Moscow 🐷 : " any Ship which enters the Black Sea that appears to be heading towards a Ukrainian Port´ll be considered a “Hostile Military Transport”

Russia has a mountain of Gold
dream on pootin´s cuckold 🐐

Russia doesn't need to do anything, Ships won't risk going into Odessa because they won't get insurance, it already happened before when the Ukrainians mined part of the black sea.
Yeah, a solution has been found. They will try to ship by train.
Yeah, a solution has been found. They will try to ship by train.
they do it for many years , its just makes goods more expense, but your fav HORDESMEN 🐐🇷🇺 DONT CARE ABOUT HUNGRY , POOR AFRICANS, RIGHT ?

The situation has been defused. Russia's demands will be met and the Ukraine will attempt to get grain out by rail.

The bombardment of the Ukraine continues tonight and there's no way of stopping it or minimizing it.

US/Nato involvement is almost certainly necessary but does the US/Nato have the ability to do anything now?
Russia's demands will be met



Now, every inch of Baltic shoreline outside of Moscow imperial waters is controlled by NATO allies :thup: — allies that are increasingly well-armed. "You're seeing this rejuvenation of naval forces all across Europe," said Grodzinski. "Sweden, Norway, Finland and so forth are expanding their navies. There is a greater NATO presence in in the Baltic Sea, which never really occurred before. So there's a completely different dynamic."
NATO is cramping Moscow imperial Navy's style.
Rest of the article.

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This really is not anything new.

But the formal declaration of it is.

So we will see what happens.
Official: Moscow plans to check all ships in Black Sea for potential military cargo. Moscow will inspect all ships sailing in the Black Sea to make sure they don't carry military cargo, Moscow Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin said on July 21, as reported by Russian news agency Interfax.

Nazi WinkleTitty posting consecutively again -- he has nothing to say , as his third Nazi army is destroyed.
If the US sent in a warship, pussy Putin would back down like the scumbag coward he is.
If the US sent a warship, Turkey won't allow her to go through the straits, because whoever wins in the regional war - Turkey lost.
Collapsing US-Ukey Nazi Third Army now being pushed back and Russia turning to one of its next targets . In Odessa, after the arrival of cruise missiles and drones, strong detonations.

Apparently, they hit warehouses with ammunition. Objects at the Shkolny airfield are also on fire, from where drones are launched.

The effectiveness of air defense in Odessa is waning.

At least three S-300 missiles fell after launch, two more failed to hit targets in the air and exploded a few seconds after launch.

Everything points to heavy wear and improper storage.

Source Military Chronicles

Another threat to the South of Ukraine.
At the launch lines 4 Tu-22s with X-series missiles on board.

Most likely a risk for the port infrastructure.

Arrivals in Odessa and suburbs.
Dozens of explosions are reported.
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