Morning Joe: 'HILLARY To Blame For Trump Getting 2 USSC Justice Picks!'

Hillary is to blame

She was given the easiest opponent in history to run against. An inept clown

Yet, she found a way to lose

No excuse
No doubt. But Trump would have kicked Bernie's ass, possibly literally

The campaign against Bernie would have been Commie, Commie, Commie

The voters would have bought it

rightwinger, don't let these sleaze bags off with quoting "fake news" as their source. Call them on it.
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

38-40% is not the majority.
5th grade math seems to escape you, too.
The Clinton and the Dems lost because they refuse to drop their message of hate.
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

38-40% is not the majority.
5th grade math seems to escape you, too.

Remind us who is president again?
LMAO. When it's convenient the Trumpanzees laud the opinion of a RINO on what they refer to ad MSDNC.

Here's something else Joe Scarborough said. Let's see you goons ooze your praise now.

C'mon you bunch of losers.

Joe Scarborough Calls President Trump a "Schmuck"

“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments
huh? I thought it was the FBI? or Russia Russia? WTF, that can't be fking possible.
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

38-40% is not the majority.
5th grade math seems to escape you, too.

Remind us who is president again?

By the grace of the electoral college, goon.
Even Trump denounced it, in case I have to remind you.

Donald J. Trump

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

11:45 PM - Nov 6, 2012

Trump called Electoral College a 'disaster' in 2012 tweet
LMAO. When it's convenient the Trumpanzees laud the opinion of a RINO on what they refer to ad MSDNC.

Here's something else Joe Scarborough said. Let's see you goons ooze your praise now.

C'mon you bunch of losers.

Joe Scarborough Calls President Trump a "Schmuck"

huh? dude that doesn't make sense. try again in english.
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

38-40% is not the majority.
5th grade math seems to escape you, too.

Remind us who is president again?

By the grace of the electoral college, goon.
Even Trump denounced it, in case I have to remind you.

Donald J. Trump

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

11:45 PM - Nov 6, 2012
you mean the actual voting body. Same as every year.
How about this little ditty from Morning Joe:

'Morning Joe': 'Fox News,' 'Russians' Create 'Alternate Reality' in America

Joe Scarborough pushed back strongly against the narrative that elements of the FBI were involved in an anti-Trump secret society.

In a fiery moment on “Morning Joe” on Thursday, the MSNBC host showed polling which revealed a near-majority of Republicans didn’t approve of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Scarborough said it showed Fox News and the Russians were guilty of creating an “alternate reality” for Americans.

“It shows that Fox News and also the Russians continued attempts to impact social media. According to the most recent study. The Russian bots are working,” said Scarborough. “They’re creating an echo chamber, they’re creating an alternate reality.”
Liberals are like goldfish, ever turn around the bowl is a whole new world. Did they just realize that presidents get to appoint Supreme Court Justices?
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments
The DNC is paying for that now as made evident by NY's 14th District primary. Can't say I'm to disappointed either there is no way that middle Americans are going to fall for the Bernie Sanders clones garbage. Let the coasts turn into socialist utopian shitholes for all I care.
She should have beat him like a drum.

Only Hillary is to blame.

When we look back today, we realize that something was really wrong with the Clinton strategy. They BOTH have different polls than we have, that cost a fortune. There is no doubt that 2 weeks out, Hillary knew Trump was actually breathing down her neck. Her reaction to this situation, will be the topic of a best selling book, sometime in the future!
Even with Trump finishing hard, two things decided it.

Comey's announcements.

Clinton's not making sure the upper mid west states were protected.

Even with the first, protecting the three states would have given her victory.

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