"Morning Joe" Guest and Typical Liberal:"America Not Founded on Freedom"

This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.

How is he wrong?

“There is a primordial American tradition going back to the Founders of being freedom-obsessed, even though we're a country founded on slavery and genocide,” Anand Gridharadas claimed on the “Morning Joe” program.
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
I think the sins of our country pales in comparison to your country, Mother Russia, who murdered 25,000,000 of their own people during and after WWII. Or the Chinese Communists who have subjugated their people, murdered them by the millions, caused 200,000 of them to commit suicide during the Communist takeover. Then there's post Vietnam Cambodia, 2,000,000 people murdered and dumped in the Killing Fields.
Then there's the subject of blacks, many of which escape civil wars and famine in Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, to live in America and not have to wear rags and live in Grasshuts. Native-Americans can own casinos in Alaska, Montana, and several other states. Women can accuse anyone of sexual harassment and get them fired (unless they're running for president as a Democrat). Then they can get fucked.
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
I think the sins of our country pales in comparison to your country, Mother Russia, who murdered 25,000,000 of their own people during and after WWII. Or the Chinese Communists who have subjugated their people, murdered them by the millions, caused 200,000 of them to commit suicide during the Communist takeover. Then there's post Vietnam Cambodia, 2,000,000 people murdered and dumped in the Killing Fields.
Then there's the subject of blacks, many of which escape civil wars and famine in Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, to live in America and not have to wear rags and live in Grasshuts. Native-Americans can own casinos in Alaska, Montana, and several other states. Women can accuse anyone of sexual harassment and get them fired (unless they're running for president as a Democrat). Then they can get fucked.
Nice deflection

But the person in the OP was correct about our founders and “freedom”
It only applied to themselves
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
I think the sins of our country pales in comparison to your country, Mother Russia, who murdered 25,000,000 of their own people during and after WWII. Or the Chinese Communists who have subjugated their people, murdered them by the millions, caused 200,000 of them to commit suicide during the Communist takeover. Then there's post Vietnam Cambodia, 2,000,000 people murdered and dumped in the Killing Fields.
Then there's the subject of blacks, many of which escape civil wars and famine in Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, to live in America and not have to wear rags and live in Grasshuts. Native-Americans can own casinos in Alaska, Montana, and several other states. Women can accuse anyone of sexual harassment and get them fired (unless they're running for president as a Democrat). Then they can get fucked.
Nice deflection

But the person in the OP was correct about our founders and “freedom”
It only applied to themselves
How ironic....you accusing me of deflection by deflecting.
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
Why are you still here? Cuba is hiring...
Learn your history
So what. We ARE free (or were) and what happened a few hundred years has nothing to do with today. We are free to protest what these Dem Mayors and Gov are trying to shove down out throats and we ill continue to do so.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.

How is he wrong?

“There is a primordial American tradition going back to the Founders of being freedom-obsessed, even though we're a country founded on slavery and genocide,” Anand Gridharadas claimed on the “Morning Joe” program.
These United States of America were founded on freedom. Slavery did jack-shit for northern colonies so this revisionism that slavery "built everything" is complete bullshit.
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
Why are you still here? Cuba is hiring...
Learn your history
Learn your history communitst. Come out and admit your true political beliefs
So what. We ARE free (or were) and what happened a few hundred years has nothing to do with today. We are free to protest what these Dem Mayors and Gov are trying to shove down out throats and we ill continue to do so.
Exactly! The movement must continue.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.

How is he wrong?

“There is a primordial American tradition going back to the Founders of being freedom-obsessed, even though we're a country founded on slavery and genocide,” Anand Gridharadas claimed on the “Morning Joe” program.
The Bill of Rights is about protecting people from the govenment. "How us he wrong?" WTF? Our nation was founded on the concept of Manifest Destiny. I guess I'm fucking sorry that Native peoples weren't allowed to live with lice, fleas, and wipe their ass with a bare hand. Most civilized indeed.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
I noticed you said "Western Nation" purposely omitting Middle-Eastern countries that practice slavery today.
Who gives a fuck that we outlawed slavery nearly 200 years ago.
You feel you have the right to punish us for something we had nothing to do with.
England only abolished the practice 30 years before the United States....so you have DICK to say about it.
In truth....the British Kingdom was based off of slavery and colonialism. The USA exists because we threw off the yoke of oppression from King George....and decided that taxation without representation was an infringement of our freedoms.

Brits still call themselves Royal Subjects....not free citizens. You still consider yourselves the subjects of the Queen of England even though she has no real power.
Freedoms for some not for all. It was a bad day for Black Americans because the British were releasing them. Took over a century for you savages to catch up.

Middle eastern countries dont spout crap about being the land of the free. Blacks exchanged their chains for the right to sit at the back of the bus and not vote. That went on another century in the "land of the free" and some of our fellow posters still yearn for those days.

And I am actually a citizen. It says so in my passport.
. Took over a century for you savages to catch up.

