROUS moralizing and tampering with Africa

Whenever you hear, or whenever one sees in the news, problems in Africa — things like drought, things like famine, you know, all these kinds of catastrophes — the one thing that remains resilient, whether this is from the religious point of view or not, is the family. Before even religion (which was something that came to Africa later, during the time of colonialization), first and foremost, the Africans value family and what makes family: a marriage; and what is within marriage: man, woman and children. So all of these things in practice form the core of African society. That is why we have less divorce, and that is why we have more openness to life — these things come first culturally.


But … a lot of Africans are also religious. Let’s just say that when religion came to us, it would have felt consistent with our cultural values. So [in] a lot of places you have very strong Christian populations, and in some other places, you have very strong Muslim populations. But what we hold in common is this value for family life. And if the family life is valued, then, yes, things like abortion are seen as abominations, as taboo, as horrific. … It always is an ugly thing in the minds of people that a mother could ever kill her own, be it before birth, be it after birth — it’s all the same thing: that is, horrific."

Many Africans, and increasingly, HATE Biden with warlike fury and he deserves it.
"Strong", independent women are GREAT for society!
I am certain that if we were allowed to keep more of our wages and wealth, we would see who is strong and who is not. At the peasant level there are people overpaid and people underpaid.
Why is it that feminists only want equality when times are easy?
As soon as things get difficult or dangerous they want men to take care of those jobs. They want men to be firefighters, soldiers, in construction, working hard labor in the fields, plowing snow, etc.
Feminism is a first world luxury for pampered leftist women.
Try being a feminist in a poor country.
You can thank leftisms for much of that.
No, you can thank prosperity.

The birth rate of developed nations has been steadily dropping for decades. We are now below the replacement rate.

That's what makes the bigots on the Right so terrified. They think it is some kind of nefarious left wing plot that they themselves are choosing not to breed.

Tucker Carlson feels the solution to right wingers' infertility problem is to hump a red laser light:


I’ve only seen a few minutes of that podcast above, but the study is listed in the other link. I’ve said it many times I think that there have been many strong, female leaders of history. Even during the middle ages there were.

Everyone here practically respects everybody. Equality among people all that stuff.

But any which Way anybody looks at this this is a problem for the future of America. The evil, the pure evil and insanity of some Democrat politicians saying it’s “OK to just get a dog, don’t worry about not having kids you’ll be happy on drugs that we have now legalized for you to take. Now shut up get High , watch porn and live in your cubical box alone. Don’t worry that the price of a tire, the price of a car. The price of a home is through the roof here you need to send money to Israel or Ukraine now. “

what’s really funny about all of this but also sad is that the American middle class was stronger in the 1940s and 50s because of tremendous Democratic leader ship giving us the greatest economy in world history. The post World War II economic boom. And during World War II and even after it, women were working the factory jobs and everybody was doing great. Look at the shit hole we have today the shit hole that America has become giving all our money to foreign countries. The far left wing fanaticism in this country. We need change for the better. The architecture in America is now dull and boring as a Tucker Carlson podcast recently pointed out.

1:57:00 mark of the video above

Go woke go broke …. Our country cannot afford to continue going down the road it is going on. The idea of having a big family is insulted by left-wing fanatics…. neoconservatives and many Republicans are not stepping up and answering to these concerns. They’re more preoccupied with foreign wars and giving our taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, and Israel. This is a real serious problem in America. We need better Democrats like we used to have.

John F Kennedy, FDR, Andrew Jackson, are looking down from heaven as the great Democrats they were the word saying what in the world happened to this country.

Yep, that's what ya need, being married to someone that feels entitled or feels gender neutral...great job liberals.
I'm not following the schizophrenia in this topic.

Someone please explain to me how it is the Left's fault the Right is not breeding more.

Or explain to me why you want the Left to breed more.

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