Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

You replied to me in this thread. Way back in the early pages. You again trying to be the poor victim, religion screwed you, your boss screwed you, Republicans screwed you and on and on, you poor baby. Lol! You are one funny nutjob.

And the weird, freakish stalking continues...

the neighbors have been complaining.
You replied to me in this thread. Way back in the early pages. You again trying to be the poor victim, religion screwed you, your boss screwed you, Republicans screwed you and on and on, you poor baby. Lol! You are one funny nutjob.

And the weird, freakish stalking continues...

the neighbors have been complaining.

You can't quit stalking me can you? You poor victim!

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the victim in the "early pages" of the thread is a 13 year old girl that was crucified by you, Papa and your type as you have been doing for centuries since first done to the original Free Spirit, Jesus as the final act of the 1st century events which the Almighty has yet seen brought to Justice as will be necessary for any type of redemption to ever be possible.
the victim in the "early pages" of the thread is a 13 year old girl that was crucified by you, Papa and your type as you have been doing for centuries since first done to the original Free Spirit, Jesus as the final act of the 1st century events which the Almighty has yet seen brought to Justice as will be necessary for any type of redemption to ever be possible.

point well taken.

It horrifies my stalker that this girl dare to be gay in a whacky cult.
the victim in the "early pages" of the thread is a 13 year old girl that was crucified by you, Papa and your type as you have been doing for centuries since first done to the original Free Spirit, Jesus as the final act of the 1st century events which the Almighty has yet seen brought to Justice as will be necessary for any type of redemption to ever be possible.

Breezewood, no victims other than you cupcakes that don't want to allow others their freedoms. Grow up!
Breezewood, no victims other than you cupcakes that don't want to allow others their freedoms. Grow up!

Except who is denying who freedom here? The Mormon Cult has been doing a number on this girl since she was born, pretty much telling her that her main function in life is to make babies to get her man into the Celestial Heaven. (Yes, this is the crazy shit Mormons actually believe!)

then when she announces, hey, she likes girls, the come down on her like a ton of bricks.

I'm perfectly willing to free the Mormon Cult of that mean old Tax Exemption they get from the government.

Breezewood, no victims other than you cupcakes that don't want to allow others their freedoms. Grow up!

Except who is denying who freedom here? The Mormon Cult has been doing a number on this girl since she was born, pretty much telling her that her main function in life is to make babies to get her man into the Celestial Heaven. (Yes, this is the crazy shit Mormons actually believe!)

then when she announces, hey, she likes girls, the come down on her like a ton of bricks.

I'm perfectly willing to free the Mormon Cult of that mean old Tax Exemption they get from the government.


This whole tax exemption status for any religion seems to indicate that the federal government encourages, supports, and is in collusion with every religion by giving tax breaks, legal protections, and other incentives to any species or brood of talking serpent dedicated to screwing up the minds of its congregation ...

It amounts to government sponsorship of fraud, theft, child abuse, and murder by destroying lives..

From the beginning there has always been only an illusion of a separation between church and state.

I suppose having a population incapable of critical thinking makes it easy for the potentates of a corrupt system to live high on the hog and do whatever the hell they want while the people blindly follow their benevolent leaders, sing patriotic songs, dream of freedom (someday), and paradise (after they die), while struggling to make ends meet as they meekly submit to being fleeced daily by church and state because they are paralyzed by complete confusion........
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The Mormon Cult has been doing a number on this girl since she was born, pretty much telling her that her main function in life is to make babies to get her man into the Celestial Heaven. (Yes, this is the crazy shit Mormons actually believe!)

As a lifelong Mormon, I find it amusing when some ignorant mute donkey who has no clue what we believe tries to tell us what we believe.
The Mormon Cult has been doing a number on this girl since she was born, pretty much telling her that her main function in life is to make babies to get her man into the Celestial Heaven. (Yes, this is the crazy shit Mormons actually believe!)

As a lifelong Mormon, I find it amusing when some ignorant mute donkey who has no clue what we believe tries to tell us what we believe.

That is what I find amusing and that is why I don't listen to the nuts. I know little about the Mormons and their beliefs, however most of them are very sincere and kind.
The Mormon Cult has been doing a number on this girl since she was born, pretty much telling her that her main function in life is to make babies to get her man into the Celestial Heaven. (Yes, this is the crazy shit Mormons actually believe!)

As a lifelong Mormon, I find it amusing when some ignorant mute donkey who has no clue what we believe tries to tell us what we believe.

My favorite are the ones who claim we secretly worship the lizard people living in the tunnels under SLC
The Mormon Cult has been doing a number on this girl since she was born, pretty much telling her that her main function in life is to make babies to get her man into the Celestial Heaven. (Yes, this is the crazy shit Mormons actually believe!)

As a lifelong Mormon, I find it amusing when some ignorant mute donkey who has no clue what we believe tries to tell us what we believe.

That is what I find amusing and that is why I don't listen to the nuts. I know little about the Mormons and their beliefs, however most of them are very sincere and kind.

I try but I can often be a jerk too.
and so the crucifiers of a 13 year old girl return in harmony, nothing new there.

I know little about the Mormons and their beliefs, however most of them are very sincere and kind.


look no further than the 4th century christian bible, birds of a feather flock together.
This whole tax exemption status for any religion seems to indicate that the federal government encourages, supports, and is in collusion with every religion by giving tax breaks, legal protections, and other incentives to any species or brood of talking serpent dedicated to screwing up the minds of its congregation ...

