Morti has a very cute new asian follower

Very cute, it seems by the few videos and comments that she does speak german. I wonder if she lives in germany or austria? Do you think she is "real" or "authentic" or "nigerian man who pretends to be a young asian woman"?

you're probably being catfished.
Morti, you're such a stud. Obviously she wants you because of your good looks. It has nothing to do with any money she might want from you.
Very cute, it seems by the few videos and comments that she does speak german. I wonder if she lives in germany or austria? Do you think she is "real" or "authentic" or "nigerian man who pretends to be a young asian woman"?

I'd say she's in China, from the video, especially due to the electricity box near the door, can't be hard to get videos of Chinese girls trying to make themselves look like that, even for Nigerians.
Very cute, it seems by the few videos and comments that she does speak german. I wonder if she lives in germany or austria? Do you think she is "real" or "authentic" or "nigerian man who pretends to be a young asian woman"?

She looks white.

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