Moscow🐷 🇷🇺 empire is renaming the Gulf of Finland "in response to Finland's unfriendly actions" into "Neva Gulf" or "Kronstadt Gulf"


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
even Gerogian - Muscovite gangster Koba was less fascistic dumb , I propose renaming 18c . Czar Peters imperialistic construction "Russia" back to Muscovy as soon as possible

Moscow empire is renaming the Gulf of Finland "in response to Finland's unfriendly actions" into "Neva Gulf" or "Kronstadt Gulf"

The Russians kicked ass yesterday... where is your report on that?...
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky had reacted to the communique by calling NATO weak and its behavior “unprecedented and absurd,” drawing the ire of Washington.

The question has become, does Nato/America care what he says anymore? Or is America patient enough to wait for Zelensky to get his bullet?
It appears to be coming soon!

Just curious ... what do the Finns call that body of water? ... and can you help with the pronunciation ... I doubt they use the English name ...
The “unfriendly action” of Finland was to join NATO, a direct response to Putin’s bloody invasion of independent and sovereign Ukraine. Sweden will also soon formally join NATO.

Thus Putin’s mad invasion & disastrous attempt to destroy the very existence of a separate Ukrainian nation (it’s just an “ungrateful” part of “Greater Russia” you see) has boomeranged and expanded NATO borders with Russia by many hundreds of miles. To prove he “is not bothered much” by this development Putin is now moving thousands of border troops away from the Finnish border and sending them to Ukraine — even though the now NATO/Finnish border is extremely close to Russia’s precious port and 2nd biggest city, Saint Petersburg.

This shows that the Russian argument that the mere possibility of Ukraine one day joining NATO was provocative and threatening to it was always a false argument. Putin knows his Ukraine invasion was never about NATO threatening Russian sovereignty, but about the people of Ukraine setting an example that they much prefer to be a part of Europe — this was intolerable.

The problem is Russia’s intense chauvinist & imperial attitudes toward Ukraine, the reality of Russia’s poverty and decline, and the mad desire of Putin to re-take this once centrally important part of the USSR and Czarist Empire — all this is what drove Putin crazy and was intolerable to the Russian regime’s self identity. “Rebuilding the Russian Empire” of course had to start with Ukraine.

I don’t usually agree with the Atlantic Council at all, but there is a lot worth considering in this article:

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Look for Putin to rename St. Petersburg after himself after he realizes his rebuilding the Soviet Union has failed. What do you think he will name it to?

Look for Putin to rename St. Petersburg after himself after he realizes his rebuilding the Soviet Union has failed. What do you think he will name it to?

Pootinograd :auiqs.jpg:

WE CAN also play this game , Viipuri ´d be our first step ...

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The “unfriendly action” of Finland was to join NATO, a direct response to Putin’s bloody invasion of independent and sovereign Ukraine. Sweden will also soon formally join NATO.

Thus Putin’s mad invasion & disastrous attempt to destroy the very existence of a separate Ukrainian nation (it’s just an “ungrateful” part of “Greater Russia” you see) has boomeranged and expanded NATO borders with Russia by many hundreds of miles. To prove he “is not bothered much” by this development Putin is now moving thousands of border troops away from Finlish border and sending them to Ukraine — even though the now NATO/Finish border is extremely close to Russia’s precious port and 2nd biggest city, Saint Petersburg.

This shows that the Russian argument that the mere possibility of Ukraine one day joining NATO was provocative and threatening to it was always a false argument. Putin knows his Ukraine invasion was never about NATO threatening Russian sovereignty, but about the people of Ukraine setting an example that they much prefer to be a part of Europe — this was intolerable.

The problem is Russia’s intense chauvinist & imperial attitudes toward Ukraine, the reality of Russia’s poverty and decline, and the mad desire of Putin to re-take this once centrally important part of the USSR and Czarist Empire — all this is what drove Putin crazy and was intolerable to the Russian regime’s self identity. “Rebuilding the Russian Empire” of course had to start with Ukraine.

I don’t usually agree with the Atlantic Council at all, but there is a lot worth considering in this article:

commie han - China will take advantage of Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....

commie han -China has declared part of Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.

THERE is the only one "Unequal Treaty" Which remains in force today, Which one ? and What does it mean for Moscow ?)
Outer Manchuria, refers to a region of Moscow empire [1] in Northeast Asia that historically formed part of Manchuria, and now constitutes the southern part of the Russian Far East. Manchuria, which more normatively refers to Northeast China, originally included areas in present-day Moscow Manchuria. Control of areas within the region was ceded to the Moscow Empire by the Qing China during the Amur Annexation in the 1858 Treaty of Aigun and 1860 Treaty of Peking,[4] with the term 'Moscow Manchuria' arising after the Moscow annexation.


Can we rename The Gulf of Mexico to The Gulf of Florida or The Gulf of Texas?
The “unfriendly action” of Finland was to join NATO, a direct response to Putin’s bloody invasion of independent and sovereign Ukraine. Sweden will also soon formally join NATO.

Thus Putin’s mad invasion & disastrous attempt to destroy the very existence of a separate Ukrainian nation (it’s just an “ungrateful” part of “Greater Russia” you see) has boomeranged and expanded NATO borders with Russia by many hundreds of miles. To prove he “is not bothered much” by this development Putin is now moving thousands of border troops away from the Finnish border and sending them to Ukraine — even though the now NATO/Finish border is extremely close to Russia’s precious port and 2nd biggest city, Saint Petersburg.

This shows that the Russian argument that the mere possibility of Ukraine one day joining NATO was provocative and threatening to it was always a false argument. Putin knows his Ukraine invasion was never about NATO threatening Russian sovereignty, but about the people of Ukraine setting an example that they much prefer to be a part of Europe — this was intolerable.

