Moscow Mitch is on board with other pubes regarding Syria pullout

Well, we said that if we left, the Kurds would be attacked and Trump wouldn't do anything to help our allies. Guess we were right.

The really bad thing about all this, is that if we need help from some other group in the future, they are going to look at us kinda sideways, because they won't know if they can depend on us or not.
"Moscow Mitch"??? McConnell has supported selling arms to Georgia and Ukraine (which Moscow bitterly opposes), supported tough sanctions on Russia (which Moscow obviously does not like), supported the expulsion of dozens of Russian diplomats (which did not please Moscow), supported cancelling the absurd Iran nuke deal (whereas Moscow supports the deal), etc., etc., etc. What planet do you live on?
The withdrawal from Northern Syria just PROVES what many of us suspected all along:

Donald Trump is a secret member of ISIS!

He WANTS ISIS terrorists to escape to Europe. He WANTS ISIS to reform in Syria.

He is a Traitor!
Sure, Moscow Mitch, Lin and other pubes will overlook a lot of trump's idiotic decisions --- that is the trade off for having a useful idiot to push their agendas through.

But some things even Moscow Mitch and the gang have to call the idiot-in-chief on.

McConnell among Republicans criticizing Trump's Syria decision - CNNPolitics

Top Republicans in Congress -- including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- criticized President Donald Trump over his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria as Turkey plans a military offensive there.

McConnell urged Trump to reverse his move, saying "a precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime."

"I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners," said McConnell. "Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey's ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage."

Obungles leaves the Kurds out to dry

You concern about the Kurds is admirable. Okay, it's just bullshit, but I still think you should get over there and help them out, you smelly, vile twat.

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