MOSCOW 🐷 🇷🇺 OFFICIAL : Put nuclear weapons in Cuba


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Our (Liberal Order ) softness encourages all of this....

Moscow 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

Moscow horde should place its nuclear weapons in “friendly countries” near the US in response to Washington’s alleged plans to move its own tactical arms to Europe, lawmaker Aleksey Zhuravlev has suggested.

I suspect that we won't hear much about the threats of either side.
Neither side wants or even needs nuclear escalation of any kind.

MOSCOW OFFICIAL : Put nuclear weapons in Cuba
That didn't work out too well the last time. But then again, biden is no Kennedy.

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WHAT you´d do ?
I'm not the president.

If Russia put nukes in Cuba Biden would send Hunter to Putin for some cash.

Trump would likely force them out of Cuba, one way or another. I think you're missing the point how close Cuba is to the US, and how American businessmen would love to take over Cuba and turn it into another Miami or Las Vegas. I don't think Putin is that stupid to give them a reason to take Cuba.
There is no need or strategic advantage in placing nuclear warheads in Latin America.
I'm not the president.

If Russia put nukes in Cuba Biden would send Hunter to Putin for some cash.

Trump would likely force them out of Cuba, one way or another. I think you're missing the point how close Cuba is to the US, and how American businessmen would love to take over Cuba and turn it into another Miami or Las Vegas. I don't think Putin is that stupid to give them a reason to take Cuba.


I'm not the president.

If Russia put nukes in Cuba Biden would send Hunter to Putin for some cash.

Trump would likely force them out of Cuba, one way or another. I think you're missing the point how close Cuba is to the US, and how American businessmen would love to take over Cuba and turn it into another Miami or Las Vegas. I don't think Putin is that stupid to give them a reason to take Cuba.
It is possible China will make inroads into Central and South America including the Islands. They have made some deals with some nations already. It is not farfetched eventually to see military installations at some point.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration on Monday re-designated Cuba as a "state sponsor of terrorism," hitting the country with new sanctions that could hamstring President-elect Joe Biden's promise to renew relations with the communist-governed island.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the step, citing in particular Cuba's continued harboring of U.S. fugitives, its refusal to extradite a coterie of Colombian guerrilla commanders as well as its support for Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro.

The designation, which had been discussed for years, is one of several last-minute foreign policy moves that the Trump administration is making before Biden takes office Jan. 20.

Removing Cuba from the blacklist had been one of former President Barack Obama's main foreign policy achievements as he sought better relations with the island, an effort endorsed by Biden as his vice president. Ties had been essentially frozen after Fidel Castro took power in 1959.

As he has with Iran, Trump has sought to reverse many of Obama's decisions involving Cuba. He has taken a tough line on Havana and rolled back many of the sanctions that the Obama administration had eased or lifted after the restoration of full diplomatic relations in 2015.

Since Trump took office, after a campaign that attacked Obama's moves to normalize relations with Cuba, ties have been increasingly strained.

In addition to attacking Cuba for its support of Maduro, the Trump administration has also suggested that Cuba may have been behind or allowed alleged sonic attacks that left dozens of U.S. diplomats in Havana with brain injuries starting in late 2016.

However, few U.S, allies believe Cuba remains a sponsor of international terrorism, quibbling with either the definition based on the support for Maduro or outright rejecting American claims that Cuban authorities are bankrolling or masterminding international terrorist attacks.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez condemned the U.S. action. "The US political opportunism is recognized by those who are honestly concerned about the scourge of terrorism and its victims," he said on Twitter.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, the new chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Trump's designation would not help the Cuban people and seeks only to tie the hands of the Biden administration.

"This designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism with less than a week to go in his presidency and after he incited a domestic terror attack on the U.S. Capital … that's hypocrisy," Meeks said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Vote for President Trump. He has his foot
i dont think so....

by the way, Do you support this decision ?

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