The problem is Russia’s intense chauvinist & imperial attitudes toward Ukraine, the reality of Russia’s poverty and decline, and the mad desire of Putin to re-take this once centrally important part of the USSR and Czarist Empire — all this is what drove Putin crazy and was intolerable to the Russian regime’s self identity. “Rebuilding the Russian Empire” of course had to start with Ukraine.

I don’t usually agree with the Atlantic Council at all, but there is a lot worth considering in this article:

Look for Putin to rename St. Petersburg after himself after he realizes his rebuilding the Soviet Union has failed. What do you think he will name it to?

The “unfriendly action” of Finland was to join NATO, a direct response to Putin’s bloody invasion of independent and sovereign Ukraine. Sweden will also soon formally join NATO.

Thus Putin’s mad invasion & disastrous attempt to destroy the very existence of a separate Ukrainian nation (it’s just an “ungrateful” part of “Greater Russia” you see) has boomeranged and expanded NATO borders with Russia by many hundreds of miles. To prove he “is not bothered much” by this development Putin is now moving thousands of border troops away from the Finnish border and sending them to Ukraine — even though the now NATO/Finnish border is extremely close to Russia’s precious port and 2nd biggest city, Saint Petersburg.

This shows that the Russian argument that the mere possibility of Ukraine one day joining NATO was provocative and threatening to it was always a false argument. Putin knows his Ukraine invasion was never about NATO threatening Russian sovereignty, but about the people of Ukraine setting an example that they much prefer to be a part of Europe — this was intolerable.

The problem is Russia’s intense chauvinist & imperial attitudes toward Ukraine, the reality of Russia’s poverty and decline, and the mad desire of Putin to re-take this once centrally important part of the USSR and Czarist Empire — all this is what drove Putin crazy and was intolerable to the Russian regime’s self identity. “Rebuilding the Russian Empire” of course had to start with Ukraine.

I don’t usually agree with the Atlantic Council at all, but there is a lot worth considering in this article:

Russia is never going to allow the Ukraine (what's left of it) to join Nato.

And Russia has all the bargaining power at the negotiating table when negotiations start. It's just the facts Tom!

America wants out of it's failure to defeat Russia and the majority of the American people want out of that war too.

Maybe we can use this thread to talk about Litwin's imagined annexation of Russia by China? I think he's trying to say that Russia and China haven't formed a strong and close alliance for the purpose of standing up to US aggression?

Let's hope he treats us to another map picture show!

Litwin thinks the war is about the Ukraine. It's not and everybody knows that by now. America thought it could defeat Russia with a proxy war. That's left the Ukraine diminished to less than half it's population.
Russia is never going to allow the Ukraine (what's left of it) to join Nato.

And Russia has all the bargaining power at the negotiating table when negotiations start. It's just the facts Tom!

America wants out of it's failure to defeat Russia and the majority of the American people want out of that war too.

Maybe we can use this thread to talk about Litwin's imagined annexation of Russia by China? I think he's trying to say that Russia and China haven't formed a strong and close alliance for the purpose of standing up to US aggression?

Let's hope he treats us to another map picture show!

Litwin thinks the war is about the Ukraine. It's not and everybody knows that by now. America thought it could defeat Russia with a proxy war. That's left the Ukraine diminished to less than half it's population.
I don’t think anybody can predict the future. The Ukrainians are not defeated. If the American people abandon the Ukrainians when they still are willing to fight and have an army, if with all our economic might we refuse even to provide Ukraine the wherewithal to defend itself, then we are a disgrace to all our values.

We and our NATO allies have never said we would fight on the ground in Ukraine. If the Ukrainian nationalists are eventually outnumbered and defeated, it will be a tragedy for freedom everywhere, But Russia will have paid an immense price, and their savage bloody violation of Ukrainian sovereignty will never be forgotten, nor will they ever be able to rule or pacify all of Ukraine. That much is certain,
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Litwin thinks the war is about the Ukraine.
No, I think its about we (Free World ) against your Moscow - Moscow 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 imperialistic, JIHADIST barbarism

I don’t think anybody can predict the future. The Ukrainians are not defeated. If the American people abandon the Ukrainians when they still are willing to fight and have an army, if with all our economic might we refuse even to provide Ukraine the wherewithal to defend itself, then we are a disgrace to all our values.

We and our NATO allies have never said we would fight on the ground in Ukraine.
That can't happen of course because it has to avoid America or allies meeting up with Russia. That's why it has to remain a proxy war. America's plan for that to work to destroy Russia didn't work. America probably didn't consider the consequences of it not working, and then turning the othere way with advantages to Russia.
If the Ukrainian nationalists are eventually outnumbered and defeated, it will be a tragedy for freedom everywhere,
America has provided many examples of that in it's many wars of aggression and got away with it. But that was in a different world in which no other superpower could rein America in. Now it's different and we see how it's different by the sentiments of the world turning against America and their Zionist allies.
But Russia will have paid an immense price, and their savage bloody violation of Ukrainian sovereignty will never be forgotten, nor will they ever be able to rule or pacify all of Ukraine. That much is certain,
America's bloody violation of Iraq's sovereignty will be forgotten too.
In fact, currently Russia isn't paying a price. Russia is cashing in on America's fall from favour and the natural alignment with China and the Brics.

The situation for America has become so undesirable now, that America wants out. America's R party is refusing aid to the Ukraine and the American people are not stepping up to back Biden's demands.

Russia has the means and the resources needed to continue the war indefinitely.
It's all over for Nazi Winkle and his fellow Nazis .
The UAF is finished and some well informed people even put UAF losses at over one million .
Talking about Finland is an irrelevancy and now we can rename Nazi Winkle accordingly .

SS Nazi Irrelevant Winkle

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