Morning Joe: 'HILLARY To Blame For Trump Getting 2 USSC Justice Picks!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

I think your summary of why Hillary lost is excellent.
If they were smart, they would've ran Hillary first with Obama as vice president. They would've had 16 years as president. Because no matter how bad the economy would be. As in 2009, Obama would've been elected, because he was black. But thank God liberals aren't that smart.
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

Very good post.
Exactly what I have said numerous times, Trump won because of the corrupt Democrat political machine destroying Sanders and using whatever means to prop up Hillary...who so clearly was an unwinnable candidate nationally.
Very good post.
Exactly what I have said numerous times, Trump won because of the corrupt Democrat political machine destroying Sanders and using whatever means to prop up Hillary...who so clearly was an unwinnable candidate nationally.

Interesting, is it not, that so many Democrats do not think doing all of that was in any way 'interfering in the election' and that doing so had 'no impact' on the election...?!
Very good post.
Exactly what I have said numerous times, Trump won because of the corrupt Democrat political machine destroying Sanders and using whatever means to prop up Hillary...who so clearly was an unwinnable candidate nationally.

Interesting, is it not, that so many Democrats do not think doing all of that was in any way 'interfering in the election' and that doing so had 'no impact' on the election...?!

Of course.
Trump should have lost in a landslide. All the Dems had to do was put up a reasonable candidate. And what they came up with was to pick a Socialist or one of the most corrupt politicians in the country, who isn't even liked by people of her own party!
The Democratic Party recently announced they will be decreasing influence of Super Delegates. Not getting rid of them, just weakening their influence.

What exactly does that mean?

I love analogies and metaphors, to me this is accurate: if you don't support freedom within your own party selection, how can anyone believe you will support it in your governing philosophy? In order words, why did Trump win the GOP primary? He won because the people wanted him. Instead of a weaker, narrow, bubble dwelling candidate, as manufactured by the DNC process, the RNC produced a "best and brightest" candidate. Based on policies not optics.

Trump was far more broadly appealing to the working class American who was sick of being kicked in the head by global crooks. This happened because of the differences in their process. I think Bernie would have had a better chance against Trump, though as I say, Trump would have found weaknesses and changed his tactics accordingly to get his message out. In the end, their biased process did the nation and world a great favour.
Hillary never had a chance of beating Trump and neither did Bernie...The truth is people were tired of the do nothing but damage Obama and his cabal of miscreants...they were sick of the new normal and tired of all of the lies...Obama ruined our healthcare system and raised costs for all of us but the most deadbeat among us....he turned it into a welfare healthcare program funded by the working middle class...
No one but the most pampered public servants and the most ignorant wanted anything to do with more Obama style leadership....
Hillary would have continued the Obama way and that is why she lost....
Trump beat her fair and Russia collusion took place...just the awakening of the silent majority....we had had enough and we went for an OUTSIDER!!!!!!!
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

Very good post.
Exactly what I have said numerous times, Trump won because of the corrupt Democrat political machine destroying Sanders and using whatever means to prop up Hillary...who so clearly was an unwinnable candidate nationally.

I have to agree. The Dems screwed Bernie over in favor of Hitlery.

I doubt Bernie could have won because he is a socialist.

Hitlery ran the worst campaign I have ever seen and she was her own worst enemy.

She believed the polls and all the pundits and never bothered to campaign in the rust belt. What an over confident fool she was.

But boy am I happy with that campaign. We got a good man in the WH.
Once again, the "US" media lets Debbie Wasserman Shultz off the hook....

Who rigged the Dem Primary for Hillary?

That's the person 100% responsible for putting Trump in the WH.
The Democratic Party recently announced they will be decreasing influence of Super Delegates. Not getting rid of them, just weakening their influence.


Then the Democrat Party announced it would steal less from the taxpayer.... and everyone present fell over LAUGHING....
Hillary never had a chance of beating Trump and neither did Bernie...The truth is people were tired of the do nothing but damage Obama and his cabal of miscreants...they were sick of the new normal and tired of all of the lies...Obama ruined our healthcare system and raised costs for all of us but the most deadbeat among us....he turned it into a welfare healthcare program funded by the working middle class...
No one but the most pampered public servants and the most ignorant wanted anything to do with more Obama style leadership....
Hillary would have continued the Obama way and that is why she lost....
Trump beat her fair and Russia collusion took place...just the awakening of the silent majority....we had had enough and we went for an OUTSIDER!!!!!!!

Mostly true, the part about wanting an outsider - is of course dead on.
Having said that, you have to look at the election results in a different way - he actually received less popular votes than a candidate who ran the worst campaign in modern times, not even liked by her own people!
He should have wiped the floor with her. But he didn't.
Having said that, the next election will be much more interesting. Now it will be not an unknown outsider...but Trump after a 4 year term.
Right now the Democrats are certainly in a failure position. Perhaps even more than the first election. They have allowed their party to be taken over by the lunatic fringe that the vast majority of Americans do not identify with.
We'll wait and see how this plays out.
But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p
And don't forget the Regressive Left, whose repulsive behaviors over the last few years inspired, energized, animated and motivated the Great PC/Identity Politics Pushback of 2016.

Thanks loads, folks.
Hillary was the worst possible candidate, next to perhaps Bernie "the commune" Sanders. And I don't like Hillary. But maybe the dems should blame themselves for nominating her.

She was obviously hypocritical in countering Trump's misogyny, but perhaps even worse was that even with younger white women she was touting her gender for a reason to vote for her, and that didn't work so well in 2016.
The Democratic Party recently announced they will be decreasing influence of Super Delegates. Not getting rid of them, just weakening their influence.


Then the Democrat Party announced it would steal less from the taxpayer.... and everyone present fell over LAUGHING....
A new, smaller role proposed for superdelegates

A new, smaller role proposed for superdelegates - CNNPolitics

Providence, Rhode Island (CNN)Democrats charged with deciding the fate of "superdelegates," the automatic unpledged delegates criticized for their outsized influence on the party's primary process, are closer to a final agreement on reducing their role in electing Democratic presidential nominees.

During an impassioned meeting of the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National Committee on Friday, members argued over multiple proposals considering how, or if, superdelegates should fit into the primary process.
After more than three hours of debate, most committee members seemed satisfied with a "third way plus" plan that would only let superdelegates vote on the first ballot for president if the outcome is already predetermined by the pledged delegates.
The proposal is based on the "third way" option introduced by committee member and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten. Supported by Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez, it originally would have only given superdelegates voting rights if there was no nominee after the first ballot, something which hasn't occurred since 1924.
I think Canadian is headed in the right direction, but it may be larger than that. Are the issues central to democrat orthodoxy really important to voters? Put another way, were/are the dems more focused on cultural than econ issues, and is that a bad thing for them?
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments
Yup, stupid to have the actual legal server.
Learned the def of snowflake yet?
Original pro slavery white boys?
Oh, you do!!!
Ignorance is bliss
If they were smart, they would've ran Hillary first with Obama as vice president. They would've had 16 years as president. Because no matter how bad the economy would be. As in 2009, Obama would've been elected, because he was black. But thank God liberals aren't that smart.

And thank god you have zero knowledge and no idea of Latin
No idea of the def of liberal.
For the individual and small gov?

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