Moscow 🐷 : " any Ship which enters the Black Sea that appears to be heading towards a Ukrainian Port´ll be considered a “Hostile Military Transport”


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Will we just accept Nigeria with snow ´s blackmail ?

I doubt they would have that same energy if put the real presure on Moscow imperialism in this region . Freedom of navigation cruises from all civilized countries immediately.

Moscow : " any Ship which enters the Black Sea that appears to be heading towards a Ukrainian Port´ll be considered a “Hostile Military Transport” carrying Weapons."

Time to send the Black Sea Moscow fleet to the bottom of the sea...

A deal that is fair to Russia too has always been offered to the Ukraine.

This has become an issue on which the two sides will be trying to sell their propaganda to the rest of the world.

But it also becomes a very scary escalation if the US moves one of it's 90,000 ton carriers into Black Sea waters forbidden by Russia.

America can never accept an AC sitting on the bottom of the Black Sea.

Will America escalate the war against Russia?

Very unlikely, due to the mutually agreed upon limitations.

Russia is pretty obviously gambling with their intended blockade and that's the risky part.
And it's highly likely that if Russia is pushed to it, they will have any difficulty sending one of those to the bottom.
Yes, @JuliaDavisNews is absolute right she said:"This is not merely Moscow against #Ukraine, this is Moscow against the world. They don't care how many people starve and suffer"

I hope that America's propaganda effort as you've shown is the limit of US involvement in this issue of a Russian blockade and sinking of any ship that ignores it.

America will know that this is the escalation that could lead to WW3.

I'm pretty sure that both sides are dedicated to only propaganda without military escalation that could destroy the status quo.
"60,000 tons of agricultural products, which the Moscow ulus 🇷🇺 destroyed in Odesa, were intended for China", - Zelensky
Why is Moscow ulus 🐐 🇷🇺 able to announce an ultimatum that it will sink ships in the Black Sea and everyone is like, ok? Why is Ukraine alone doing all the work of countering Moscow ulus for us ? Where are the international military ships accompanying Ukrainian grain cargo? Kick Moscow ulus out of the UN SC. We need new international institutions depending democracies and standing against the brutal brazen aggression of dictatorships instead of whatever this is.

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