Moscow introduces a measure that would require foreigners entering the country to affirm that they believe marriage is between a man and a woman


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
one for sure the gays are the new Jews for Moscow 🇷🇺 imperialists...

An attorney in Moscow told me the Muscovite "Constitution" provides equal rights for all Muscovites.
I immediately pointed out several recent instances where that statement can not be true.
He got angry.
As in Animal Farm... some animals are more equal than others.

Moscow introduces a measure that would require foreigners entering the country to affirm that they believe marriage is between a man and a woman


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All muslim countries have that stance. ISLAMICS HATE GAYS.

The 🇸🇦🇷🇺Kingdom in the Closet​

Sodomy is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia, but gay life flourishes there. Why it is “easier to be gay than straight”


🇸🇦🇷🇺men having sex with other men don’t consider themselves gay. For many Saudis, the fact that a man has sex with another man has little to do with “gayness.” The act may fulfill a desire or a need, but it doesn’t constitute an identity. Nor does it strip a man of his masculinity, as long as he is in the “top,” or active, role. This attitude gives Saudi men who engage in homosexual behavior a degree of freedom. But as a more Westernized notion of gayness—a notion that stresses orientation over acts—takes hold in the country, will this delicate balance survive?

‘They will seduce you’

Gay courting in the kingdom is often overt—in fact, the preferred mode is cruising. “When I was new here, I was worried when six or seven cars would follow me as I walked down the street,” Jamie, a 31-year-old Filipino florist living in Jeddah, told me. “Especially if you’re pretty like me, they won’t stop chasing you.”...
one for sure the gays are the new Jews for Moscow 🇷🇺 imperialists...

An attorney in Moscow told me the Muscovite "Constitution" provides equal rights for all Muscovites.
I immediately pointed out several recent instances where that statement can not be true.
He got angry.
As in Animal Farm... some animals are more equal than others.
View attachment 938706
Moscow introduces a measure that would require foreigners entering the country to affirm that they believe marriage is between a man and a woman

In the 1970’s a cop found drugs in an apartment. He had no warrant. They charged the guy with the drugs. The defendants lawyer began reading from the Right of Citizens. The Judge interrupted him after a couple minutes and said everyone was familiar with the Constitutional Rights.

The Defense lawyer explained that these were the right of Soviet Citizens. And the only difference between the words in one constitution and the other was Judges who upheld one, and Judges who ignored the other.

The evidence was ruled inadmissible. It was an illegal search and seizure. All charges were dismissed. The Exceptional Circumstances claim by police was not enough.

I learned that story when I was taking a class on Law, Courts, Crime, and Police Science. We learned that when we were discussing the Bill of Rights.

This is why Russia is a Barbaric nation. They lie about everything. They don’t believe their own laws, because they know the written ideals are meaningless. The law is whatever someone in charge says it is.

The people accept it. They support it. They are not deserving of any respect because of that simple fact.
In the 1970’s a cop found drugs in an apartment. He had no warrant. They charged the guy with the drugs. The defendants lawyer began reading from the Right of Citizens. The Judge interrupted him after a couple minutes and said everyone was familiar with the Constitutional Rights.

The Defense lawyer explained that these were the right of Soviet Citizens. And the only difference between the words in one constitution and the other was Judges who upheld one, and Judges who ignored the other.

The evidence was ruled inadmissible. It was an illegal search and seizure. All charges were dismissed. The Exceptional Circumstances claim by police was not enough.

I learned that story when I was taking a class on Law, Courts, Crime, and Police Science. We learned that when we were discussing the Bill of Rights.

This is why Russia is a Barbaric nation. They lie about everything. They don’t believe their own laws, because they know the writtehn ideals are meaningless. The law is whatever someone in charge says it is.

The people accept it. They support it. They are not deserving of any respect because of that simple fact.

You have just described what the USA has morphed into.
All muslim countries have that stance. ISLAMICS HATE GAYS.

Yet the cult will not call them out, because they know the muslims may just kill them.

Homosexuality in the Palestinian territories is considered a taboo subject; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people experience persecution and violence.

Cult, you support homophobia why?
What does this have to do with Russia?
one for sure the gays are the new Jews for Moscow 🇷🇺 imperialists...

An attorney in Moscow told me the Muscovite "Constitution" provides equal rights for all Muscovites.
I immediately pointed out several recent instances where that statement can not be true.
He got angry.
As in Animal Farm... some animals are more equal than others.
View attachment 938706
Moscow introduces a measure that would require foreigners entering the country to affirm that they believe marriage is between a man and a woman

It's not that controversial is it?

That marriage is between a man and a woman?

It doesn't outlaw homosexuality; the state simply does not recognize homosexual unions.

Biden held that view in 2006, and gay marriage was not recognized at the federal level here in the US until 2022.

In the 1970’s a cop found drugs in an apartment. He had no warrant. They charged the guy with the drugs. The defendants lawyer began reading from the Right of Citizens. The Judge interrupted him after a couple minutes and said everyone was familiar with the Constitutional Rights.

The Defense lawyer explained that these were the right of Soviet Citizens. And the only difference between the words in one constitution and the other was Judges who upheld one, and Judges who ignored the other.