Some British colonies had slaves until 1834, liar.

Go curtsy your Queen, Peasant.
Brits offered to free your slaves during the war. 1770 something. 1865 before the land of the free followed suit. More or less 100 years ya dumb fuck.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
I noticed you said "Western Nation" purposely omitting Middle-Eastern countries that practice slavery today.
Who gives a fuck that we outlawed slavery nearly 200 years ago.
You feel you have the right to punish us for something we had nothing to do with.
England only abolished the practice 30 years before the United States....so you have DICK to say about it.
In truth....the British Kingdom was based off of slavery and colonialism. The USA exists because we threw off the yoke of oppression from King George....and decided that taxation without representation was an infringement of our freedoms.

Brits still call themselves Royal Subjects....not free citizens. You still consider yourselves the subjects of the Queen of England even though she has no real power.
Freedoms for some not for all. It was a bad day for Black Americans because the British were releasing them. Took over a century for you savages to catch up.

Middle eastern countries dont spout crap about being the land of the free. Blacks exchanged their chains for the right to sit at the back of the bus and not vote. That went on another century in the "land of the free" and some of our fellow posters still yearn for those days.

And I am actually a citizen. It says so in my passport.
. Took over a century for you savages to catch up.

Some British colonies had slaves until 1834, liar.

Go curtsy your Queen, Peasant.
Brits offered to free your slaves during the war. 1770 something. 1865 before the land of the free followed suit. More or less 100 years ya dumb fuck.
Learn the history of your own racist shithole country before you comment on ours, asswipe. Now, go curtsy your queen.

1834 was when the last British slaves were freed in the colonies.

Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
What's your point then, bonehead? Only fools don't understand that today's standards weren't in effect 300 years ago
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
I noticed you said "Western Nation" purposely omitting Middle-Eastern countries that practice slavery today.
Who gives a fuck that we outlawed slavery nearly 200 years ago.
You feel you have the right to punish us for something we had nothing to do with.
England only abolished the practice 30 years before the United States....so you have DICK to say about it.
In truth....the British Kingdom was based off of slavery and colonialism. The USA exists because we threw off the yoke of oppression from King George....and decided that taxation without representation was an infringement of our freedoms.

Brits still call themselves Royal Subjects....not free citizens. You still consider yourselves the subjects of the Queen of England even though she has no real power.
Freedoms for some not for all. It was a bad day for Black Americans because the British were releasing them. Took over a century for you savages to catch up.

Middle eastern countries dont spout crap about being the land of the free. Blacks exchanged their chains for the right to sit at the back of the bus and not vote. That went on another century in the "land of the free" and some of our fellow posters still yearn for those days.

And I am actually a citizen. It says so in my passport.
. Took over a century for you savages to catch up.

Some British colonies had slaves until 1834, liar.

Go curtsy your Queen, Peasant.
Brits offered to free your slaves during the war. 1770 something. 1865 before the land of the free followed suit. More or less 100 years ya dumb fuck.
They offered, but it was just a ploy to get them to fight on the side of the Brits. These same people had slaves back in the motherland.
Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
Why are you still here? Cuba is hiring...
Learn your history
Exaggeration isn't learning.
Ignoring the sins of others while spouting hyperbolic bullshit about ours is what communists do.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.

100% accurate . . . if you're a simpleton. And hey, look who I'm talking to.

By all means, if we aren't up to your "superior" standards of "I'm morally superior because I learned from the struggles of the people I'm looking down on", feel free to not ever, EVER come and live here and give us the "benefit" of your presence in our country. No, really, we're just not worthy of you, and we should be punished by having you go off and "bless" some other country - ANY other country - with your wonderfulness instead.

Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Which at the time was the norm for most countries
It was the norm. Their cries of lack of freedom paled in comparison to blacks, women, Indians
I think the sins of our country pales in comparison to your country, Mother Russia, who murdered 25,000,000 of their own people during and after WWII. Or the Chinese Communists who have subjugated their people, murdered them by the millions, caused 200,000 of them to commit suicide during the Communist takeover. Then there's post Vietnam Cambodia, 2,000,000 people murdered and dumped in the Killing Fields.
Then there's the subject of blacks, many of which escape civil wars and famine in Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, to live in America and not have to wear rags and live in Grasshuts. Native-Americans can own casinos in Alaska, Montana, and several other states. Women can accuse anyone of sexual harassment and get them fired (unless they're running for president as a Democrat). Then they can get fucked.
Nice deflection

But the person in the OP was correct about our founders and “freedom”
It only applied to themselves
How ironic....you accusing me of deflection by deflecting.
How is referencing the OP a deflection?
How is he wrong?
These United States of America were founded on freedom.

Freedom for everyone? Obviously, that isn't true and it wasn't just black people who were treated unequally.

Slavery did jack-shit for northern colonies so this revisionism that slavery "built everything" is complete bullshit.

No, it's people like you giving us the revisionist history.

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