Morgan Stanley study - 45% of women in America are expected to be single and childless by 2030- over history though 89% of women reproduced.

Actually the scandal is that we give so little in foreign aid, less than 1% of the budget whereas Norway does 17%. And most of our foreign aid turns out to be military aid to Israel or used to at least,,,

Virtually all of your foreign aid is tied to the purchase of US weapons and military equipment. It's just a giant subsidy for the military industrial complex.
Since the 70's there has been a massive campaign to brainwash women into thinking that the best way to realize their potential was in the corporate world (or in politics), and it has succeeded to some extent, largely due to the BC Pill that makes childbearing a matter of "choice."

But that bit of wisdom is bullshit. And all women come to realize that fact sooner or later, but sometimes it is too late, because all the "good" men are taken by the time they reach 35, and they have adopted personalities that are antithetical to a good marriage.

There is no career that is greater than raising a house-full of successful, well-educated, and well-adjusted kids.
I know quite a few olds who, like me, were subjected to the small family thing. Only having five kids was a bit disappointing (lost two pre-borns). But frankly the "regrets" from the "hot shot" mob are sort of hollow.


5 is 3 too many.
Interesting thread, who would have thought it would be the far rightwingers that think a woman's only purpose for existing is to pump out kids.

Oh wait, everyone knew this was the way a thread like this would go.
Since the 70's there has been a massive campaign to brainwash women into thinking that the best way to realize their potential was in the corporate world (or in politics), and it has succeeded to some extent, largely due to the BC Pill that makes childbearing a matter of "choice."

I know right, it is just awful that women now have some sort of control over if they get to be anything more than a breeding machine. I sure you long for the days when women had no other purpose but to please their man and pump out children till their uterus fell out.
2 would be a minimum to replace us…

then those people that have 5 like the one I responded to make up the slack.

Hell, my sister had 10, so she did the work of 5 couples.
Good for her, didn’t you tell her there’s a cure for that?

Many times, and her answer was "when God thinks I have enough then he will stop allowing me to get pregnant"

Not so ironically, all 10 are now adults and only one is even married with kids, the rest, especially the older ones want nothing to do with kids as they spent much of their childhood raising their younger siblings.
What can be done to reverse the trend?

In a few years in America, for every hundred Americans, there will only be 4 great grandchildren.

Are Republicans talking about these issues?
It is worse... the potency of male sperm throughout western culture is lessening as the hormone levels in modern boys is lowering. In America a recent study showed that testosterone levels are about 20% lower in males between the ages of 15-39 than before.
Part of the issue is obesity. Excessive overweight males have less testosterone.
Lower testosterone alone does not cause male infertility, but it lowers sperm production.
The lowest numbers are "transgender" males. Boys wearing dresses. It is inarguable their sperm counts drops before they even start taking estrogen. After they take estrogen, the quality of their sperm declines rapidly.
Many times, and her answer was "when God thinks I have enough then he will stop allowing me to get pregnant"

Not so ironically, all 10 are now adults and only one is even married with kids, the rest, especially the older ones want nothing to do with kids as they spent much of their childhood raising their younger siblings.
How sad…my wonderful wife comes from a family of 10. 8 sisters, and 1 brother. All of them had kids, and now grandkids…There is no greater joy.
How sad…my wonderful wife comes from a family of 10. 8 sisters, and 1 brother. All of them had kids, and now grandkids…There is no greater joy.

Nothing sad about it at all, they are adults and are making their own way in life. They spent most of their childhood raising their younger siblings as a mother only has so much time in the day. I can fully understand them wanting to not have to do that for a while, if ever.
Nothing sad about it at all, they are adults and are making their own way in life. They spent most of their childhood raising their younger siblings as a mother only has so much time in the day. I can fully understand them wanting to not have to do that for a while, if ever.
It’s different raising a sibling, or raising your own.
It’s different raising a sibling, or raising your own.

Yep it is, but really a sibling should never be expected to raise a younger one just because the mother is too busy pumping out babies

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