"Morning Joe" Guest and Typical Liberal:"America Not Founded on Freedom"

Freedom does sound good

But the founders were free. They could buy land, they could move around at will. They could speak their minds

They did not provide that freedom to blacks, Indians, women
Nor did they have to.
Nor does socialism.
Nevermind the fact that whites were oppressed by the Crown as well as blacks, natives, and women.
Nevermind the fact that whites were sold into a form of slavery in England and shipped off to America as a form of punishment every day.

Wow, it's almost like the history of humanity is the story of people being shitty to each other.

If only some wise group of people somewhere could aspire to rise above that and create a nation where we could all learn to be better than our basest nature . . .
How is he wrong?
These United States of America were founded on freedom.

Freedom for everyone? Obviously, that isn't true and it wasn't just black people who were treated unequally.

Slavery did jack-shit for northern colonies so this revisionism that slavery "built everything" is complete bullshit.

No, it's people like you giving us the revisionist history.

Why is it "obvious that isn't true"? Because we've never been perfect, so therefore we obviously weren't telling the truth about aspiring to be better? Do you mind if I ask why you think YOU are perfect enough to qualify to judge and condemn others for not being?

You just think we're giving you revisionist history because we're reversing the revisions the left has already tried to make.
This dumb shit Democrat obviously has never read George Orwell. He says Trump supporters love of freedom and distrust of government is because we are ignorant. Also claims the nation was never founded on freedom but "slavery" and "oppression." This liberal piece of shit needs to be dropped off in North Korea where him and his false revisionist history can thrive.
The US was founded as a slave state and was the last western nation to reject slavery. 100% accurate.
I noticed you said "Western Nation" purposely omitting Middle-Eastern countries that practice slavery today.
Who gives a fuck that we outlawed slavery nearly 200 years ago.
You feel you have the right to punish us for something we had nothing to do with.
England only abolished the practice 30 years before the United States....so you have DICK to say about it.
In truth....the British Kingdom was based off of slavery and colonialism. The USA exists because we threw off the yoke of oppression from King George....and decided that taxation without representation was an infringement of our freedoms.

Brits still call themselves Royal Subjects....not free citizens. You still consider yourselves the subjects of the Queen of England even though she has no real power.
Freedoms for some not for all. It was a bad day for Black Americans because the British were releasing them. Took over a century for you savages to catch up.

Middle eastern countries dont spout crap about being the land of the free. Blacks exchanged their chains for the right to sit at the back of the bus and not vote. That went on another century in the "land of the free" and some of our fellow posters still yearn for those days.

And I am actually a citizen. It says so in my passport.

Anyone who just implied that Middle Eastern countries get a pass because they don't even TRY to be decent, whereas the US gets condemned for trying and not being perfect has just bought himself a one-way ticket to "Fuck the Hell off, you ignorant lowlife piece of shit".

Once upon a time, I didn't respect you enough to piss down your throat if your stomach was on fire. Now, I don't respect you enough to even bother telling you I don't respect you enough.

I'm in agreement that America wasn't founded on freedom. It's my take that America became independent for economic reason. The British paid a heavy price to gain America between the Appalachians and the Mississippi through investment and ultimate victory in the French and Indian War. The colonists didn't want to see the spoils of that war mostly flow back to Britain and thus revolted. I see our Declaration of Independence as one of the greatest works of political spin in all of history. That's no knock, just how the world spins and I'm ready for the greatest party since 1976 in just 6 more years. .
How is he wrong?
These United States of America were founded on freedom.

Freedom for everyone? Obviously, that isn't true and it wasn't just black people who were treated unequally.

Slavery did jack-shit for northern colonies so this revisionism that slavery "built everything" is complete bullshit.

No, it's people like you giving us the revisionist history.

Why is it "obvious that isn't true"? Because we've never been perfect, so therefore we obviously weren't telling the truth about aspiring to be better? Do you mind if I ask why you think YOU are perfect enough to qualify to judge and condemn others for not being?

You just think we're giving you revisionist history because we're reversing the revisions the left has already tried to make.
Human bondage is a far, far cry from perfect

Deluding ourselves and claiming we were founded on “freedom” doesn’t change that
I'm in agreement that America wasn't founded on freedom. It's my take that America became independent for economic reason. The British paid a heavy price to gain America between the Appalachians and the Mississippi through investment and ultimate victory in the French and Indian War. The colonists didn't want to see the spoils of that war mostly flow back to Britain and thus revolted. I see our Declaration of Independence as one of the greatest works of political spin in all of history. That's no knock, just how the world spins and I'm ready for the greatest party since 1976 in just 6 more years. .
Actually, the French and Indian War cost the British a shitload of money. So did stationing troops to defend the Colonies from Indian attacks. To pay for it, England instituted a tax on the Colonies.
We revolted.
Had little to do with freedom
How is he wrong?
These United States of America were founded on freedom.

Freedom for everyone? Obviously, that isn't true and it wasn't just black people who were treated unequally.

Slavery did jack-shit for northern colonies so this revisionism that slavery "built everything" is complete bullshit.

No, it's people like you giving us the revisionist history.