The evidence was ruled inadmissible. It was an illegal search and seizure. All charges were dismissed. The Exceptional Circumstances claim by police was not enough.

I learned that story when I was taking a class on Law, Courts, Crime, and Police Science. We learned that when we were discussing the Bill of Rights.

This is why Russia is a Barbaric nation. They lie about everything. They don’t believe their own laws, because they know the written ideals are meaningless. The law is whatever someone in charge says it is.

The people accept it. They support it. They are not deserving of any respect because of that simple fact.
YES, there is the only one solution :

What does this have to do with Russia?
🇷🇺 🇸🇦 Muscovy is a semi - Islamic empire , and has always been such

Window on Eurasia: Putin Says 🇷🇺Orthodoxy 'Closer to 🇸🇦Islam than ...

Genghisids ruled Muscovy until 19c. At a later period, Tatar potentates of Genghisid stock included the khans of Qazan and Qasim (notably a Muscovite tsar, Simeon Bekbulatovich, formally Grand Prince of Muscovy from 1575 to 1576, died 1616) and the Giray dynasty, which ruled the Khanate of Crimea until 1783.[1]

"Moscow’s princes emulated the behavior of the Khans when they ousted them from the ...lands and succeeded them as Tsars in the sixteenth century. Indeed, they justified their new imperial status not just for the basis of their spiritual descent from Byzantium but also on the basis of their territorial inheritance from Genghis Khan. The title “Tsar” had been used by the last Khan of the Golden Horde and for a time the Muscovite terms for Tsar and Khan were interchangeable. Even Genghis Khan was rendered Genghis Tsar.[31]"


"On 19 April, in an interview with Radio Svoboda, Tjundeshev reiterated his thesis. "The Golden Horde introduced the imperial spirit to Moscow, and Batu Khan was the true founder of Moscow statehood [. . .]. The mindset of Muscovites is mainly Asian. Even if the population is of European stock, only a small minority think within European parameters. This is why,” says the Tatar scholar, “it is so difficult for Muscovites to learn to be free; they always need a strong hand to rule them.”

Putin, heir to the Mongol Grand Khans
You have just described what the USA has morphed into.

No. Not even close.

You of course are alluding to the January 6th folks and Trump. Nonsense. First. I’ve covered Jan 6 so many times my fingers can type it without being awake. I won’t bore you with it.

Second. Trump. Again nonsense. The idea that Trump is being targeted is bullshit. He made the decisions. He took the actions. Those actions have been illegal for decades. A century in one case. None of this is new. The only new thing is that Trump imagined himself entitled. He wasn’t. And is not.

The Bundy’s got cut loose because they showed the Federal Agents were lying. I still think they are a bunch of asshats. But I agreed wholeheartedly with the decision to dismiss all charges because of misconduct on the part of the prosecutor.

I’ve said before. I want Trump’s lawyers to offer a vigorous defense. I want them challenging everything. I believe it should be hard to convict someone. That is after all the intent of the Constitution.

No. We are not into Russia law. Propaganda of the Fanboys aside.
No. Not even close.

You of course are alluding to the January 6th folks and Trump. Nonsense. First. I’ve covered Jan 6 so many times my fingers can type it without being awake. I won’t bore you with it.

Second. Trump. Again nonsense. The idea that Trump is being targeted is bullshit. He made the decisions. He took the actions. Those actions have been illegal for decades. A century in one case. None of this is new. The only new thing is that Trump imagined himself entitled. He wasn’t. And is not.

The Bundy’s got cut loose because they showed the Federal Agents were lying. I still think they are a bunch of asshats. But I agreed wholeheartedly with the decision to dismiss all charges because of misconduct on the part of the prosecutor.

I’ve said before. I want Trump’s lawyers to offer a vigorous defense. I want them challenging everything. I believe it should be hard to convict someone. That is after all the intent of the Constitution.

No. We are not into Russia law. Propaganda of the Fanboys aside.

We have been as bad as Russia at least since Obama authorized Crossfire Hurricane.

All the illegal actions subsequent just pile on.
We have been as bad as Russia at least since Obama authorized Crossfire Hurricane.

All the illegal actions subsequent just pile on.

Oh bullshit. Crossfire Hurricane was a clusterfuck. But here is the fly in the buttermilk. It didn’t work. It didn’t affect the outcome of the election. I for one didn’t believe the having hookers urinate on him lie.

And before you call me a liar. Let me explain. I can imagine that Trump has hookers. Hookers are everywhere for a reason. People hire them. It’s called the world’s oldest profession for a reason.

I can with a stretch imagine water sports. But if someone was pissing on someone else. It wouldn’t be Trump getting pissed on. It would be Trump doing the pissing. That is the way his ego works.

Now Crossfire Hurricane exposed problems with the FISA system. An IG report showed that every single FISA warrant request had serious problems with them.

Now this is when I wrote off Trump. The first term City Councilman from Peoria would say the FISA system needed overhauled. A first term State Representative would demand serious changes to the FISA system.

Trump did none of that. Trump wanted to abuse the system for his own gain. So why didn’t Trump demand changes to make sure it never happened again? Why didn’t he demand legislation to protect the innocent from unwarranted intrusive government spying?

I had voted for Trump in 2016. I wasn’t voting for him in 2020. I have no intention of doing so ever again.

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