Moscow murderer recruited from prison by Wagner GRU & pardoned by Putin went on a rampage on a train on his way home from Ukraine in Moscow I VIDEO

Turn on your TV and see it being talked about on multiple networks. The Russian military kill Wagner troops. Prigozhin is pissed and vowing to restore justice. Cool!
So is this “good news”? The world’s largest nuclear superpower is destabilizing. What could possibly go wrong there?
So is this “good news”? The world’s largest nuclear superpower is destabilizing. What could possibly go wrong there?
What? You think Putin will nuke his own country? Put down that crack pipe, Hawk.
"Everything is going according to plan." Saddam Putsein

One of the major political parties, LDPR, formerly headed by nationalist Vladimir Zhironovsky, posted on Twitter that “Putin is a girl.”

Okay so it’s not a serious “civil war” at all then.
I haven't had the TV on this morning, as loading for kayaking, but last night, we just didn't know and probably still don't, but I doubt it. I think he's a Russian patriot, but if Russian military is supposed to be friendly forces, they can't be killing your mercs. Not answering that kind of assault is bad for business and morale.
I haven't had the TV on this morning, as loading for kayaking, but last night, we just didn't know and probably still don't, but I doubt it. I think he's a Russian patriot, but if Russian military is supposed to be friendly forces, they can't be killing your mercs. Not answering that kind of assault is bad for business and morale.

man , just look at this !!!

Russia: "The governors of Voronezh and Lipetsk regions are panicking. Lipetsk governor Artamonov is drunk. Almost no one in Moscow answers, they don't know what to do."

AND LIBERATION WAR FOR Moscow colonial subjects :thup:

Prigozhin is pro-Putin. He wants to oust some generals who are inept. That way they can stop holding back on Ukraine. Weird you would support this. You are a Prigozhin stooge.
Prigozhin is pro-Putin. He wants to oust some generals who are inept. That way they can stop holding back on Ukraine. Weird you would support this. You are a Prigozhin stooge.
Not hardly. Prigozhin claims Shoigu has been lying to Putin all along and Putin didn't have a clue, so what does that make Putin? A fool. So when Prigozhin takes out the generals who have been running Putin, then Prigozhin will be running Russia. Prigozhin may like Putin or find it useful to keep him around, but clearly he doesn't respect him.

If Prigozhin is not quickly squashed, even if he does manage to kill all his enemies, Russia will be immersed in a civil war for some time to come, and that will require troops to be withdrawn from Ukraine and confusion among Russian troops about which leader to follow, and that is all good news for Ukraine.

Prigozhin is a war criminal who should be hanged, but not until he hangs all the other Russian war criminals, so good luck, Yevgeny, and see you later at the ICC.
Not hardly. Prigozhin claims Shoigu has been lying to Putin all along and Putin didn't have a clue, so what does that make Putin? A fool. So when Prigozhin takes out the generals who have been running Putin, then Prigozhin will be running Russia. Prigozhin may like Putin or find it useful to keep him around, but clearly he doesn't respect him.

If Prigozhin is not quickly squashed, even if he does manage to kill all his enemies, Russia will be immersed in a civil war for some time to come, and that will require troops to be withdrawn from Ukraine and confusion among Russian troops about which leader to follow, and that is all good news for Ukraine.

Prigozhin is a war criminal who should be hanged, but not until he hangs all the other Russian war criminals, so good luck, Yevgeny, and see you later at the ICC.
Sounds like a great guy to have in charge of the nukes.

He wants to make Kiev into a glass parking lot.

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