Morning Joe: 'HILLARY To Blame For Trump Getting 2 USSC Justice Picks!'

I think Canadian is headed in the right direction, but it may be larger than that. Are the issues central to democrat orthodoxy really important to voters? Put another way, were/are the dems more focused on cultural than econ issues, and is that a bad thing for them?

Yes it is a bad thing for them. It a disaster for them actually, but worse, it's dangerous for America and the world.
I find it amazing that some don't consider the broader implications of Identity Politics and outrage at anything "male, straight and white". Now you see the "progression". Get rid of historic statues, kneel for a flag, be prejudiced against Asian minority students, choose people based on race rather than attributes, demonize religion and speech.

This is NOT America. People are trying to get by and some poor, white male (as I have been and experienced in the extreme) are told "don't complain, you have privilege". How condescending and stereotypical is that? In the same vain they tell Blacks and Hispanics "you are a victim" and in effect, "you cannot achieve because of external forces", What a way to destroy someones self worth and ambitions.

The further left some go, the more important it is to vote for the alternative.
But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p
And don't forget the Regressive Left, whose repulsive behaviors over the last few years inspired, energized, animated and motivated the Great PC/Identity Politics Pushback of 2016.

Thanks loads, folks.

The silent majority will put up with a lot before engaging.
Especially true today with so many entertainment distractions and people reducing their worlds within the 4 walls of their homes.
Not to mention party divisions.
The average American has never agreed with the insanity of the progressive lunatics. Self loathing, amoral and absolute insane identity politics have finally made people stand up and notice that the country as we knew it is being fundamentally exterminated.
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments
It is 100% her fault -- I will cheer when she, Pelosi, Maxine, all of those old bitches die...

I am already looking out for new liberal bitches to hate and demonize -- got to always think ahead
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments
Scrambled Eggs Getting Henpecked

What Joey means is that the DNC should have asked Mika to run instead of frigid hillary.
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

Maybe Hillary didn't campaign more because when people listened to her her poll numbers went down.
I think Canadian is headed in the right direction, but it may be larger than that. Are the issues central to democrat orthodoxy really important to voters? Put another way, were/are the dems more focused on cultural than econ issues, and is that a bad thing for them?

Yes it is a bad thing for them. It a disaster for them actually, but worse, it's dangerous for America and the world.
I find it amazing that some don't consider the broader implications of Identity Politics and outrage at anything "male, straight and white". Now you see the "progression". Get rid of historic statues, kneel for a flag, be prejudiced against Asian minority students, choose people based on race rather than attributes, demonize religion and speech.

This is NOT America. People are trying to get by and some poor, white male (as I have been and experienced in the extreme) are told "don't complain, you have privilege". How condescending and stereotypical is that? In the same vain they tell Blacks and Hispanics "you are a victim" and in effect, "you cannot achieve because of external forces", What a way to destroy someones self worth and ambitions.

The further left some go, the more important it is to vote for the alternative.
Well, it's not so much one way or the other. Trump owns the evangelical vote despite being a disgusting excuse for a human being. But they want the abortion vote (it's life or death for them) and they want out of Obamacare mandates on birthcontrol and they want to be free of any state requirement they behave in any way they find offensive to their faith.

For the democrats of Hillary's age ... all three of those are issues that cannot be compromised.
Hillary is to blame

She was given the easiest opponent in history to run against. An inept clown

Yet, she found a way to lose

No excuse
If they were smart, they would've ran Hillary first with Obama as vice president. They would've had 16 years as president. Because no matter how bad the economy would be. As in 2009, Obama would've been elected, because he was black. But thank God liberals aren't that smart.

