Moscow Mitch is on board with other pubes regarding Syria pullout

Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country
That is hilarious. ROTFLMAO.

What a pathetic joke this clown is.

I think you are the pathetic clown.
That's what I think personal opinion .
Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

Now US New is reporting that it appears that trump has changed his mind. Again.

Trump Administration Appears to Reverse Syria Decision Following Backlash

So President Trump shows that he is flexible, and not a rabid ideologue.
He's an idiot who acts on impulse.
Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country
That is hilarious. ROTFLMAO.

What a pathetic joke this clown is.

I think you are the pathetic clown.
That's what I think personal opinion .
Just more of your usual nothing.
Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country
That is hilarious. ROTFLMAO.

What a pathetic joke this clown is.

I think you are the pathetic clown.
That's what I think personal opinion .
Just more of your usual nothing.

Unlike you, right?

Who is full of shit
Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country
That is hilarious. ROTFLMAO.

What a pathetic joke this clown is.
You march in complete lockstep to what your Pravda driven masters tell you. For years and decades you complained about our overseas entanglements. But now there are issues. The Iran deal was to one way. There needs to be some form of balance. Perhaps Trump needs to try to be a surgeon in these things. We put a line in the sand for everything we do. And it costs us a lot of money for it. And a lot of lives.
"Trump needs to be a surgeon in these things"?


I wouldn't trust that idiot to manage my dog's bowel movement.
Some folks just want the USA to remain at war forever.......

Some folks just want the USA to keep the promises they made when they asked the Kurds to help them get rid of ISIS. The Kurds held up their end of thing. Now Trump is allowing Erdogan to go in and slaughter them.

This is the same President who promised to pay the North Koreans if they returned Otto Warmbier. Who negotiated a free trade agreement with Mexico and then threatened to slap on tariffs and close the border because of illegal immigration.

Trump does not keep his word. Promises, contracts and agreements mean nothing to him. That is how he conducted business. That's why he's been involved in over 3000 law suits. Because Trump makes promises, deals, and commitments, and then renegs on them.

That is what Trump is doing here. Destorying the reputation of the United States of America for upholding its commitments to its allies. This isn't about the USA being the world's cop, because that's not what they've been doing with ISIS. Americans fought ISIS in the Middle East, to keep them from fighting them at home.
Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

Only Donald Trump can turn the Democratic Party into war mongering chicken hawks parroting neocon propaganda
So the same Democrats who praised Obama for getting America out of Iraq are upset that Trump wants to get us out of Syria dam far left war mongers.
Some folks just want the USA to keep the promises they made when they asked the Kurds to help them get rid of ISIS. The Kurds held up their end of thing. Now Trump is allowing Erdogan to go in and slaughter them.
They're just Muslims, no need to get all worked up.
So the same Democrats who praised Obama for getting America out of Iraq are upset that Trump wants to get us out of Syria dam far left war mongers.
Actually, if you were paying attention, you would realize it is the republicans that are upset with trump.
So the same Democrats who praised Obama for getting America out of Iraq are upset that Trump wants to get us out of Syria dam far left war mongers.
Actually, if you were paying attention, you would realize it is the republicans that are upset with trump.
So are the Democrats maybe you should take your own advice. Republicans being upset about leaving a war zone is not exactly shocking of course neither is it shocking that Democrats are upset with Trump for doing something they would cheer if it was being done by a Democrat President.
Some folks just want the USA to remain at war forever.......

Some folks just want the USA to keep the promises they made when they asked the Kurds to help them get rid of ISIS. The Kurds held up their end of thing. Now Trump is allowing Erdogan to go in and slaughter them.

This is the same President who promised to pay the North Koreans if they returned Otto Warmbier. Who negotiated a free trade agreement with Mexico and then threatened to slap on tariffs and close the border because of illegal immigration.

Trump does not keep his word. Promises, contracts and agreements mean nothing to him. That is how he conducted business. That's why he's been involved in over 3000 law suits. Because Trump makes promises, deals, and commitments, and then renegs on them.

That is what Trump is doing here. Destorying the reputation of the United States of America for upholding its commitments to its allies. This isn't about the USA being the world's cop, because that's not what they've been doing with ISIS. Americans fought ISIS in the Middle East, to keep them from fighting them at home.
Oh bullshit...Turkey is a member state of the alliance....Trump said we have been at war long enough...what do we gain by it at this point?...only the loss of good men and women as well as your kids you have any idea what this is costing?...funny how you dems can do a back flip with your opinions on important matters when you hate the man in charge....if you were honest which you are far would be in favor of don't give a rats ass about the Kurds...besides the Kurds are very capable of defending themselves...If Turkey wants a quagmire let them fire a shot at the Kurds....
Again, it's funny watching the anti-war left support war.

You guys really have no principles except ORANGE MAN BAD, do you?
Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

Nope you're right there is a thousand or two he's only moving 50.

Trump says he’s ending the US role in Syria. That’s not true.

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