"Morning Joe" Guest and Typical Liberal:"America Not Founded on Freedom"


May 23, 2014
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression."
With only the incontrovertible evidence America's economic foundation was based on slavery to show as a basis for argument.

The bastard.
So now that they weren't able to redefine freedom as tyranny, America was not founded on freedom...
So now that they weren't able to redefine freedom as tyranny, America was not founded on freedom...

No it wasn't. It was founded by white rich men in control of the paupers. If you do not know this you are denying out history..
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression."
What this country was founded on and what it has become are two different things. Pennsylvania used to be called the cradle of Liberty until this Wolf asshole became Governor and confiscated our basic human rights.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
I noticed you said "Western Nation" purposely omitting Middle-Eastern countries that practice slavery today.
Who gives a fuck that we outlawed slavery nearly 200 years ago.
You feel you have the right to punish us for something we had nothing to do with.
England only abolished the practice 30 years before the United States....so you have DICK to say about it.
In truth....the British Kingdom was based off of slavery and colonialism. The USA exists because we threw off the yoke of oppression from King George....and decided that taxation without representation was an infringement of our freedoms.

Brits still call themselves Royal Subjects....not free citizens. You still consider yourselves the subjects of the Queen of England even though she has no real power.
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
How do you reconcile a group of white, privileged and powerful men slamming their gums about "freedom" WHILE being slave masters themselves?
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women

Quit talking history out of context owing a slave back then was like owning a computer today.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.

Don’t Democrats still demand that we employ ‘slavery’...They’ve simply moved from black to brown slaves....”We need wetbacks as the filthy subhumans will work the jobs that us civilized first worlders will not.”
“We need wetbacks because they are willing to bust their ass for a Kunta Kinte type wage.”
Isn’t that the shit that you fucked in the head pukes are always telling us?
Billyboom ?
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
Both claims are wrong. Brazil was the last nation to reject slavery. Every nation on earth practiced slavery in 1776.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
Both claims are wrong. Brazil was the last nation to reject slavery. Every nation on earth practiced slavery in 1776.

We still practice slavery...Democrats have simply repackaged it.
Brits still call themselves Royal Subjects....not free citizens.
Your understanding of the subject is as clear as mud.
British citizenship
You can live and work in the UK free of any immigration controls if you’re a British citizen. You can also get a UK passport.
You might be a British citizen depending on:
  • where and when you were born
    • your parents’ circumstances when you were born
British subject
Until 1949, nearly everyone with a close connection to the United Kingdom was called a ‘British subject’.
All citizens of Commonwealth countries were collectively referred to as ‘British subjects’ until January 1983. However, this was not an official status for most of them.
Since 1983, very few people have qualified as British subjects.
Types of British nationality
Brits still call themselves Royal Subjects....not free citizens.
Your understanding of the subject is as clear as mud.
British citizenship
You can live and work in the UK free of any immigration controls if you’re a British citizen. You can also get a UK passport.
You might be a British citizen depending on:
  • where and when you were born
    • your parents’ circumstances when you were born
British subject
Until 1949, nearly everyone with a close connection to the United Kingdom was called a ‘British subject’.
All citizens of Commonwealth countries were collectively referred to as ‘British subjects’ until January 1983. However, this was not an official status for most of them.
Since 1983, very few people have qualified as British subjects.
I wish Britain would be an Empire again. They gave so much to the free world. Now they fight just not to be overrun by foreigners.

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