And thank god you have zero knowledge and no idea of Latin
No idea of the def of liberal.
For the individual and small gov?
Liberals are stupid and intolerant, that's the truth.
God works in mysterious ways, and I'm convinced the election of Trump was divine intervention. By the time his second term ends he will probably have appointed 4 conservative constitutionalists, assuring America remains great for a number of years.
Hillary is to blame

She was given the easiest opponent in history to run against. An inept clown

Yet, she found a way to lose

No excuse
It's Hillary but it's also the democratic establishment around her. They're the ones that suppressed Bernie, they're the ones who informed Hillary she didn't need to worry about certain states. Add to that a left-wing mainstream/legacy media that convinced a whole lot of people that there was no chance in hell that Trump was going to win.

You'd think this would be easy for them to tell, but it's not. They're just doubling and tripling down on what lost in 2016. If Trump could pull the crazy back just a little, the democrats would get killed in November cause they're throwing any remotely moderate democrats off their wagon. It's like both parties want to see how much they can cleanse themselves of the non true-believers.
Very good post.
Exactly what I have said numerous times, Trump won because of the corrupt Democrat political machine destroying Sanders and using whatever means to prop up Hillary...who so clearly was an unwinnable candidate nationally.

Interesting, is it not, that so many Democrats do not think doing all of that was in any way 'interfering in the election' and that doing so had 'no impact' on the election...?!

Of course.
Trump should have lost in a landslide. All the Dems had to do was put up a reasonable candidate. And what they came up with was to pick a Socialist or one of the most corrupt politicians in the country, who isn't even liked by people of her own party!

Heck, that was the plan from the get go. Hillary wouldn't have won if the Dems put up a reasonable candidate, they had to pick one they knew would lose or give up. They didn't realize they were picking two losers.
Hillary is to blame

She was given the easiest opponent in history to run against. An inept clown

Yet, she found a way to lose

No excuse

Not just Hillary.
Also the Democrat machine that killed Bernie and misused funds to support her. With out either she would not have made it.
I don't know if there was ever a time in our history that a political party so misread the public.
Having said that, I believe your party is going to repeat the same mistake again. They are sure on their way to do it again.
You said yourself, against the worst possible opponent she still lost.
Imagine how bad she would have lost against someone "legitimate".
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments
Did Putin make her do all that?
Thanks, Hillary!

But it’s more likely THREE picks.


She can’t last much longer.
Hillary is to blame

She was given the easiest opponent in history to run against. An inept clown

Yet, she found a way to lose

No excuse
No doubt. But Trump would have kicked Bernie's ass, possibly literally

The campaign against Bernie would have been Commie, Commie, Commie

The voters would have bought it
“When you elect presidents, this is what happens,” Scarborough stated. “When Hillary Clinton didn’t visit Wisconsin and didn’t visit Michigan enough, and when we saw a young woman yesterday with a campaign message that was more inspiring in three minutes than what Hillary Clinton gave us in two years.”

“The fact is, Hillary never had a message. She ran a horrible campaign, and this is the consequence of it,” he added.

IN HILLARY'S DEFENSE, Joe is only PARTLY correct.

Yes, Hillary ran a completely uninspiring, idea/message-less campaign (except for 'It's My Turn'), and completely ignored visiting states because of her elitist arrogance which eventually cost her the election, but it is far from her fault that Trump won the election. There is more than enough blame for everyone to go around:

The Obama administration - to include the President, US AGs, CIA, NIA, and FBI - protected her from indictment, thus keeping her in the race.

The Liberal media downplayed her multiple FBI investigations and kept her in the race, when they would have forced any GOP candidate in the same situation out of the race.

The DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during the primaries in order to screw Sanders and his followers out of the nomination so they could give it to Hillary, who proved she could not win the nomination o her own.

Many corrupt hands helped to protect, prop up, and keep Hillary in the race...rather than getting someone NOT the most corrupt politician on the face of the planet under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she was proven to have committed....

But on behalf of the majority of the country....THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! :p

MSNBC’s Morning Joe Blames Hillary For Trump Getting Two Justice Appointments

What's wrong with you?
Trump calls MSNBC fake news.
Sorry, dipshit. You can't have it both ways.

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