Mormon girl comes out as gay in church. The church cuts her mic...

Cant help but notice you like to knight jump and hopover to subjects you feel comfortable with

Meh, I give them all the attention they deserve. some of these guys are black holes of emotional need, and if you give them a whole post, they'll feel special.
Note that neither mine summation nor your caricature had Utah becoming a state in the conversation.

My caricature pointed out the absurdity that anyone talks to God. You act like that is a thing.

It seems that if God really wanted your cult to practice polygamy, the Almighty Hit Man would have just hit the offending bureaucrats with bolts of lightening.

In our days he commanded us to gather in Ohio. We were kicked out. He commanded us to gather in Missouri, we were kicked out. He commanded us to gather in Illinois. We were kicked out. We were commanded to gather in the rockies. From there we were given new commandments and the Lord will continue to command as He sees fit. Hopefully we will obey

Here's where you are a little confused.

smith got you all to gather in Ohio because you got kicked out of New York for various Gold Divining scams.

Then you got kicked out of Ohio because you scammed a bunch of people with the Kirkland Bank Scam.

Then you got kicked out Missouri because you were sending Danite thugs around to chase the "Gentiles" off their land, and they got fed up with your shit.

Then you got kicked out of Illinois because you tried to take over a town, and Joseph Smith was fucking multiple teenage girls.

Then when you got to the Rockies, and realized you were running out of places to get kicked out of, you tried to wage war on the United States, and manged to kill a bunch of innocent people in the Mountain Meadows Massacre.

Then and only then did you all decide to start playing nice because the US Government was getting sick and tired of your shit.
It's the law of attraction, I notice that in all most all your relationships that you have posted on the board. You like being the poor victim. Anyone with a brain can see that, unfortunately, I don't think you have one.

Well, you certainly don't have a brain... you just have a fixation... that you are interested in my "relationships". That's kind of you know, queer.

Moving on to someone who has a point to make.

I also happen to be familiar with the case law that has occurred in the past 150 years, particularly the recent case law legalizing so called same sex marriage as well as the balancing tests now used in religious liberty cases. And I know they completely undermine the reasoning given that allowed the federal government to outlaw polygamy back in 1890s. I also know that polygamist are trying to overturn those laws. It's a matter of time. Especially as public opinion polls say people oppose polygamy less.

I don't have a problem with the polygamy laws being overturned. If a guy wants to put up with two women rearranging his medicine cabinet, that's on him.

That said, my problem with the Mormons in this context is that claim their leader talks to God directly. And oddly, God always seems to do what is politically expedient.

So if tomorrow, the Federal government decides that churches that preach homophobia are no longer entitled to a 501C(1) tax exemption, just like churches that preach racism aren't, you can bet that Monson and God will have a talk and Monson will let us all know that God is totally good with the gay now.

Just like Woodruff said he was good with ending polygamy and Kimball said God was good with letting black folks join the ministry.

and this is my problem with religion- well, one of them, anyway - is that they don't stand for principles, they change them as it becomes expedient to do so,and they don't end barbaric or stupid practices because someone got up one day and said it was wrong, but because there is a money motive.

The Catholic Church knew they had all sorts of pedophiles in their ministry. They didn't start doing something about it until these kids turned around and sued and it started costing them money. But it never occurs to them to change the underlying policy of excluding healthy heterosexual men by demanding celibacy.
And that decision will likely be overturned on multiple grounds when the polygamist movement challenges it again.

and you claim not to have crucified a child for expressing her personal concerns by some for a controversial subject yet we are subjected by you to listen to your position on an equally controversial subject one of which just as many would be willing to consider the same as the one you denied the child. for those that do understand the 1st century and that of the life of Jesus, you are a pathetic example of the Times true meaning.

I would fully expect anyone getting up in fast and testimony meeting and proclaiming they think they should practice polygamy to also have their mic cut. It's not the forum to raise such issues.

And no I don't think interrupting an inappropriate and potentially embarrassing public situation is comparable to putting someone to death in one of the most brutal and vicious means ever devised by mankind. I'm kind of funny like that.

I also happen to be familiar with the case law that has occurred in the past 150 years, particularly the recent case law legalizing so called same sex marriage as well as the balancing tests now used in religious liberty cases. And I know they completely undermine the reasoning given that allowed the federal government to outlaw polygamy back in 1890s. I also know that polygamist are trying to overturn those laws. It's a matter of time. Especially as public opinion polls say people oppose polygamy less.

So I can't possibly see how you think the case law will stand long term
I would fully expect anyone getting up in fast and testimony meeting and proclaiming they think they should practice polygamy to also have their mic cut. It's not the forum to raise such issues.

Gordon said it would have been OK for Savannah to come out as gay during testimony, but that she crossed the line when she mischaracterized church teachings by saying God would want her to have a partner and get married.

Her microphone was muted after about two minutes -- shortly after she said she's not a "horrible sinner" and that she someday hopes to have a partner, get married and have a family.

Law didn't address or explain the decision by two of his counselors to cut the microphone. Law wasn't at the service that day.

every indication from the article implies the forum was the appropriate setting for the girls "testimony" for her present condition ... no matter the disagreement for the subject matter as being the deciding factor.

And no I don't think interrupting an inappropriate and potentially embarrassing public situation is comparable to putting someone to death in one of the most brutal and vicious means ever devised by mankind. I'm kind of funny like that.

Jesus was not 13 years old and knew the forces they were confronting would use whatever means possible to silence them and by some account asked for it ... the similarity of cause is the same, the latter was also known by the child to the same effect. -


the adult did not fair so well by simply having her microphone turned off.

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