I guess this falls right in line with the common left wrong-wing way of thinking that reducing taxes on any group—letting them keep more of what was rightfully theirs all along—amounts to giving them a “subsidy”.

Religious freedom is explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment. To allow government to tax religion is to allow government to interfere with religion, in a manner that is irreconcilable with this protection of religious freedom. It's notable that JoeB131 has repeatedly called for government to abuse this power in exactly the way the First Amendment was clearly meant to forbid, by allowing government to dictate what beliefs a religion may have as a condition of being allowed tax-exempt status.
... in exactly the way the First Amendment was clearly meant to forbid, by allowing government to dictate what beliefs a religion may have ...


the opposite of your complaint, religious preponderance on government has been the historical norm for oppression of individual liberties as you have demonstrated in this thread.
Sorry you missed out on more mature discussions. I never even heard of the ones you describe. We must move in very different circles.


Here you go. Gay Marriage should be illegal because __________

Answer that are not allowed.

1) I think it's icky.
2) God Says it's bad.

Have at it. I'll be watching some Doctor Who reruns for the next couple hours.

1) Almost all homosexual marriages end in divorce

2) It promotes AIDS

3) In many homosexual marriages, both partners have multiple sex partners outside the marriage, multiplying the risk of spreading AIDS exponentially.

4) Anal sex leads to UTIs

5) Buttsex leads to anal fissures, which can then get infected, or even bleeding to death.
Sorry you missed out on more mature discussions. I never even heard of the ones you describe. We must move in very different circles.


Here you go. Gay Marriage should be illegal because __________

Answer that are not allowed.

1) I think it's icky.
2) God Says it's bad.

Have at it. I'll be watching some Doctor Who reruns for the next couple hours.

1) Almost all homosexual marriages end in divorce

2) It promotes AIDS

3) In many homosexual marriages, both partners have multiple sex partners outside the marriage, multiplying the risk of spreading AIDS exponentially.

4) Anal sex leads to UTIs

5) Buttsex leads to anal fissures, which can then get infected, or even bleeding to death.

Add that homosexual behavior significantly lowers life expectancy.

But no reason to oppose it at all
the victim in the "early pages" of the thread is a 13 year old girl that was crucified by you, Papa and your type as you have been doing for centuries since first done to the original Free Spirit, Jesus as the final act of the 1st century events which the Almighty has yet seen brought to Justice as will be necessary for any type of redemption to ever be possible.

point well taken.

It horrifies my stalker that this girl dare to be gay in a whacky cult.
Oh she can be gay but advocating it from the pulpit is quite different
you are aware the Mormon Church excommunicated a high church official this week for. Sexual immorality arent you?
As a lifelong Mormon, I find it amusing when some ignorant mute donkey who has no clue what we believe tries to tell us what we believe.

I know exactly what people in your freakish cult believe.

You think a pedophile named Joseph Smith was talking to God.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra-Crispy!!!

That is what I find amusing and that is why I don't listen to the nuts. I know little about the Mormons and their beliefs, however most of them are very sincere and kind.

I've never met a bigger bunch of backstabbing cocksuckers in my life.

My favorite are the ones who claim we secretly worship the lizard people living in the tunnels under SLC

Wouldn't know, never heard that.

The thing is, when I bring up the silly things you guys do believe, you tend to hem and haw about them.

Do you really think the Native Americans were Hebrews? That seems like a pretty simple question. Because if the Book of Mormon were true, we'd have a shitload of evidence of it.

either Joseph Smith was talking to God or he was making stuff up.

Given that the Kinderhook tablets and Book of Abraham Papyri were later found to not be what he represented them as, the evidence would seem to indicate that Joseph Smith was making stuff up to scam less smart people out of their money and fuck their teenage daughters.
I guess this falls right in line with the common left wrong-wing way of thinking that reducing taxes on any group—letting them keep more of what was rightfully theirs all along—amounts to giving them a “subsidy”.

No, I think you misunderstand what taxes are. Taxes are the cost of living in a civilized society. Infrastructure, security, education, etc.

Now, when we give the God-Fraudsters a subsidy in the form of a tax exemption, it means that someone else has to pay a little more to keep a civilized society going.

That doesn't seem fair, given Religion really doesn't have any benefit other than making you weak-minded idiots feel better about your inevitable death.

Religious freedom is explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment. To allow government to tax religion is to allow government to interfere with religion, in a manner that is irreconcilable with this protection of religious freedom. It's notable that JoeB131 has repeatedly called for government to abuse this power in exactly the way the First Amendment was clearly meant to forbid, by allowing government to dictate what beliefs a religion may have as a condition of being allowed tax-exempt status.

Guy, the thing is, we already restrict religious freedom.

It's why a church can't perform human sacrifices or handle poisonous snakes or smoke Peyote legally. It's why members of your fucked up cult can't practice polygamy. (Amazingly, when the government told the Mormons they couldn't get Utah into the union unless they renounced polygamy, it was AMAZING how fast "God" changed his mind on the subject.

The thing is, the issue of who gets a tax exemption has already been resolved.

Creativity (religion) - Wikipedia

Yup, this cult doesn't get a tax exemption because it preaches racism.

The same should be done for churches that preach homophobia/

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