Why is it "obvious that isn't true"? Because we've never been perfect, so therefore we obviously weren't telling the truth about aspiring to be better? Do you mind if I ask why you think YOU are perfect enough to qualify to judge and condemn others for not being?

You just think we're giving you revisionist history because we're reversing the revisions the left has already tried to make.
Human bondage is a far, far cry from perfect

Deluding ourselves and claiming we were founded on “freedom” doesn’t change that
Why are you still here? Cuba is hiring.........................
How is he wrong?
These United States of America were founded on freedom.

Freedom for everyone? Obviously, that isn't true and it wasn't just black people who were treated unequally.

Slavery did jack-shit for northern colonies so this revisionism that slavery "built everything" is complete bullshit.

No, it's people like you giving us the revisionist history.

Why is it "obvious that isn't true"? Because we've never been perfect, so therefore we obviously weren't telling the truth about aspiring to be better? Do you mind if I ask why you think YOU are perfect enough to qualify to judge and condemn others for not being?

You just think we're giving you revisionist history because we're reversing the revisions the left has already tried to make.
Human bondage is a far, far cry from perfect

Deluding ourselves and claiming we were founded on “freedom” doesn’t change that
Why are you still here? Cuba is hiring.........................
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong
I'm in agreement that America wasn't founded on freedom. It's my take that America became independent for economic reason. The British paid a heavy price to gain America between the Appalachians and the Mississippi through investment and ultimate victory in the French and Indian War. The colonists didn't want to see the spoils of that war mostly flow back to Britain and thus revolted. I see our Declaration of Independence as one of the greatest works of political spin in all of history. That's no knock, just how the world spins and I'm ready for the greatest party since 1976 in just 6 more years. .
Actually, the French and Indian War cost the British a shitload of money. So did stationing troops to defend the Colonies from Indian attacks. To pay for it, England instituted a tax on the Colonies.
We revolted.
Had little to do with freedom
Have you read the Declaration of Independence? Britian did not defend the colonies from Indian attacks. If you want to know what that war was about the Declaration of Intolerable Acts should tell you.
I'm in agreement that America wasn't founded on freedom. It's my take that America became independent for economic reason. The British paid a heavy price to gain America between the Appalachians and the Mississippi through investment and ultimate victory in the French and Indian War. The colonists didn't want to see the spoils of that war mostly flow back to Britain and thus revolted. I see our Declaration of Independence as one of the greatest works of political spin in all of history. That's no knock, just how the world spins and I'm ready for the greatest party since 1976 in just 6 more years. .
Actually, the French and Indian War cost the British a shitload of money. So did stationing troops to defend the Colonies from Indian attacks. To pay for it, England instituted a tax on the Colonies.
We revolted.
Had little to do with freedom
Have you read the Declaration of Independence? Britian did not defend the colonies from Indian attacks. If you want to know what that war was about the Declaration of Intolerable Acts should tell you.
Read those Intolerable Acts and point out the ones that impact personal freedoms
Well in some ways it was not founded on freedom, not universal freedom.

Most of the founding fathers did not believe every male should have the right to vote, hence the early property requirements, let alone females, African Americans, Native Americans, well anyone non white. They even had issues with the Irish, and the Irish were some of the most racist people on Earth.

And then there is that pesky slavery issue.

The US was founded, or at least sold as a nation founded on, certain Enlightenment ideals of freedom that were not lived up to until modern times.

But the war itself was fought on taxes and who determines what they are and how to pay.
How is he wrong?
These United States of America were founded on freedom.

Freedom for everyone? Obviously, that isn't true and it wasn't just black people who were treated unequally.

Slavery did jack-shit for northern colonies so this revisionism that slavery "built everything" is complete bullshit.

No, it's people like you giving us the revisionist history.

Why is it "obvious that isn't true"? Because we've never been perfect, so therefore we obviously weren't telling the truth about aspiring to be better? Do you mind if I ask why you think YOU are perfect enough to qualify to judge and condemn others for not being?

You just think we're giving you revisionist history because we're reversing the revisions the left has already tried to make.
Human bondage is a far, far cry from perfect

Deluding ourselves and claiming we were founded on “freedom” doesn’t change that
Why are you still here? Cuba is hiring.........................
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong
Good thing you never agree with me cuz I'm always right.
I'm in agreement that America wasn't founded on freedom. It's my take that America became independent for economic reason. The British paid a heavy price to gain America between the Appalachians and the Mississippi through investment and ultimate victory in the French and Indian War. The colonists didn't want to see the spoils of that war mostly flow back to Britain and thus revolted. I see our Declaration of Independence as one of the greatest works of political spin in all of history. That's no knock, just how the world spins and I'm ready for the greatest party since 1976 in just 6 more years. .
Actually, the French and Indian War cost the British a shitload of money. So did stationing troops to defend the Colonies from Indian attacks. To pay for it, England instituted a tax on the Colonies.
We revolted.
Had little to do with freedom
Have you read the Declaration of Independence? Britian did not defend the colonies from Indian attacks. If you want to know what that war was about the Declaration of Intolerable Acts should tell you.
Read those Intolerable Acts and point out the ones that impact personal freedoms
You know that those were complaints against the crown. One of those complaints was that the colonies were unprotected. What does personal freedom have to do with wrongdoing against the colonies?

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